Regional Forest Agreement (Land Classification) Act 1998
An Act to classify certain land pursuant to the Regional Forest Agreement and to amend the Forestry Act 1920 , National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 and the Crown Lands Act 1976
Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows:
PART 1 - Preliminary
This Act may be cited as the Regional Forest Agreement (Land Classification) Act 1998 .
(1) Division 3 of Part 2 and Schedules 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 and 13 commence on a day to be proclaimed.(2) Section 6 and Schedule 2 commence on a day to be proclaimed, being a day subsequent to the day proclaimed under subsection (1).(3) Division 2 of Part 2 and Schedule 5 commence on a day to be proclaimed, being a day subsequent to the day proclaimed under subsection (2).(4) Part 5 commences on the day proclaimed under subsection (3).(5) Sections 73 , 75 , 76 , 77 , 80 , 81 , 82 , 83 , 84 , 85 , 86 , 87 , 88 , 89 , 90 , 91 , 92 , 93 , 94 , 95 , 96 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 100 and 101 commence on the day proclaimed under subsection (1).(6) Sections 31 , 32 , 36 , 40 , 45 , 48 , 49 , 51 and 52 commence on the day proclaimed under subsection (1).(7) Sections 33 , 37 , 41 , 74 , 78 and 79 commence on the day proclaimed under subsection (3).(8) The remaining provisions of this Act commence on the day on which this Act receives the Royal Assent.
(1) In this Act, unless the contrary intention appears –conservation area has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ;forest reserve has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 1920 ;former Act means –(a) in Division 1 of Part 2 , the Forestry Act 1920 as in force immediately before the commencement of section 30; and(b) in Division 2 of Part 2 and Schedule 5 , the Crown Lands Act 1976 as in force immediately before the commencement of Part 5; and(c) in Division 3 of Part 2 , the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 as in force immediately before the commencement of section 73;game reserve has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ;historic site has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ;national park has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ;nature recreation area has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ;nature reserve has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ;private land has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ;private sanctuary has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ;public reserve has the same meaning as in the Crown Lands Act 1976 ;Regional Forest Agreement means the agreement made on 8 November 1997 between the State of Tasmania and the Commonwealth of Australia relating to the management and use of Tasmanian forests;Register of Multiple Use Forest Land has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 1920 ;reserved land has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ;State forest has the same meaning as in the Forestry Act 1920 ;State reserve has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .(2) Except as otherwise provided in this Act, a reference to the Forestry Act 1920 , the Crown Lands Act 1976 or the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 is a reference to that Act as amended by Part 4, 5 or 6.(3) In Division 3 of Part 2 –(a) where the wordsa conservation area are used, those words refer to a conservation area within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 as in force immediately before the commencement of section 73; and(b) where the wordsa State reserve are used, those words refer to a State reserve within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 as in force immediately before the commencement of section 73; and(c) where the wordsa game reserve are used, those words refer to a game reserve within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 as in force immediately before the commencement of section 73; and(d) where the wordsa local reserve are used, those words refer to a local reserve within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 as in force immediately before the commencement of section 73; and(e) where the wordsa private reserve are used, those words refer to a private reserve within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 as in force immediately before the commencement of section 73.(4) In this Act, a reference to a plan by a number is a reference to the plan so numbered in the Central Plan Register.
PART 2 - Classification of certain land
Division 1 - Forestry Act 1920
4. Continuation of status of certain land
Any area of land that, immediately before the commencement of this section, was State forest or a forest reserve under the former Act continues as such until or unless –(a) its dedication as State forest or a forest reserve is revoked under this Act or the Forestry Act 1920 ; or(b) it ceases, under this Act or the Forestry Act 1920 , to be State forest or a forest reserve.
5. Dedication of forest reserves revoked
The dedication as a forest reserve of all land, the approximate areas of which are specified in Column 2 of Schedule 1 and are indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the plans listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, is revoked.
[Commences: 27 December 2000
6. Cessation of certain land as State forest
(1) The dedication as a forest reserve of any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 2 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, is revoked.(2) Notwithstanding section 14(2) of the Forestry Act 1920 , the dedication as State forest of any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 2 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, is revoked.(3) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 2 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, that became State forest, other than by dedication as such under the Forestry Act 1920 , ceases to be State forest.(4) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 2 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, that was entered in the Register of Multiple Use Forest Land under the former Act is deleted from that Register.
7. Certain land to be entered in Register of Multiple Use Forest Land
(1) The reservation under the Crown Lands Act 1976 of any part of any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 3 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, is revoked.(2) All land, the approximate areas of which are specified in Column 2 of Schedule 3 and are indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the plans listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, is entered in the Register of Multiple Use Forest Land and is taken to have been so entered under the Forestry Act 1920 .
8. Dedication of forest reserves
(1) The reservation under the Crown Lands Act 1976 of any part of any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 4 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, is revoked.(2) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 4 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, that was entered in the Register of Multiple Use Forest Land under the former Act is deleted from that Register.(3) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 4 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, that was not State forest under the former Act is dedicated under this Act as State forest.(4) All land, the approximate areas of which are specified in Column 2 of Schedule 4 and are indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the plans listed in Column 3 of that Schedule, is dedicated as a forest reserve and is taken to have been so dedicated under the Forestry Act 1920 .(5) The Mineral Resources Development Act 1995 applies to all land, the approximate areas of which are specified in Column 2 of Schedule 4 and are indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the plans listed in Column 3 of that Schedule.
[Commences: 31 December 2001
Division 2 - Crown Lands Act 1976[Commences: 31 December 2001]
The reservation under the former Act of any land specified in Part 1 of Schedule 5 is revoked.
