Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995
An Act to promote the sustainable management of living marine resources, to provide for management plans relating to fish resources, to protect marine habitats and to repeal the Fisheries Act 1959
Be it enacted by His Excellency the Governor of Tasmania, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and House of Assembly, in Parliament assembled, as follows:
PART 1 - Preliminary
Division 1 - Definitions and applications
This Act may be cited as the Living Marine Resources Management Act 1995 .
The provisions of this Act commence on a day or days to be proclaimed.
In this Act –abalone quota unit means one-3500th of the total allowable catch set for the commercial abalone fishery for a quota period;Aboriginal cultural activity means the activity of fishing or gathering undertaken by an Aborigine for his or her personal use based on Aboriginal custom of Tasmania as passed down to that Aborigine;Aborigine means a person who –(a) is descended from an original inhabitant; and(b) has always been known as an Aborigine;apparatus includes –(a) any net, dilly, crab pot, rock lobster pot, rock lobster ring, rake, spade, dredge, implement, gear, equipment, contrivance, device, trap, pitch fork, spear or spear gun used, or capable of being used, in connection with fishing; and(b) any hook, rod or line used, or capable of being used, for fishing; and(c) any buoy, float, raft or dredge used, or capable of being used, in connection with fishing; and(d) anything else used, or capable of being used, in connection with fishing;Appeal Tribunal means the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal established under the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 1993 ;approved means approved by the Secretary;aquatic observation means an activity on, in or under water relating to the observation of fish and their habitat;arrangement means an arrangement under Part 7 ;authorisation means a permit, licence or other authority permitting a person to undertake an activity;Australian fishing zone means the Australian fishing zone as defined in the Commonwealth Act;coastal waters means –(a) any part of the territorial sea of Australia adjacent to the State within 3 nautical miles of the baseline by reference to which the territorial limits of Australia are defined for the purposes of international law; and(b) the marine or tidal waters on the landward side of any territorial sea of Australia adjacent to the State but not within the limits of the State;Commonwealth Act means the Fisheries Management Act 1991 of the Commonwealth or an Act enacted in substitution of that Act;Commonwealth Minister means the Minister administering the Commonwealth Act and any other Minister exercising powers and performing functions under that Act;commercial purposes means the purpose of sale, processing, manufacture, marine farming or any other purpose that is directed to gain or reward;commercially protected fish means fish referred to in section 100 ;consult includes to seek information, advice, opinion and representation;control order means an order referred to in Division 7 of Part 9 ;conviction includes –(a) a plea of guilty; or(b) a finding by a court that a person committed an offence for which the person was charged even though a conviction was not recorded; or(c) a finding of guilty by a court even though a conviction is not recorded;corresponding law means –(a) the Commonwealth Act; and(b) the Export Control Act 1982 of the Commonwealth; and(c) a law of another State or a Territory of the Commonwealth that relates to the management or protection of living marine resources;deed of agreement means a deed of agreement referred to in section 99 ;demerit point means a demerit point referred to in Division 6 of Part 9 ;document includes –(a) any tape, disc or other device or medium on which information is recorded or stored mechanically, photographically, electronically or otherwise; and(b)anything on which any material has been recorded in a manner that, by the use of any device or instrument, it may be reproduced in a manner suitable for human perception;draft management plan means a draft management plan referred to in Division 2 of Part 3 ;examine includes count, measure, weigh and grade;export means to transport beyond State waters;fish means fish referred to in section 4 ;fish habitat means an area of the natural environment of fish which has particular importance to the life cycle of fish;fish hatchery means a place or premises where fish are bred for marine farming or sale or for placement or introduction into State waters;fish processing licence means a fish processing licence in force under Part 4 ;fisheries officer means –(a) the Secretary; and(b) a police officer; and(c) a person appointed as a fisheries officer under section 164 ; and(d) an officer referred to in section 171 ;fishery means anything referred to in section 6 ;fishing includes any of the following activities, other than an activity authorised under a marine farming licence:(a) searching for, attempting to take, catching, taking or harvesting fish;(b) any other activity which may reasonably be expected to result in catching, taking or harvesting fish;section 25 ;fishing body means a body corporate or an association certified as a fishing body underfishing certificate means a fishing certificate referred to in section 63 ;fishing licence means a fishing licence in force under Part 4 ;fishing vessel means a vessel that is equipped for, or used for, fishing or transporting fish for a commercial purpose;foreign boat means a foreign boat as defined in the Commonwealth Act;habitat protection plan means a plan approved under Division 3 of Part 5 ;handling licence means a handling licence in force under Part 4 ;import means to transport from beyond State waters to within State waters;infringement