Proclamation under the Tasmanian Forests Agreement Act 2013
I, the Governor in and over the State of Tasmania and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Executive Council, by this my proclamation made under section 25(21) of the Tasmanian Forests Agreement Act 2013 –
16 December 2013(a) declare that any part of the proposed reserves specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 that is entered in the Register of Multiple Use Forest Land, immediately before the making of this proclamation, is deleted from the Register; and(b) revoke the dedication as State forest of such part of the proposed reserves specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 that is, immediately before the making of this proclamation, dedicated as State forest; and(c) declare any part of the proposed reserves specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 that is not Crown land, by virtue of paragraph (b) , to be Crown land; and(d) revoke all orders and proclamations reserving Crown land as public reserve, including all orders by virtue of the provisions of any other Act that were taken to have been made pursuant to section 8(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1976 , in so far as they relate to the proposed reserves specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 immediately before the making of the proclamation; and(e) declare the proposed reserves specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 to be reserved land in the class of national park, regional reserve or conservation area, being classes of reserve set out in section 11(2)(a) of the Nature Conservation Act 2002 , as specified in column 2 of that table; and(f) give the names listed in column 3 to the reserved land referred to in paragraph (e) ; and(g) declare that the reserved land referred to in paragraph (e) is being declared for the additional purpose of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by all or any of the following means:(i) sequestering carbon in native forest;(ii) avoiding emissions of greenhouse gas attributable to changed forest management practices including the clearing or harvesting of native forest.
By His Excellency's Command,
Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage
SCHEDULE 1 - Proposed Reserves
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 |
Proposed reserve | Reserve class | Reserve name |
All that area of land comprising approximately 5 851 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9650 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 1 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 6 672 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9651 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 2 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 346.8 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9652 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 3 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Conservation area | Tarraleah Conservation Area |
All that area of land comprising approximately 2 809 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9653 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 4 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Conservation area | Central Plateau Conservation Area |
All that area of land comprising approximately 806.8 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9654 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 5 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Conservation area | Central Plateau Conservation Area |
All that area of land comprising approximately 2 829 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9655 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 6 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 96.27 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9656 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 7 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 2 775 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9657 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 8 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Regional reserve | Clear Hill Regional Reserve |
All that area of land comprising approximately 2 620 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9658 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 9 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Southwest National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 7 474 hectares shown as Lot 1, 1 080 square metres shown as Lot 2 and 3.584 hectares shown as Lot 3 on Plan 9659 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 10 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Regional reserve | Florentine River Regional Reserve |
All that area of land comprising approximately 1 031 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9660 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 11 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Southwest National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 902.6 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9661 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 12 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 156.9 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9662 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 13 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 137.7 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9663 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 14 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Mount Field National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 390.8 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9664 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 15 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Mount Field National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 9.373 hectares shown as Lot 1, and approximately 16.69 hectares shown as Lot 2, on Plan 9665 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 16 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Mount Field National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 4 971 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9666 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 17 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Mount Field National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 81.88 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9667 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 18 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Mount Field National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 610.6 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9668 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 19 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Regional reserve | Humboldt Ridge Regional Reserve |
All that area of land comprising approximately 1 095 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9669 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 20 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Mount Field National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 11 149 hectares shown as Lot 1 and 1 680 hectares shown as Lot 6 on Plan 9670 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 21 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Regional reserve | Styx River Regional Reserve |
All that area of land comprising approximately 5 068 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9671 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 22 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Southwest National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 1 356 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9672 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 23 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Southwest National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 4 619 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9673 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 24 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Regional reserve | Weld River Regional Reserve |
All that area of land comprising approximately 8 364 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9674 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 25 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Conservation area | Russell Ridge Conservation Area |
All that area of land comprising approximately 3 518 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9675 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 26 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Southwest National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 4 614 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9676 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 27 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Conservation area | Picton River Conservation Area |
All that area of land comprising approximately 13.48 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9677 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 28 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Southwest National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 4 754 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9678 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 29 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Southwest National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 4 976 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9679 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 30 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | National park | Hartz Mountains National Park |
All that area of land comprising approximately 3 926 hectares shown as Lot 1 on Plan 9680 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Part 31 of Schedule 2 to this proclamation. | Conservation area | Catamaran River Conservation Area |
SCHEDULE 2 - Plans
PART 1 - Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park
PART 2 - Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park
PART 3 - Tarraleah Conservation Area
PART 4 - Central Plateau Conservation Area
PART 5 - Central Plateau Conservation Area
PART 6 - Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park
PART 7 - Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park
PART 8 - Clear Hill Regional Reserve
PART 9 - Southwest National Park
PART 10 - Florentine River Regional Reserve
PART 11 - Southwest National Park
PART 12 - Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park
PART 13 - Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park
PART 14 - Mount Field National Park
PART 15 - Mount Field National Park
PART 16 - Mount Field National Park
PART 17 - Mount Field National Park
PART 18 - Mount Field National Park
PART 19 - Humboldt Ridge Regional Reserve
PART 20 - Mount Field National Park
PART 21 - Styx River Regional Reserve
PART 22 - Southwest National Park
PART 23 - Southwest National Park
PART 24 - Weld River Regional Reserve
PART 25 - Russell Ridge Conservation Area
PART 26 - Southwest National Park
PART 27 - Picton River Conservation Area
PART 28 - Southwest National Park
PART 29 - Southwest National Park
PART 30 - Hartz Mountains National Park
PART 31 - Catamaran River Conservation Area
Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953.
Notified in the Gazette on 18 December 2013
This proclamation is administered in the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment.
(This note is not part of the proclamation)
This proclamation, under the Tasmanian Forests Agreement Act 2013 –(a) removes certain areas, that are contained in the proposed reserves specified in Schedule 1 to this proclamation, from the Register of Multiple Use Forest Land; and(b) revokes the dedication as State forest of certain areas that are contained in the proposed reserves specified in Schedule 1 to this proclamation; and(c) revokes any public reserves contained in the proposed reserves specified in Schedule 1 to this proclamation; and(d) declares certain areas of Crown land to be reserved land in the classes of national park, regional reserve or conservation area; and(e) declares that the new reserves are also being declared for the additional purpose of removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by a range of means.