10. Reservation of public reserves
(1) In this section,Crown land has the same meaning as in the Crown Lands Act 1976 .(2) The reservation of any area of Crown land, other than the land referred to in section 9 , that, immediately before the commencement of this section was in force under the former Act, is revoked.(3) The following areas of Crown land are reserved to the Crown as public reserves and are taken to have been so reserved under the Crown Lands Act 1976 , unless those areas of land are State forest or reserved land:(a) the land the reservation of which was revoked under subsection (2) ;(b) any area of Crown land specified in Part 2 of Schedule 5 .(4) The Mineral Resources Development Act 1995 applies to any area of Crown land to which that Act applied immediately before the commencement of this Division that is reserved to the Crown as a public reserve under subsection (3) .
Division 3 - National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970
11. Land ceasing to be reserved land
Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 6 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule –(a) ceases to be or to form part of a conservation area; and(b) ceases to be reserved land.
12. Removal of status of all land under former Act
(1) Any area of land that was a conservation area immediately before the commencement of this Division ceases to be or to form part of a conservation area.(2) Any area of land that was a State reserve or a game reserve immediately before the commencement of this Division –(a) ceases to be or to form part of a conservation area; and(b) ceases to be a State reserve or a game reserve.(3) Any area of land that was a private reserve or a local reserve immediately before the commencement of this Division –(a) ceases to be or to form part of a conservation area; and(b) ceases to be a private reserve or a local reserve.
13. Removal of status of certain land under Forestry Act 1920
(1) The dedication as a forest reserve of any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 7 , Part 1 of Schedule 8 , Part 2 of Schedule 9 , Schedule 11 or Part 2 of Schedule 12 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of those Schedules or Parts of Schedules, is revoked.(2) Notwithstanding section 14(2) of the Forestry Act 1920 , the dedication as State forest of any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 7 , Part 1 of Schedule 8 , Part 2 of Schedule 9 , Schedule 11 or Part 2 of Schedule 12 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of those Schedules or Parts of Schedules, is revoked.(3) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 7 , Part 1 of Schedule 8 , Part 2 of Schedule 9 , Schedule 11 or Part 2 of Schedule 12 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of those Schedules or Parts of Schedules, that became State forest, other than by dedication as such under the Forestry Act 1920 , ceases to be State forest.(4) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 7 , Part 1 of Schedule 8 , Part 2 of Schedule 9 , Schedule 11 or Part 2 of Schedule 12 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of those Schedules or Parts of Schedules, that was entered in the Register of Multiple Use Forest Land under the former Act is deleted from that Register.(5) In this section,former Act means the Forestry Act 1920 as in force immediately before the commencement of section 30.
14. Declaration of certain land as national park
(1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Division, any area of land that was a State reserve immediately before the commencement of this Division and whose name included the expression "national park" –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of national park and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) continues to be known by the same name.(2) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 7 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of national park and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given the relevant name specified in Column 1 of that Schedule and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
15. Declaration of certain land as State reserve
(1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Division, any area of land that was a State reserve immediately before the commencement of this Division –(a) whose name included the expression "State reserve" –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of State reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) continues to be known by the same name; or(b) whose name included the expression "aboriginal site" –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of State reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act; or(c) whose name did not include the expression "State reserve", "national park", "nature reserve", "historic site" or "aboriginal site" –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of State reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act; or(d) that has not been given a name under the former Act –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of State reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act.(2) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 8 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Part –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of State reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given the relevant name specified in Column 1 of that Part and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .(3) The reservation under the Crown Lands Act 1976 of the reserve specified in Column 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 8 is revoked.(4) The land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 3 of Part 2 of Schedule 8 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the plan listed in Column 4 of that Part –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of State reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given the name specified in Column 2 of that Part and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
16. Naming of certain State reserve
The land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Part 3 of Schedule 8 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the plan listed in Column 3 of that Part, is to be given the name specified in Column 1 of that Part and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
17. Declaration of certain Crown land as conservation area
(1) In this section,Crown land has the same meaning as in the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .(2) Except as otherwise provided in this Division, any area of Crown land that was, or formed part of, a conservation area immediately before the commencement of this Division –(a) whose name included the expression "conservation area" –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of conservation area and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) continues to be known by the same name; or(b) whose name included the expression "wildlife sanctuary" –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of conservation area and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act; or(c) whose name did not include either of the expressions referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of conservation area and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act; or(d) that has not been given a name under the former Act –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of conservation area and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act.(3) The reservation under the Crown Lands Act 1976 of any reserve specified in Column 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 9 is revoked.(4) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 9 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 4 of that Part –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of conservation area and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given the relevant name specified in Column 2 of that Part and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .(5) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Part 2 of Schedule 9 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Part –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of conservation area and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given the relevant name specified in Column 1 of that Part and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
18. Declaration of certain land vested in public authority as conservation area
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Division, any area of land vested in a public authority that was, or formed part of, a conservation area immediately before the commencement of this Division –(a) whose name included the expression "conservation area" –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of conservation area and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) continues to be known by the same name; or(b) whose name did not include the expression "conservation area" –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of conservation area and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act; or(c) that has not been given a name under the former Act –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of conservation area and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act.
19. Declaration of certain land as nature recreation area
(1) The reservation under the Crown Lands Act 1976 of any reserve specified in Column 1 of Schedule 10 is revoked.(2) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 3 of Schedule 10 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 4 of that Schedule –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of nature recreation area and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given the relevant name specified in Column 2 of that Schedule and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
20. Declaration of certain land as regional reserve
Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Schedule 11 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 3 of that Schedule –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of regional reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given the relevant name specified in Column 1 of that Schedule and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
21. Declaration of certain land as nature reserve
(1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Division, any area of land that was a State reserve immediately before the commencement of this Division and whose name included the expression "nature reserve" –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of nature reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) continues to be known by the same name.(2) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 4 of that Part, that was a State reserve immediately before the commencement of this Division –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of nature reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given the relevant name specified in Column 2 of that Part and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .(3) The land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 2 of Part 2 of Schedule 12 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the plan listed in Column 3 of that Part –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of nature reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given the name specified in Column 1 of that Part and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
22. Declaration of certain land as historic site
(1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Division, any area of land that was a State reserve immediately before the commencement of this Division and whose name included the expression "historic site" –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of historic site and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) continues to be known by the same name.(2) Any land, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 3 of Schedule 13 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 4 of that Schedule, that was a State reserve immediately before the commencement of this Division –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of historic site and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given the relevant name specified in Column 2 of that Schedule and is taken to have been given that name under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
23. Declaration of certain land as game reserve
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Division, any area of land that was a game reserve immediately before the commencement of this Division –(a) whose name included the expression "game reserve" –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of game reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) continues to be known by the same name; or(b) whose name did not include the expression "game reserve" –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of game reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act; or(c) that has not been given a name under the former Act –(i) is declared to be reserved land in the class of game reserve and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(ii) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act.