notice means an infringement notice referred to in Division 5 of Part 9 ;inland waters means waters within the meaning of the Inland Fisheries Act 1995 ;introduced fish means –(a) fish which were brought into the State; and(b) any progeny or subsequent progeny of those fish unless prescribed to be otherwise;Joint Authority means a Joint Authority established under the Commonwealth Act of which the Minister is a member;Joint Authority fishery means a fishery under the management of a Joint Authority;licence means any licence specified in Part 4 ;licensee means a person holding a licence;living marine resources means fish and their environment;management plan means a management plan approved under Part 3 ;managing authority, in relation to a marine resources protected area, means –(a) the Minister; or(b) a body or association declared to be the managing authority under section 115 ;marine farm means an area to which a marine farming licence relates within which marine farming is carried out;marine farming includes the farming, culturing, enhancement or breeding of fish for trade, business or research;marine farming development plan means a marine farming development plan approved under Part 3 of the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 ;marine farming licence means a marine farming licence in force under Part 4 ;marine resources protected area means an area established as a marine resources protected area under Part 5 ;marine resources protected area management plan means a marine resources protected area management plan approved under Part 5 ;master, in relation to a vessel, means the person having command, charge or management of the vessel;section 98H ;maximum number of pots means the maximum number of rock lobster pots for any year starting 1 November during the period 1 November 1988 to 31 October 1997 as calculated undernative title rights and interests means native title rights and interests recognised under the Native Title Act 1993 of the Commonwealth;non-exploitative use of fish includes the viewing, photographing or feeding of fish and the feelings associated with knowing fish are in State waters but does not include the removal, killing or injuring of fish;noxious fish means –(a) any fish of a species prescribed as noxious fish; or(b) any fish declared to be noxious fish under section 127 ;noxious matter means any matter which is harmful to fish or fish habitat;objectives of resource management means the objectives set out in Schedule 1 ;permit means a permit under Division 2 of this Part;place includes –(a) any land whether covered by water or not; and(b) any building or structure, whether permanent or temporary; and(c) any vessel, aircraft, vehicle or trailer; and(d) any tent, camp or caravan;possession includes control for the use or benefit of any person whether or not that person has actual possession or custody;protected fish means fish declared to be protected fish under section 135 ;process means cut up, break up, shell, skin, shuck, fillet, cook, void, purge, pack, freeze, can or otherwise treat fish;public authority means –(a) a person or body established or constituted by an Act for a public purpose; and(b) a council;public notice means a notice which is published in the Gazette and a daily newspaper circulating generally in the State;purchase includes –(a) take in exchange; and(b) agree or offer to take in exchange; and(c) receive, accept or take delivery under an agreement to take in exchange;quota period means –(a) in relation to the commercial abalone fishery, a period of one year; and(b) in relation to any other fishery, the period during which a total allowable catch may be taken;recreational fishing means fishing for a purpose other than a commercial purpose;regulations means regulations made under this Act;repealed Act means the Fisheries Act 1959 ;rock lobster catch history means the history of past catches of rock lobster of a holder of a licence that entitles the taking of rock lobster for commercial purposes which equals the sum of the 3 greatest yearly catch histories for the years during the period commencing 1 November 1988 to 31 October 1997;rock lobster catch history unit means a unit that is equal to the rock lobster catch history divided by the sum of the rock lobster catch histories of all licence holders multiplied by the total allowable catch for the rock lobster fishery B;rock lobster fishery A means the fishery for rock lobster for commercial purposes that consists of the class of persons who hold a licence to take rock lobster for commercial purposes;rock lobster fishery B means the fishery for rock lobster for commercial purposes that consists of the class of persons who have a rock lobster catch history;rock lobster quota unit means a unit that is an entitlement to one 10 507th of the total allowable catch set for the rock lobster fishery A for the relevant year;sale includes –(a) any method of disposition for valuable consideration; and(b) barter; and(c) the disposition to an agent for sale on consignment; and(d) offering or attempting to sell; and(e) receiving or having in possession for sale; and(f) exposing for sale; and(g) sending or delivering for sale; and(h) causing or permitting to be sold, offered or exposed for sale; and(i) disposal by way of raffle, lottery or other game or chance;Secretary means the Secretary of the Department;scientific observer means a person appointed as such under Division 3 of Part 6 ;scientific observer scheme means the scheme established under Division 3 of Part 6 ;size, in relation to fish, includes prescribed measurement of length or breadth, or of other linear measurement or of weight;special penalty means a special penalty referred to in Division 10 of Part 9 ;species means a species, subspecies, hybrid, variant, race, mutation or separate population of any fish;supervisor means a person referred to in section 89 ;structure includes a platform, pontoon, jetty, building or any other thing used in connection with fishing or marine farming;total allowable catch means the total quantity of a kind or species of fish that may be taken from a fishery;take fish includes any of the following activities, other than an activity authorised under a marine farming licence:(a) fish for, remove, gather, catch, capture, kill, destroy, dredge for, raise, collect, carry away or obtain in another way from water, land under water or the foreshore;(b) land from a vessel or in another way, bring ashore or transfer from one fishing vessel to another fishing vessel;(c) attempt, cause or permit an act mentioned in paragraph (a) or (b) ;vary includes substitute, add or delete;vehicle includes any vehicle designed to move or be moved on one or more wheels or revolving runners;vessel includes –(a) a boat, ship, craft, hovercraft, aircraft or platform and any trailer used to transport any of them; and(b) a vehicle that is capable of use in or on water whether floating, partly submersible or submersible and whether or not self propelled;waters include –(a) the bed and subsoil under any waters; and(b) the airspace above any waters;waters relevant to the State means –(a) the coastal waters of the State; and(b) the Australian fishing zone.Division 6A of Part 4 , means a period of 12 months commencing on 1 November;year, for the purpose ofsection 98I ;yearly catch means the catch of rock lobster during a year as referred to insection 98J .yearly catch history means the history of the yearly catch as calculated in
(1) Fish is any aquatic organism of any species, whether dead or alive, which, in the normal course of events, spends part or all of its life in the aquatic environment.(2) Fish includes –(a) bony fishes of the class Osteichthyes; and(b) sharks, rays, lampreys and other cartilaginous fishes of the classes Chondrichthyes and Agnatha; and(c) aquatic reptiles; and(d) sea squirts and other aquatic chordates; and(e)sea-stars, sea-urchins, sea-cucumbers and other echinoderms; and(f) lobsters, crabs, prawns and other aquatic arthropods; and(g) bristle worms, fan worms, arrowworms and other aquatic annelids, chaetognaths, nematodes, nemerteans and platyhelminths; and(h) squid, oysters, abalone and other aquatic molluscs and brachiopods; and(i)seafans, sponges, corals, jelly-fish, salps and other bryozoans, poriferans, coelenterates and ctenophores; and(j) protozoans and bacteria; and(k) seagrass, seaweed and other aquatic vascular plants, algae, diatoms, euglenoids and any other marine plants.(3) A reference to fish includes –(a) the eggs, spat, spawn, seeds, spores, larvae or other offspring of an aquatic organism; and(b) a shell containing fish or any other part derived from an aquatic organism; and(c) raw, cooked, dismembered, frozen, preserved, salted or otherwise processed fish; and(d) any other saltwater product declared by the regulations to be a fish for the purpose of any provision of this Act.(4) Fish does not include –(a) a whale as defined in the Whales Protection Act 1988 ; or(b) any aquatic mammal or aquatic bird; or(c) freshwater fish within the meaning of the Inland Fisheries Act 1995 .
(1) State waters are –(a) any waters of the territorial sea of Australia that are –(i) within 3 nautical miles of the baseline by reference to which the territorial limits of Australia are defined for the purposes of international law; and(ii) adjacent to the State; and(b) any marine or tidal waters that are on the landward side of that baseline and are adjacent to the State, except inland waters; and(c) any land which is swept by those waters to the highest landward extent; and(d) in relation to a fishery managed under a law of Tasmania under an arrangement, any waters to which the arrangement relates; and(e) in relation to recreational fishing to which the Commonwealth Act does not apply, any waters to which the legislative powers of Tasmania extend.(2) In relation to a fishery managed under a law other than a law of Tasmania under an arrangement, State waters do not include any waters to which the arrangement relates.
(1) A fishery includes activities by way of fishing identified by reference to any or all of the following:(a) a species, type or class of fish;(b) a description of fish by reference to sex, size or another characteristic;(c) an area of water, seabed or land;(d) a method of fishing;(e) a class or type of vessel;(f) a class of persons;(g) a purpose of an activity;(h) a season.(2) A fishery includes the activity of processing or handling fish.
(1) The purpose of this Act is to achieve sustainable development of living marine resources having regard to the need to –(a) increase the community's understanding of the integrity of the ecosystem upon which fisheries depend; and(b) provide and maintain sustainability of living marine resources; and(ba)take account of a corresponding law; and(c) take account of the community's needs in respect of living marine resources; and(d) take account of the community's interests in living marine resources.(2) A person must perform any function or exercise any power under this Act in a manner which furthers the objective of resource management.
(1) This Act binds the Crown in right of Tasmania and, in so far as the legislative power of Parliament permits, in all its other capacities.(2) The Crown is not liable for prosecution for an offence under this Act, but an officer, employee or agent of the Crown is liable for prosecution for an offence under this Act.
9. Ownership of living marine resources
(1) All living marine resources present in waters referred to in section 5 (1) (a) , (b) and (c) are owned by the State.(2) Any fish specifically provided for under a marine farming licence are not owned by the State but are the property of the holder of that licence.