24. Declaration of certain private land as private sanctuary
Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Division, any area of private land that was, or formed part of, a conservation area immediately before the commencement of this Division –(a) is declared to be reserved land in the class of private sanctuary and is taken to have been so declared under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; and(b) is to be given a name by proclamation under section 15C(1) of that Act.
25. Application of Mineral Resources Development Act 1995
(1) The Mineral Resources Development Act 1995 applies to all land, the approximate areas of which are specified in Column 2 of Part 2 of Schedule 9 and Schedule 11 and are indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the plans listed in Column 3 of Part 2 of Schedule 9 and in Schedule 11 .(2) The Mineral Resources Development Act 1995 applies to any land to which that Act applied immediately before the commencement of this Division, the approximate area of which is specified in Column 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 9 or Schedule 10 and is indicated as shown bounded by heavy black lines on the relevant plan listed in Column 4 of Part 1 of Schedule 9 or Schedule 10 .
PART 3 - Miscellaneous
(1) The Governor may make regulations for the purposes of this Act.(2) The regulations may contain provisions of a savings or transitional nature consequent on the enactment of this Act.(3) A provision referred to in subsection (2) may, if the regulations so provide, take effect from the commencement of any provision of this Act or a later day.
Until provision is made in relation to this Act by order under section 4 of the Administrative Arrangements Act 1990 –(a) the administration of this Act, except Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 2 , is assigned to the Minister for Infrastructure, Energy and Resources, and the Department responsible to that Minister in relation to the administration of this Act, except those Divisions, is Forestry Tasmania; and(b) the administration of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part 2 is assigned to the Minister for Primary Industries, Water and Environment and the Department responsible to that Minister in relation to the administration of those Divisions is the Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment.
(1) Any lease, occupation permit or easement in existence in relation to land that was State forest immediately before that land ceased to be State forest or its dedication as such was revoked under Part 2 remains in force until it is discharged or terminated.(2) Any lease, occupation permit or easement referred to in subsection (1) is to be administered by the responsible Department in relation to the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .(3) Any lease, licence or temporary licence granted under the Crown Lands Act 1976 and in existence immediately before the commencement of Division 2 of Part 2 continues to have effect as if this Act had not been enacted.(4) Any contract for the sale of Crown land entered into by the Minister under the Crown Lands Act 1976 and not discharged or otherwise terminated before the commencement of Division 2 of Part 2 continues to have effect as if this Act had not been enacted.
PART 4 - Forestry Act 1920 Amended
In this Part, the Forestry Act 1920 is referred to as the Principal Act.
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
[Commences: 31 December 2001
33. Section 5 substituted
Section 5 of the Principal Act is repealed and the following section is substituted:5. Act not to apply to certain land
(1) This Act does not apply to Crown land that is reserved land within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .(2) This Act does not apply to Crown land that is reserved as a public reserve under the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
[Commences: 31 December 2001
37. Section 14 amended (Dedication of State forests)
Section 14 of the Principal Act is amended by inserting after subsection (1) the following subsection:(1A) The Governor may, by proclamation, dedicate as State forest any Crown land other than Crown land reserved as a public reserve under the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
[Commences: 31 December 2001
41. Section 17 amended (Register of Multiple Use Forest Land)
Section 17 of the Principal Act is amended as follows:(a) by omitting subsection (15) and substituting the following subsection:(15) The following land is not capable of being entered in the register:(a) Crown land that is reserved land within the meaning of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ;(b) Crown land that is reserved as a public reserve under the Crown Lands Act 1976 ;(c) land that is dedicated as a forest reserve.(b) by omitting subsection (17) and substituting the following subsection:(17) Multiple use forest land is not capable of being reserved under –(a) the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 ; or(b) the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Forestry Act 1920 .
PART 5 - Crown Lands Act 1976 Amended[Commences: 31 December 2001]
In this Part, the Crown Lands Act 1976 is referred to as the Principal Act.
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Land Acquisition Act 1993 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the Crown Lands Act 1976 .
PART 6 - National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 Amended
In this Part, the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 is referred to as the Principal Act.
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
[Commences: 31 December 2001
74. Section 3 amended (Interpretation)
Section 3(1) of the Principal Act is amended by inserting after the definition of public authority the following definition:public reserve has the same meaning as in the Crown Lands Act 1976 ;
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
[Commences: 31 December 2001
78. Section 14 amended (Declaration of Crown land as reserved land)
Section 14 of the Principal Act is amended by omitting subsection (4) and substituting the following subsection:(4) This section does not apply to any Crown land that is –(a) State forest within the meaning of the Forestry Act 1920 ; or(b) a public reserve.
[Commences: 31 December 2001
79. Section 14B amended (Land vested in public authority)
Section 14B of the Principal Act is amended by omitting subsection (5) and substituting the following subsection:(5) This section does not apply to any Crown land that is –(a) State forest within the meaning of the Forestry Act 1920 ; or(b) a public reserve.
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendments effected by this section have been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
The amendment effected by this section has been incorporated into the authorised version of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1970 .