(1) An authorisation under this Act takes precedence over any other public or private fishing rights.(2) Subsection (1) does not –(a) extinguish or impair any native title rights and interests; or(b) preclude any Aboriginal cultural activity by an Aborigine so long as that activity is not likely to have a detrimental effect on living marine resources and is consistent with this Act.
Division 2 - Permits and exemptions
(1) The Minister, by order published in the Gazette, may exempt a class of person from any provision of this Act subject to any condition the Minister determines.(2) An exemption remains in force until whichever of the following occurs first:(a) the exemption is revoked;(b) the date specified in the order as the date on which the exemption ceases to be in force;(c) the expiry of 4 months after the date on which the order was published in the Gazette.(3) The Minister, by order published in the Gazette, may vary a condition of an exemption.
(1) A person may apply to the Minister for a permit to take any action which otherwise would contravene a provision of this Act for the following purposes:(a) scientific research;(b) the promotion of fishing or fish products;(c) the development of fisheries;(d) the development of fishing technology;(e) educational and community awareness programs;(f) fish stock depletion or enhancement;(g) the collection, keeping, breeding, hatching or cultivating of rare or endangered fish;(h) sport or recreation purposes by a person who, in the opinion of the Minister, would otherwise be unable by reason of that person's disability to engage in fishing by methods permitted under this Act.(2) An application for a permit is to –(a) be in an approved form; and(b) contain any details the Minister requires; and(c) be accompanied by a fee determined by the Minister; and(d) be lodged with the Minister.(3) The Minister may require an applicant to provide further information or a declaration relating to the application or operation of a permit.(4) The Minister, without any applications being made, may –(a) issue a permit to any person subject to any condition the Minister determines; and(b) determine to whom a permit is to be issued; and(c) determine the system by which the Minister is to make a determination under paragraph (b) .
(1) The Minister may –(a) grant an application for a permit; or(b) refuse to grant the application.(2) Before granting an application for a permit, the Minister is to consult with the relevant fishing body if –(a) the Minister considers that granting the application is likely to have a significant effect on the fishing body; or(b) the Minister intends to grant the application for any of the purposes specified in section 12 (1) (b) , (c) , (d) or (f) .
(1) If the Minister grants an application for a permit, the Minister, on payment of any fee the Minister determines, is to issue the permit.(2) The permit is to be in an approved form.
(1) The Minister may grant an application for a permit subject to any reasonable condition the Minister determines.(2) A person must not fail to comply with, or contravene, a condition of a permit.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year, or both, and a daily fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.(3) The Minister may vary any condition of a permit by notice in writing served on the person who holds the permit.
A permit remains in force for the period, not exceeding 12 months, specified in the permit unless the Minister sooner revokes it.
The Minister may revoke a permit by notice in writing served on the person who holds the permit.
PART 2 - Administration
Division 1 - General matters
The Minister must ensure that this Act is administered in a way which promotes the sustainable management of living marine resources.
The Minister may do any one or more of the following in order to promote the sustainable management of living marine resources:(a) enter into a joint venture arrangement with another person;(b) buy shares or take an interest in a company;(c) enter into an agreement of any kind.
(1) The Minister, in writing, may delegate to a person any of the Minister's functions or powers, other than –(a) this power of delegation; or(b) any power conferred under sections 19 , 47 (2) , 110 (2) , Division 3 of Part 5 , Parts 6 and 7 and section 279 .(2) The Secretary, in writing, may delegate to a person any of the Secretary's functions or powers other than –(a) this power of delegation; or(b) section 164 .any power conferred under
(1) The Secretary must meet with the Commissioner of Police at least 4 times each year to discuss –(a) any matter relevant under this Act; and(b) the following matters in connection with the enforcement of this Act:(i)past activities of the Police Service;(ii)future activities of the Police Service;(iii) any activities of the Department which may affect that enforcement.(2) The Commissioner of Police must provide the Secretary at least 4 times each year with a report containing the following matters:(a) past enforcement and prosecution activities under way or completed;(b) measurement of the appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of enforcement activities;(c) any other matter in relation to enforcement;(d) any other matter agreed to at a meeting referred to in subsection (1) or requested by the Secretary.
22. Inquiries and investigations
(1) The Minister may require or authorise the Secretary to conduct any inquiry or investigation in relation to any matter under this Act as the Minister considers necessary.(2) For the purposes of subsection (1) , the Secretary may –(a) by notice in writing served on a person require the person –(i) to attend before the Secretary at a specified time and place; and(ii) to produce any document to the Secretary for inspection; and(b) inspect any document produced, retain it for a reasonable period and make copies of the document or any of its contents; and(c) require any person to answer any relevant question put to that person by the Secretary; and(d) administer any oath or affirmation.(3) A person must not –(a) without reasonable excuse, fail to comply with a notice under subsection (2) (a) ; or(b) without reasonable excuse, fail to swear or affirm, or to answer any question, when required to do so by the Secretary.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 100 penalty units.(4) For the purposes of subsection (3) (b) , it is a reasonable excuse for a person to refuse or fail to answer a question on the ground that the answer to the question might incriminate the person or render the person liable to a penalty.
(1) The Minister may acquire by bequest or donation any property for the purposes of this Act.(2) The Minister may agree to a condition to which any bequest or donation is subject if it is consistent with the purposes of this Act.(3) The rule of law relating to perpetuities does not apply to any condition to which the Minister has agreed.(4) Any property acquired under this section, to the extent to which it has not been applied in conformity with any bequest or donation, passes to, and devolves on, the successors in office of the Minister.(5) If the Minister has agreed to a condition, that condition binds the property in the hands of any successor in office of the Minister in whom the property may be vested.
(1) The following persons are not personally liable for an honest act done or omission made in the exercise or purported exercise of a power or the performance or purported performance of a function under this Act:(a) the Minister;(b) the Secretary;(c) a fisheries officer;(d) an assistant fisheries officer;(e)a person employed in the Department.(f). . . . . . . .(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude the Crown from incurring liability that a person referred to in that subsection would, but for that subsection, incur.
Division 2 - Associations and codes of practice
. . . . . . . .(1) The Minister may issue a certificate certifying that a body corporate is a fishing body if satisfied that it represents the interests of participants in –(a) the fishing industry or part of the fishing industry; or(b) a fishery; or(c) the marine farming industry or part of the marine farming industry; or(d) any combination of these.(2) The Minister may issue a certificate certifying that an association is a fishing body if satisfied that it represents the interests of participants in –(a) the fishing industry or part of the fishing industry; or(b) a fishery; or(c) the marine farming industry or part of the marine farming industry; or(d) any combination of these.(3) The Minister may revoke a certificate if no longer satisfied as to the matters referred to in this section.
(1) The Minister may establish advisory committees to provide information and advice to the Minister on matters related to the administration of this Act.(2) The Minister may appoint any person as a member of an advisory committee on any terms and conditions the Minister determines.(3) The Minister may abolish an advisory committee at any time.
28. Preparation of draft code of practice
(1) Any of the following bodies may prepare a draft code of practice for the purpose of this Act:(a) a fishing body;(b) an advisory committee established under this Act.(2) Before preparing a draft code of practice, a body must consult in writing with –(a) any person or body likely to be affected by the code of practice; and(b) any other person or body the Minister determines.(3) A body must submit to the Minister –(a) a copy of the draft code of practice; and(b) a copy of any submission or representation received from a person or body referred to in subsection (2) (a) or (b) ; and(c) its response to the submission or representation.
29. Matters included in a draft code of practice
(1) A draft code of practice may provide for any or all of the following:(a) the preservation of good order amongst fishers;(b) the conduct of persons engaged in commercial or recreational fishing, marine farming activities and handling fish;(c) the efficient utilisation of fishing resources catching strategies;(d) the use of fishing equipment in a safe manner and in particular circumstances or locations;(e) the handling, storage, processing, transport, marketing and presentation of fish for sale;(f) the equipment on fishing boats for the handling and storage of fish;(g) the storage or holding of fish for human consumption;(h) the manner of preparing fish for marketing or sale;(i) the restoration or rehabilitation of fish habitat;(j) the common names of fish to be used in the marketing and sale of fish;(k) any other prescribed matter.(2) A draft code of practice may –(a) include any standards, prescriptions, guidelines, protocols, procedures or other specifications; and(b) apply generally, specifically or in a limited manner or circumstance; and(c) contain different provisions according to differences in time, places or circumstances; and(d) apply to a particular fishery.
30. Approval of code of practice
(1) On receipt of a draft code of practice, the Minister, by public notice, must state –(a) the purpose and general effect of the draft code of practice; and(b) the place at which a copy of the draft code of practice may be obtained; and(c) the cost, if any, of obtaining a copy of the draft code of practice; and(d) that any person may submit written representations in relation to the draft code of practice within the period, not less than 45 days, specified in the notice.(2) The Minister must consider any representations received under subsection (1) .(3) The Minister may amend a draft code of practice to remove any inconsistency with this Act, regulations, a management plan or any other Act.(4) The Minister may –(a) approve the draft code of practice; or(b) refuse to approve the draft code of practice.(5) The Minister must not approve a draft code of practice if it contains any provision which is inconsistent with this Act, the regulations, a management plan or any other Act.(6) If the Minister approves a draft code of practice, the Secretary, by public notice, is to notify that approval.