SCHEDULE 1 - Forest reserves revoked
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Name of forest reserve | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Avenue River Forest Reserve | 1 350 | 2880 |
2. | Bradys Creek Forest Reserve | 258 | 2908 |
3. | Dogs Head Hill Forest Reserve | 274 | 2896 |
4. | Gleadow Creek Forest Reserve | 480 | 2900 |
5. | Hardings Falls Forest Reserve | 101 | 2288 |
6. | Kafoozalum Creek Forest Reserve | 1 107 | 2917 |
7. | Lower Marsh Creek Forest Reserve | 300 | 2307 |
8. | Lower Marsh Creek Forest Reserve | 540 | 2905 |
9. | Mersey River Forest Reserve | 160 | 2898 |
10. | Mount Careless Forest Reserve | 344 | 2910 |
11. | Mount Dromedary Forest Reserve | 206 | 2928 |
12. | Mount Maurice Forest Reserve | 969 | 2833 |
13. | Mount Maurice Forest Reserve | 3 700 | 3932 |
14. | Mount Victoria Forest Reserve | 3 200 | 2294 |
15. | Mount Victoria Forest Reserve | 3 100 | 3681 |
16. | Reedy Marsh Forest Reserve | 724 | 2913 |
17. | South Esk Forest Reserve | 870 | 3103 |
18. | Stephens Hill Forest Reserve | 392 | 2938 |
19. | Tombstone Creek Forest Reserve | 410 | 2282 |
20. | Tooms White Gum Forest Reserve | 123 | 2293 |
21. | Trowutta Forest Reserve | 1 546 | 2936 |
SCHEDULE 2 - Cessation of certain land as State forest[Commences: 27 December 2000]
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Location | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Arthur-Pieman Protected Area | 101 305 | 4656 |
2. | Vicinity of Arthur River | 2 385 | 4554 |
3. | Vicinity of Asbestos Range National Park | 2 095 | 4592 |
4. | Vicinity of Bay of Fires | 2 230 | 4590 |
5. | Vicinity of Beaconsfield | 385 | 4727 |
6. | Vicinity of Ben Lomond National Park | 1 665 | 4600 |
7. | Vicinity of Bicheno | 455 | 4607 |
8. | Vicinity of Blythe River | 965 | 4591 |
9. | Vicinity of Blythe River | 120 | 4594 |
10. | Vicinity of Butlers Ridge | 2 885 | 4612 |
11. | Vicinity of Cape Bernier | 1 145 | 4559 |
12. | Vicinity of Coles Bay | 2 200 | 4610 |
13. | Vicinity of Darling Range | 2 605 | 4587 |
14. | Vicinity of Dasher River | 200 | 4599 |
15. | Vicinity of Dial Range | 526 | 4593 |
16. | Vicinity of Dip Range | 4 425 | 4588 |
17. | Vicinity of Dismal Swamp | 310 | 4589 |
18. | Vicinity of Donaldson River | 30 670 | 4553 |
19. | Vicinity of Dove River | 860 | 4603 |
20. | Vicinity of Dry Creek | 274 | 4611 |
21. | Vicinity of Flinders Bay | 180 | 4616 |
22. | Vicinity of Gladstone (3 lots) | 299 | 4729 |
23. | Vicinity of Gog Range | 1 645 | 4582 |
24. | Vicinity of Gordon | 457 | 4619 |
25. | Vicinity of Gravelly Ridge | 2 968 | 4625 |
26. | Vicinity of Great Musselroe River | 845 | 4621 |
27. | Vicinity of Henty River | 27 045 | 4608 |
28. | Vicinity of Highcroft | 1 050 | 4618 |
29. | Vicinity of Lake Pieman | 1 055 | 4726 |
30. | Vicinity of Leven River | 294 | 4728 |
31. | Vicinity of Lindsay River | 470 | 4595 |
32. | Vicinity of Maclaines Creek | 85 | 4680 |
33. | Vicinity of Meredith Range | 63 550 | 4557 |
34. | Vicinity of Moss Gully | 407 | 4622 |
35. | Vicinity of Mount Barrow State Reserve | 1 120 | 4598 |
36. | Vicinity of Mount Cameron East | 6 170 | 4581 |
37. | Vicinity of Mount Darwin | 18 030 | 4558 |
38. | Vicinity of Mount Heemskirk | 10 745 | 4624 |
39. | Vicinity of Mount Pearson | 4 890 | 4552 |
40. | Vicinity of Mount Read | 235 | 4585 |
41. | Vicinity of Mount Roland | 7 435 | 4556 |
42. | Vicinity of Pelham Tier | 290 | 4614 |
43. | Vicinity of Pine Tier | 1 185 | 4609 |
44. | Vicinity of Reynolds Falls | 13 885 | 4601 |
45. | Vicinity of Roaring Meg Creek | 1 255 | 4555 |
46. | Vicinity of Rocka Rivulet | 260 | 4613 |
47. | Vicinity of Rossarden | 5 995 | 4583 |
48. | Vicinity of St Columba Falls State Reserve | 155 | 4596 |
49. | Vicinity of St Pauls Dome | 6 095 | 4606 |
50. | Vicinity of Sand River | 79 | 4681 |
51. | Vicinity of Sensation Gorge | 60 | 4602 |
52. | Vicinity of Shingle Hill | 70 | 4679 |
53. | Vicinity of Snug Tiers | 5 615 | 4617 |
54. | Vicinity of Southport Lagoon | 700 | 4620 |
55. | Vicinity of Swift Creek | 462 | 4604 |
56. | Vicinity of Thornton River | 1 170 | 4597 |
57. | Vicinity of Three Thumbs | 3 120 | 4615 |
58. | Vicinity of Tikkawoppa Plateau | 4 535 | 4605 |
59. | Vicinity of Tomahawk River | 318 | 4730 |
60. | Vicinity of Tyndall Range | 15 635 | 4584 |
61. | Vicinity of Woodstock Spur (2 lots) | 284 | 4725 |
SCHEDULE 3 - Land entered in Register of Multiple Use Forest Land
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Location | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | 1 lot in vicinity of Ahrberg Bay | 140 | 4731 |
2. | 7 lots in vicinity of Ansons River, Avenue River, Goshen and The Gardens | 4 450 | 4458 |
3. | 3 lots in the vicinity of Anthony Road | 1 784 | 4667 |
4. | 1 lot in vicinity of Arthurs Lake | 290 | 4457 |
5. | 4 lots in vicinity of Derwent Bridge, Derwent River, Wentworth Hills and Florentine River | 12 100 | 4450 |
6. | 5 lots in vicinity of Donaldson River and Luina | 31 230 | 4462 |