31. Commencement of code of practice
A code of practice or a provision of a code of practice takes effect –(a) on the day on which the code of practice is approved by the Minister; or(b) on a later day specified in the code of practice as the day on which it takes effect.
PART 3 - Fisheries Management
Division 1 - Rules relating to fisheries
A management plan consists of rules relating to a specified fishery.
(1) The Minister may make rules in respect of –(a) a management plan; or(b) a fishery in respect of which there is no management plan; or(c) any other matter under this Act.(2) Rules in respect of a management plan take effect on a date specified in the rules that is a date after the provisions of Division 2 of this Part have been complied with.(3) The Minister must –(a) consult with the relevant fishing body before making any rules under subsection (1)(b) or (c) ; and(b) notify any proposed rules by public notice.
Rules may be made in relation to the following matters relating to fishing licences:(a) different classes of licences;(b) the number of licences to be granted;(c) the criteria and qualifications for the granting of a licence;(d) the procedure or system for determining who are to be granted or issued licences;(e) objections to the granting of licences;(f) endorsement of licences;(g) conditions of licences;(h) the grounds on which the Minister may cancel, suspend or refuse to renew or transfer a licence;(i) the period for which a licence is in force;(j) the criteria for a variation of a licence;(k) the requirement for a licensee to, and the method by which a licensee is to, nominate any area, port or place or period specified in the management plan in or during which fishing is to be undertaken, any vessel is to be used or fish are to be unloaded;(l) the prohibition of more than a specified number of persons from operating under a licence and specifying the functions of those persons.
Rules may be made in relation to the following matters relating to the capacity of a fishery:(a) the quantity of fish that may be taken;(b) the apparatus that may be used;(c) the number of vessels and persons in that fishery;(d) the method by which capacity is to be determined.
35A. Rock lobster quota unit rules
The Minister may make rules in relation to the taking of rock lobster for commercial purposes in respect of incompletely caught rock lobster quota units in subsequent years.
Rules may be made in relation to the following matters relating to entitlements under a licence:(a)the manner in which any entitlement is to be expressed, fixed, allocated or specified;(ab)the number and nature of an entitlement;(b) the period during which an entitlement arises;(c) the suspension of an entitlement;(d) the manner in which any entitlement is to be increased or reduced;(e) the conversion of one kind of entitlement into another kind of entitlement;(f) the prohibition on doing anything in excess of any entitlement;(g)the authorisation of the transfer or temporary transfer of any entitlement.
37. Prohibited and permitted fishing rules
Rules may be made in relation to the following matters:(a) the prohibition of all fishing activities in a fishery or part of a fishery;(b) the prohibition of any fishing activity of a specified class in a fishery;(c) the period during which any fishing activity is permitted or prohibited;(d) the method by which, and circumstances in which, the Minister may–(i) prohibit all fishing activities or any fishing activity of a specified class in a fishery; or(ii) permit in a fishery or in any part of a fishery, fishing or any fishing activity of a specified class that is otherwise prohibited.
38. Rules relating to vessels and apparatus
Rules may be made in relation to the following matters relating to vessels and apparatus:(a) the prohibition or regulation of the use of any vessel in a fishery;(b) the registration, marking or identification of any vessel used in a fishery;(c) the reporting of the position of any vessel;(d) the prohibition or regulation of the carrying or use of apparatus in a fishery;(e) the registration or identification of apparatus used in a fishery;(f)the installation, carriage or use of any apparatus on vessels used in a fishery;(g)vessels used for fishing for commercial purposes;(h)vessels used for carrying fish for commercial purposes;(i)charter vessels used for recreational fishing;(j)charter vessels used for non-exploitative use of fish;(k) paragraphs (g) , (h) , (i) and (j) ;the use of any vessel for any of the purposes referred to in(l)the use of vessels for storing, dealing, processing or treating fish;(m)the carrying of any firearm, explosive or toxic or poisonous substance on any vessel used for fishing.
39. Rules relating to fish and fishing
Rules may be made in relation to the following matters relating to fish and fishing:(a) the regulation of fishing in a fishery;(b) the possession of fish taken in a fishery;(c) requirements relating to any accidental or incidental taking of fish in a fishery;(d) the identification of fish by any means;(e) the checking, measuring, grading, counting or weighing of fish taken in a fishery;(f) the prohibition of the purchase or sale of fish taken or dealt with in contravention of a management plan;(g) the prohibition of fish being unloaded outside the port, place or area nominated by the holder of a licence;(h) the notification of the time and place of arrival at a place to land fish;(i) the measures to limit accidental or incidental catches;(j) the measures to offset arrangements to compensate for damage to the environment done by fishing or damage to kinds or species of fish which is prohibited or restricted by a management plan;(k) the prohibition in any specified period of taking or bringing fish onto land or into State waters;(l) the possession of a greater quantity, weight or volume of fish of a specified species than the quantity, weight or volume specified in a management plan in respect of that species of fish;(m) the area, port or place in which, or at which, fish may be unloaded or delivered.