7. | 3 lots in vicinity of Gladstone | 299 | 4670 |
8. | 9 lots in vicinity of Gowrie Park and Lake Barrington | 1 440 | 4666 |
9. | Vicinity of Granville Harbour | 299 | 4673 |
10. | Vicinity of Great Forester River | 42 | 4671 |
11. | 6 lots in vicinity of Great Forester River, Pioneer and Mt Victoria | 680 | 4675 |
12. | Vicinity of Heazlewood River | 2 772 | 4676 |
13. | Vicinity of Lake Pieman | 1 865 | 4678 |
14. | 3 lots in vicinity of Liena and Mole Creek | 2 100 | 4455 |
15. | Vicinity of Little Henty River | 1 009 | 4672 |
16. | 7 lots in vicinity of Maydena, Snowy Range and Weld River | 6 030 | 4453 |
17. | Vicinity of Mount Jukes | 1 346 | 4674 |
18. | 1 lot in vicinity of Mount Jukes | 1 346 | 4668 |
19. | 6 lots in vicinity of Mount Wedge, Florentine River and Styx River | 6 660 | 4452 |
20. | 8 lots in vicinity of Murchison Highway, Rosebery, Anthony Road and Coldstream River | 10 530 | 4456 |
21. | 2 lots in vicinity of Nubeena and Port Arthur | 580 | 4454 |
22. | Vicinity of Pioneer | 510 | 4669 |
23. | Vicinity of Rosebery | 14 003 | 4677 |
24. | 2 lots in vicinity of Rossarden | 620 | 4461 |
25. | 1 lot in vicinity of Sandspit River | 160 | 4459 |
26. | 1 lot in vicinity of Snowy Knob | 310 | 4460 |
27. | 6 lots in vicinity of Tooms Lake and Macquarie River | 2 280 | 4664 |
28. | 2 lots in vicinity of Waratah | 140 | 4665 |
29. | 4 lots in vicinity of Weld River, Picton River and Lune River | 740 | 4451 |
30. | 11 lots in vicinity of Zeehan, Lake Pieman, Savage River and Granville Harbour | 13 000 | 4449 |
SCHEDULE 4 - Forest reserves dedicated
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Name of forest reserve | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Andersons Creek Forest Reserve | 324 | 4391 |
2. | Apslawn Forest Reserve | 2 820 | 4432 |
3. | Arthur River Forest Reserve | 3 229 | 4376 |
4. | Arve Loop Forest Reserve | 939 | 4363 |
5. | Avenue River Forest Reserve | 4 300 | 4433 |
6. | Bells Marsh Forest Reserve | 441 | 4434 |
7. | Blue Tier Forest Reserve | 5 056 | 4435 |
8. | Boco Creek Forest Reserve | 930 | 4377 |
9. | Break O'Day Forest Reserve | 332 | 4436 |
10. | Bridgenorth Forest Reserve | 41 | 4392 |
11. | Burns Peak Forest Reserve | 950 | 4378 |
12. | Buxton River Forest Reserve | 3 612 | 4438 |
13. | Crayfish Creek Forest Reserve | 315 | 4399 |
14. | Cygnet River Forest Reserve | 4 310 | 4663 |
15. | Deep Gully Forest Reserve | 2 537 | 4379 |
16. | Den Ranges Forest Reserve | 400 | 4407 |
17. | Derby Forest Reserve | 200 | 4408 |
18. | Dial Range Forest Reserve | 2 127 | 4380 |
19. | Dickies Ridge Forest Reserve | 621 | 4437 |
20. | Dismal Range Forest Reserve | 200 | 4409 |
21. | Dogs Head Hill Forest Reserve | 1 523 | 4393 |
22. | Dove River Forest Reserve | 2 424 | 4394 |
23. | Eastern Tiers Forest Reserve | 4 414 | 4439 |
24. | Emu River Forest Reserve | 585 | 4381 |
25. | Fishers Tier Forest Reserve | 270 | 4410 |
26. | Flowerdale River Forest Reserve | 290 | 4382 |
27. | Frome Forest Reserve | 940 | 4411 |
28. | German Town Forest Reserve | 940 | 4440 |
29. | Hardings Falls Forest Reserve | 1 009 | 4441 |
30. | Hatfield River Forest Reserve | 1 100 | 4383 |
31. | Huntsmans Cap Forest Reserve | 216 | 4442 |
32. | Huskisson River Forest Reserve | 700 | 4384 |
33. | John Lynch Forest Reserve | 3 128 | 4386 |
34. | Joy Creek Forest Reserve | 230 | 4412 |
35. | Kohls Falls Forest Reserve | 146 | 4413 |
36. | Lady Binney Forest Reserve | 385 | 4367 |
37. | Lady Nelson Forest Reserve | 160 | 4414 |
38. | Lake Binney Forest Reserve | 463 | 4368 |
39. | Laurel Creek Forest Reserve | 1 110 | 4385 |
40. | Lawrence Rivulet Forest Reserve | 14 | 4369 |
41. | Lefroy Forest Reserve | 3 410 | 4415 |
42. | Long Hill Forest Reserve | 558 | 4395 |
43. | Lower Marsh Creek Forest Reserve | 1 086 | 4443 |
44. | Luncheon Hill Forest Reserve | 1 030 | 4400 |
45. | Mackintosh Forest Reserve | 1 026 | 4388 |
46. | Mersey River Forest Reserve | 638 | 4396 |
47. | Midday Hill Forest Reserve | 310 | 4416 |
48. | Montagu River Forest Reserve | 1 013 | 4401 |
49. | Montagu Swamp Forest Reserve | 1 528 | 4402 |
50. | Mount Arthur Forest Reserve | 871 | 4418 |
51. | Mount Bruny Forest Reserve | 1 366 | 4364 |
52. | Mount Careless Forest Reserve | 690 | 4397 |
53. | Mount Dromedary Forest Reserve | 680 | 4370 |
54. | Mount Horror Forest Reserve | 1 133 | 4419 |
55. | Mount Kershaw Forest Reserve | 338 | 4387 |
56. | Mount Maurice Forest Reserve | 6 064 | 4423 |
57. | Mount Morrison Forest Reserve | 1 300 | 4371 |
58. | Mount Stronach Forest Reserve | 1 038 | 4417 |
59. | Mount Victoria Forest Reserve | 8 138 | 4424 |
60. | Nicholas Range Forest Reserve | 822 | 4444 |
61. | North Esk Forest Reserve | 625 | 4420 |
62. | North Scottsdale Forest Reserve | 4 090 | 4421 |
63. | Nunamara Forest Reserve | 289 | 4422 |
64. | Old Park Forest Reserve | 1 585 | 4389 |
65. | Oxberry Plains Forest Reserve | 330 | 4426 |
66. | Paradise Plains Forest Reserve | 440 | 4425 |
67. | Pepper Hill Forest Reserve | 435 | 4445 |
68. | Plains Creek Forest Reserve | 862 | 4403 |
69. | Rayners Hill Forest Reserve | 331 | 4427 |
70. | Reedy Marsh Forest Reserve | 3 880 | 4398 |
71. | Rimons Hill Forest Reserve | 410 | 4365 |
72. | Ringarooma River Forest Reserve | 360 | 4428 |
73. | River Hill Forest Reserve | 340 | 4429 |
74. | Royal George Forest Reserve | 770 | 4446 |
75. | Sawmill Creek Forest Reserve | 870 | 4390 |
76. | Shakespeare Hills Forest Reserve | 2 158 | 4404 |
77. | South Esk Forest Reserve | 1 053 | 4430 |
78. | Swan River Forest Reserve | 3 153 | 4662 |
79. | Tanina Bluff Forest Reserve | 244 | 4372 |
80. | Tarraleah Forest Reserve | 627 | 4373 |
81. | Teds Flat Forest Reserve | 249 | 4447 |
82. | Tombstone Creek Forest Reserve | 485 | 4431 |
83. | Tooms Lake Forest Reserve | 3 412 | 4448 |
84. | Trowutta Forest Reserve | 2 535 | 4405 |
85. | Tungatinah Forest Reserve | 180 | 4374 |
86. | Wayatinah Forest Reserve | 498 | 4375 |
87. | Welcome Swamp Forest Reserve | 163 | 4406 |
88. | Wild Bee Forest Reserve | 535 | 4366 |
SCHEDULE 5 - Public reserves[Commences: 31 December 2001]
Sections 9 and 10
PART 1 - Land ceasing to be reserved under the Crown Lands Act 1976
1. Any land listed in the Grants of Lands for Ecclesiastical Purposes contained in House of Assembly paper No. 46 of 1866.
2. Any shack site, within the meaning of the Crown Lands (Shack Sites) Act 1997 , the reservation of which was in force under the former Act immediately before the commencement of section 9 .
PART 2 - Reservation of public reservesAny area of Crown land that, immediately before the commencement of Division 2 of Part 2 , was shown as a reserve under the former Act on the Tasmanian 1:25 000 map series or the Flinders Island or King Island 1:100 000 map series containing any of the following descriptions:
accommodation, accommodation paddock, ballast, bird sanctuary, botanical garden, burial, burial ground, camping, camping site, canal, cave, cemetery, church, coal, coastal, community centre, council, council depot, Crown, Crown land, dam, dam site, DMR, drain, drainage, falls, fernery, fisheries, flora, gravel, hall, hospital, hydatid testing, lagoon, lakeside, land conservation, lighthouse, limekiln, machinery, magazine, Marine Board, marram grass, mine, mineral, mining, municipal, named park, named reserve, nursery, park, parkland, patrol hut, permanent mark, picnic, plantation, police, post and telegraph, protected area, public, public building, public tip, quarry, racecourse, railway, railway station, recreation, recreation and amusement, refuse disposal, reservoir, river, road, road metal, road trust, saleyard, sanctuary, sand pit, sanitary, scenery, scenic, school, sewerage, sheepwash, skyline, State recreation area, stock, stockpile, stock resting, timber, tip, tourist town, town hall, tramway, tramway station, tree planting, trigonometric, war memorial, watch house, water catchment, waterfall, waterhole, water race, water supply. |
SCHEDULE 6 - Cessation of certain land as conservation area
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
General description of land | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Ben Lomond Conservation Area | 2 680 | 4651 |
2. | Drys Bluff Conservation Area | 680 | 1916 |
3. | Liffey Conservation Area | 1 055 | 2133 |
4. | Meander Conservation Area | 1 660 | 2132 |
5. | Southwest Conservation Area (part) | 169 | 4655 |
6. | Southwest Conservation Area (part) | 2 117 | 4655 |
7. | Southwest Conservation Area (part) | 29 325 | 4655 |
8. | Southwest Conservation Area (part) | 1 195 | 4655 |
9. | Southwest Conservation Area (part) | 420 | 4655 |
10. | Southwest Conservation Area (part) | 2 095 | 4655 |
11. | Southwest Conservation Area (part) | 885 | 4655 |
12. | Southwest Conservation Area (part) | 5 381 | 4655 |
13. | Southwest Conservation Area (part) | 10 312 | 4655 |
14. | Southwest Conservation Area (part) | 1 030 | 4655 |
15. | Tooms Lake Conservation Area | 18 599 | 4524 |
SCHEDULE 7 - National parks
Sections 13 and 14
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Name of national park | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park | 320 | 4563 |
2. | Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park | 141 | 4258 |
3. | Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park | 325 | 4267 |
4. | Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park | 3 927 | 4268 |
5. | Franklin-Gordon Wild Rivers National Park | 1 140 | 4269 |
6. | Freycinet National Park | 1 278 | 4307 |
7. | Freycinet National Park | 1 748 | 4308 |
8. | Freycinet National Park | 339 | 4308 |
9. | Freycinet National Park | 1 446 | 4309 |
10. | Freycinet National Park | 52 | 4309 |
11. | Freycinet National Park | 10 | 4309 |
12. | Mount William National Park | 4 540 | 4352 |
13. | Savage River National Park | 17 980 | 4351 |
14. | Southwest National Park | 821 | 4259 |
15. | Southwest National Park | 1 008 | 4260 |