(1) Rules may be made in relation to the following matters:(a) the obligations on licensees, persons acting for those licensees or masters of vessels;(b) the keeping of records and submissions of returns by –(i) any person acting under a licence; or(ii) any other person who handles, unloads, lands, stores, packs, consigns, transports, processes, sells or purchases fish;(ba) section 162 ;giving effect to any agreement under(c) the participation in research programs and the requirement in that research to carry scientific equipment;(d) the requirement to carry observers or research personnel to research, monitor or ensure compliance with this Act.(2) Rules may provide that the Minister, by public notice, may determine –(a) any opening or closing dates of seasons; and(b) the opening or closure of any part of a fishery; and(ba)the limits for taking or possessing fish; and(bb)the manner in which fish containers and receptacles are to be marked, tagged and notified; and(bc)the type, volume and marking of containers and receptacles containing fish; and(bd)the marking of fish; and(c) any other specified matter relating to the characteristics of fish.
40A. Rules relating to fish processing
Rules may be made in respect of the following:(a) fish processing;(b) the manner in which, and the means by which, fish may be unloaded, delivered, consigned or transported for processing;(c) the manner in which fish are received, transported or stored;(ca)the notification of the receipt, dispatch, import or export of fish;(cb)the notification of the time and manner of –(i) taking possession of fish at any place; and(ii) the arrival or departure of fish from a place where the fish are processed or stored; and(iii) the transport of fish to or from a place; and(iv) the transfer of possession of fish to any person at any place;(d)the marking and labelling of receptacles and containers in which fish are transported, exported, received or stored;(e) the dimensions of those receptacles and containers;(f) the treatment of, and dealing with, processed fish;(g) the processing of fish;(h) any premises, place, vessel or vehicle on or in which fish are stored;(i) the quality and quantity of fish for sale within the State or for export.
40B. Rules relating to handling
Rules may be made in respect of the following:(a) the manner in which, and the means by which, fish may be unloaded, delivered, consigned or transported by handlers;(b) the manner in which fish are received or stored by handlers;(c) the manner in which fish may be exported;(ca)the notification of the receipt, dispatch, import or export of fish;(cb)the notification of the time and manner of –(i) taking possession of fish at any place; and(ii) the arrival or departure of fish from a place where the fish are processed or stored; and(iii) the transport of fish to or from a place; and(iv) the transfer of possession of fish to any person at any place;(d) the type of receptacle or container in which fish may be exported;(e)the marking and labelling of receptacles and containers in which fish are transported, exported, received or stored;(f) the dimensions of those receptacles and containers;(g) the composition of water or other packing material in which fish are placed when being exported.
40C. Rules relating to fish and fishing
Rules may be made in respect of the following:(a) reporting or notifying the landing and receiving of any fish;(b) the non-exploitative use of fish;(c) the possession of –(i) the flesh or other part of any specified class of fish; and(ii) any specified class of mutilated or disfigured fish;(d) the prevention of destruction or wastage of fish;(e) any activities that interfere with, or obstruct, fishing;(f)the size, number, weight or any other characteristics of fish which may be taken, possessed, offered for sale, sold or purchased;(g) the sale and purchase of fish;(h) the landing, surrender to the Crown and sale of fish taken in contravention of this Act;(i) the naming of fish and prohibiting of the sale of fish except under specified names.
40D. General provisions relating to rules
(1) Rules may be made so as to apply differently according to any matter, condition, limitation, restriction, exception or circumstance specified in the rules.(2) Rules may adopt or incorporate the whole or any part of any document, standard, rule, code, specification or method, with or without modification, issued, prescribed or published by any person or body before or after the rules take effect.
Any provision of rules made under this Division which is inconsistent with a provision of any regulations prevails over the latter provision to the extent of that inconsistency.
Any provision of a management plan which is inconsistent with any provision of any rules made under this Division prevails over the latter provision to the extent of that inconsistency.
Rules made under this Division may –(a) provide that a contravention of, a failure to comply with, any of the rules is an offence; and(b) in respect of any offence, impose penalties as specified by regulations made under Part 10 .
Division 2 - Procedures for management plans
43. Decisions to prepare management plan
(1) The Minister may determine that a management plan is to be prepared relating to a fishery within State waters.(2) As soon as practicable after the Minister determines that a management plan is to be prepared, the Secretary, after consultation with any appropriate person, must prepare a draft management plan.