16. | Southwest National Park | 335 | 4261 |
17. | Southwest National Park | 1 446 | 4264 |
18. | Southwest National Park | 405 | 4263 |
19. | Southwest National Park | 394 | 4265 |
20. | Southwest National Park | 3 715 | 4270 |
21. | Southwest National Park | 1 254 | 4271 |
22. | Southwest National Park | 334 | 4262 |
23. | Tasman National Park | 8 275 | 4125 |
SCHEDULE 8 - State reserves
Sections 13 , 15 and 16
PART 1 - Declaration of State reserves
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Name of State reserve | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Devils Gullet State Reserve | 302 | 4257 |
2. | Hellyer Gorge State Reserve | 2 195 | 4356 |
3. | Little Beach State Reserve | 945 | 4354 |
4. | Little Peggs Beach State Reserve | 140 | 4358 |
5. | Pirates Bay State Reserve | 28 | 4272 |
6. | Quarantine Station State Reserve | 128 | 4312 |
7. | Safety Cove State Reserve | 16 | 4273 |
8. | St Marys Pass State Reserve | 87 | 4353 |
9. | St Patricks Head State Reserve | 1 185 | 4353 |
10. | Wye River-Bluemans Creek State Reserve | 1 095 | 4355 |
PART 2 - Reserve under Crown Lands Act 1976 reclassified as State reserve
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | |
Previous name of reserve | Name of State reserve | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Trevallyn State Recreation Area | Trevallyn State Reserve | 440 | 4315 |
PART 3 - Naming of State reserve
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Name of State reserve | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | St Marys Pass State Reserve | 273 | 4648 |
SCHEDULE 9 - Conservation areas
Sections 13 , 17 and 25
PART 1 - Reserves under Crown Lands Act 1976 reclassified as conservation areas
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | |
Previous name of reserve | Name of conservation area | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Ansons Bay Coastal Reserve | Ansons Bay Conservation Area | 40 | 4693 |
2. | Arthur-Pieman Protected Area | Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area | 100 135 | 4748 |
3. | Bay of Fires Coastal Reserve | Bay of Fires Conservation Area | 1 210 | 4694 |
4. | Boltons Beach Coastal Reserve | Boltons Beach Conservation Area | 46 | 4695 |
5. | Central Plateau Protected Area | Central Plateau Conservation Area | 9 460 | 4654 |
6. | Clifton Beach Coastal Reserve | Clifton Beach Conservation Area | 19 | 4659 |
7. | Coles Bay Coastal Reserve | Coles Bay Conservation Area | 130.5 | 4696 |
8. | Coswell Beach Coastal Reserve | Coswell Beach Conservation Area | 4.9 | 4697 |
9. | Cressy Beach Coastal Reserve | Cressy Beach Conservation Area | 6.4 | 4644 |
10. | Denison Rivulet Coastal Reserve | Denison Rivulet Conservation Area | 51.4 | 4698 |
11. | Double Sandy Point Coastal Reserve | Double Sandy Point Conservation Area | 640 | 4699 |
12. | Eaglehawk and Flinders Bay Coastal Reserves | Eaglehawk Bay-Flinders Bay Conservation Area | 275 | 4700 |
13. | Egg Beach Coastal Reserve | Egg Beach Conservation Area | 15.1 | 4646 |
14. | Fossil Bluff Coastal Reserve | Fossil Bluff Conservation Area | 5.5 | 4701 |
15. | Four Mile Creek Coastal Reserve | Four Mile Creek Conservation Area | 49 | 4702 |
16. | Granite Point Coastal Reserve | Granite Point Conservation Area | 52 | 4703 |
17. | Kelvedon Coastal Reserve | Kelvedon Beach Conservation Area | 24 | 4704 |
18. | Lagoons Beach Coastal Reserve | Lagoons Beach Conservation Area | 91.5 | 4705 |
19. | Lillico Beach Coastal Reserve | Lillico Beach Conservation Area | 14 | 4706 |
20. | Little Beach Coastal Reserve | Little Beach Conservation Area | 47.5 | 4657 |
21. | Low Head Coastal Reserve | Low Head Conservation Area | 11 | 4634 |
22. | Mayfield Bay Coastal Reserve | Mayfield Bay Conservation Area | 26.4 | 4707 |
23. | Millingtons Beach Coastal Reserve | Millingtons Beach Conservation Area | 17.8 | 4708 |
24. | Moorlands Beach Coastal Reserve | Moorland Beach Conservation Area | 7 | 4709 |
25. | Mt Rumney State Recreation Area | Mt Rumney Conservation Area | 9 .305 | 4724 |
26. | Musselroe Bay Coastal Reserve | Musselroe Bay Conservation Area | 1 750 | 4710 |
27. | Northdown Beach Coastal Reserve | Northdown Beach Conservation Area | 22 | 4709 |
28. | Pardoe Beach Coastal Reserve | Pardoe Beach Conservation Area | 10 | 4709 |
29. | Parnella Coastal Reserve | Parnella Conservation Area | 15 | 4711 |
30. | Peggs Beach Coastal Reserve | Peggs Beach Conservation Area | 208 | 4712 |
31. | Ralphs Bay Coastal Reserve | Ralphs Bay Conservation Area | 7.3 | 4713 |
32. | Randalls Bay Coastal Reserve | Randalls Bay Conservation Area | 16.2 | 4642 |
33. | Raspins Beach Coastal Reserve | Raspins Beach Conservation Area | 4.2 | 4643 |
34. | Redbill Point Coastal Reserve | Redbill Point Conservation Area | 34.2 | 4649 |
35. | Roaring Beach Coastal Reserve | Roaring Beach Conservation Area | 109 | 4714 |
36. | St Helens Point State Recreation Area | St Helens Conservation Area | 1 066 | 4692 |
37. | Scamander Coastal Reserve | Scamander Conservation Area | 405 | 4715 |
38. | Seymour Coastal Reserve | Seymour Conservation Area | 68 | 4716 |
39. | South Arm State Recreation Area (part) | Calverts Lagoon Conservation Area | 69 | 4682 |
40. | Spiky Beach Coastal Reserve | Spiky Beach Conservation Area | 5.3 | 4704 |
41. | Stanley Coastal Reserve | Stanley Conservation Area | 6.8 | 4636 |
42. | Surveyors Bay Coastal Reserve | Surveyors Bay Conservation Area | 55 | 4717 |
43. | Swansea Coastal Reserve | Swansea Conservation Area | 11.6 | 4697 |
44. | Table Cape Coastal Reserve | Table Cape Conservation Area | 114 | 4718 |
45. | Tatlows Beach Coastal Reserve | Tatlows Beach Conservation Area | 57.3 | 4637 |
46. | Truganini Reserve | Truganini Conservation Area | 42.8 | 4314 |
47. | West Inlet Coastal Reserve | West Inlet Conservation Area | 67.7 | 4638 |
PART 2 - Declaration of conservation areas
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Name of conservation area | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Bernafai Ridge Conservation Area | 1 282 | 4311 |
2. | Great Western Tiers Conservation Area | 4 775 | 4545 |
3. | Great Western Tiers Conservation Area | 2 660 | 4546 |
4. | Great Western Tiers Conservation Area | 630 | 4546 |
5. | Great Western Tiers Conservation Area | 1 060 | 4547 |
6. | Great Western Tiers Conservation Area | 8 280 | 4548 |
7. | Great Western Tiers Conservation Area | 815 | 4577 |
8. | Great Western Tiers Conservation Area | 4275 | 4577 |
9. | Heazlewood Hill Conservation Area | 259 | 4310 |
10. | Little Boobyalla River Conservation Area | 480 | 4357 |
SCHEDULE 10 - Nature recreation areas
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | |
Previous name of reserve | Name of nature recreation area | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Briant Hill State Recreation Area | Briant Hill Nature Recreation Area | 128 | 4719 |
2. | Coningham State Recreation Area | Coningham Nature Recreation Area | 487 | 4313 |
3. | Gordons Hill State Recreation Area | Gordons Hill Nature Recreation Area | 37.93 | 4685 |
4. | Hope Island State Recreation Area | Hope Island Nature Recreation Area | 27 | 4686 |
5. | Humbug Point State Recreation Area | Humbug Point Nature Recreation Area | 1 620 | 4687 |
6. | Kate Reed State Recreation Area | Kate Reed Nature Recreation Area | 122 | 4652 |
7. | Knopwood Hill State Recreation Area | Knopwood Hill Nature Recreation Area | 38.81 | 4688 |
8. | Lake Barrington State Recreation Area | Lake Barrington Nature Recreation Area | 238 | 4689 |
9. | Meehan Range (Mt Direction) State Recreation Area | Meehan Range Nature Recreation Area | 429.8 | 4690 |
10. | Meehan Range (Redgate) State Recreation Area | Meehan Range Nature Recreation Area | 485.7 | 4360 |
11. | Recherche Bay State Recreation Area | Recherche Bay Nature Recreation Area | 280 | 4653 |
12. | Rosny Hill State Recreation Area | Rosny Hill Nature Recreation Area | 21.4 | 4691 |
13. | Snug Falls State Recreation Area | Snug Falls Nature Recreation Area | 91 | 4741 |
14. | South Arm State Recreation Area (part) | South Arm Nature Recreation Area | 67.5 | 4658 |
SCHEDULE 11 - Regional reserves
Sections 13 , 20 and 25
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Name of regional reserve | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Mount Dundas Regional Reserve | 11 540 | 4586 |
2. | Mount Murchison Regional Reserve | 5 610 | 4661 |
3. | Savage River Regional Reserve | 13 700 | 4549 |
SCHEDULE 12 - Nature reserves
Sections 13 and 21
PART 1 - State reserve reclassified as nature reserve
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | |
Previous name of reserve | Name of nature reserve | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Cape Bernier State Reserve | Cape Bernier Nature Reserve | 377 | 4683 |
2. | Kentford Forest State Reserve | Kentford Forest Nature Reserve | 36.69 | 4684 |
PART 2 - Declaration of nature reserve
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | |
Name of nature reserve | Approx. Area (ha) | Plan No. | |
1. | Lake Johnston Nature Reserve | 138 | 4544 |
SCHEDULE 13 - Historic sites
Column 1 | Column 2 | Column 3 | Column 4 | |
Previous State reserves | Name of historic site | Approx. Area | Plan No. | |
1. | Batchelors Grave | Batchelors Grave Historic Site | 40.47m2 | 4720 |
2. | Coal Mines | Coal Mines Historic Site | 216.5ha | 4721 |
3. | D'Entrecasteaux Monument | D'Entrecasteaux Monument Historic Site | 3850m2 | 4660 |
4. | D'Entrecasteaux Watering Place | D'Entrecasteaux Watering Place Historic Site | 2.25ha | 4645 |
5. | George III Monument | George III Monument Historic Site | 14.4ha | 4635 |
6. | Shot Tower | Shot Tower Historic Site | 3.2ha | 4650 |
7. | Tasman's Monument | Tasman Monument Historic Site | 81.9 m2 | 4641 |
8. | Toll House | Toll House Historic Site | 658m2 | 4722 |
9. | Waubadebars Grave | Waubadebars Grave Historic Site | 5.1m2 | 4723 |
10. | Yorktown | Yorktown Historic Site | 8.2ha | 4647 |