44. Public exhibition of draft management plan
(1) As soon as possible after a draft management plan has been prepared, the Secretary must refer it to the Minister for approval for it to be publicly exhibited.(2) The Minister may –(a) give approval to the public exhibition of the draft management plan; or(b) refuse to give approval.(3) If the Minister gives approval to the public exhibition of a draft management plan, the Secretary, by public notice, must notify –(a) that a draft management plan has been prepared; and(b) the fishery to which the draft management plan relates; and(c) that a person may submit written representations in relation to the draft management plan; and(d) the period during which representations may be made; and(e) the address to which representations may be sent; and(f) the place at which a copy of the draft management plan may be obtained; and(g) the cost, if any, of obtaining a copy of the draft management plan; and(h) the place at which the draft management plan is exhibited; and(i) the period during which the draft management plan is to be exhibited.(4) The period during which representations may be made and the period during which the draft management plan is to be exhibited is to be each at least 60 days from the date on which the notice is first published.(5) The Secretary may make available –(a) the history of the fishery or area to which a draft management plan relates; and(b) policies considered relevant in the preparation of the draft management plan; and(c) any other information the Secretary considers necessary or advisable to consider the draft management plan.
(1) The Minister, by notice published in the Gazette, may declare any rules, regulations, orders or a draft management plan referred to in a public notice under section 44 to constitute an interim management plan.(2) A notice under subsection (1) must state the date on which the interim management plan is to take effect.(3) An interim management plan has effect as if it were a management plan approved under section 47 .(4) An interim management plan which relates to any matter that was the subject of the repealed Act must be generally consistent with that Act.(5) An interim management plan ceases to take effect on the earlier of the following:(a) a date 12 months or later as the Minister determines after it took effect;(b) the date on which a management plan covering the fishery takes effect.
46. Consideration of representations
After considering any representations received in relation to a draft management plan, the Secretary –(a) may amend the draft management plan to take account of the representations; and(b) must prepare a report in relation to the representations received.
47. Approval of draft management plan
(1) The Secretary must submit to the Minister –(a) the draft management plan with any amendments made under section 46 ; and(b) the report prepared under that section.(2) The Minister must approve a draft management plan if satisfied that –(a) the plan promotes and develops commercial or recreational fishing without detriment to the fish habitat and environment; and(b) the Secretary has taken appropriate action in relation to any representation made in respect of the plan.(3) If the Minister is not satisfied under subsection (2) , the Minister must –(a) advise the relevant fishing body accordingly; and(b) refer the draft management plan to the Secretary; and(c) specify any matter which requires action before the Minister may be satisfied under subsection (2) .(4) The Minister is to make available at the request of any person and on payment of a fee determined by the Minister a copy of a report prepared under section 46 .
48. Notification of approval of draft management plan
If the Minister approves a draft management plan, the Secretary, by public notice, must notify –(a) that the draft management plan has been approved; and(b) that the plan as approved is a management plan; and(c) the date on which the management plan takes effect; and(d) the period during which the management plan is in force; and(e) the place at which a copy of the management plan may be obtained; and(f) the cost of obtaining a copy of the management plan; and(g) any other information the Secretary considers relevant to the management plan.
48A. Correction of management plan
(1)The Minister, after consultation with the relevant fishing body and by order published in the Gazette, may change a management plan if satisfied that the change is –(a) to correct any error in the management plan; or(b) to remove any anomaly in the management plan; or(c) to clarify or simplify the management plan; or(d) to remove any inconsistency between management plans or between a management plan and any Act; or(e) to make procedural changes to a management plan; or(f) for any other prescribed purpose.(2) The Secretary is to –(a) specify the change by public notice; and(b) notify the change to any person holding a licence for commercial purposes affected by the order by notice served on the licensee.
Division 3 - Changes, review and revocation
49. Order changing management plan
(1) The Minister, by order published in the Gazette, may change a management plan by amending, substituting or adding any provision of the management plan if satisfied that an emergency has arisen, or is likely to arise, making it necessary or advisable to change the management plan.(2) The Minister may change a management plan for one or more of the following purposes:(a) to safeguard the fish being covered by the management plan from the outbreak of disease or the introduction of exotic kinds or species of fish or other things that are harming, or capable of harming, the fish;(b) to safeguard the quality and quantity of fish covered by the management plan;(c) to protect the fish covered by the management plan or other fish or their habitat from actual or anticipated damage or injury.(2A). . . . . . . .(3) An order may provide for any one or more of the following:(a) the suspension of fishing;(b) the prohibition, restriction or variation of the controls or the kinds of fishing methods that may be employed;(c) the alteration to the quantity, ages, sizes, sex, kinds or species of fish that may be taken;(d) emergency provisions to safeguard fish;(e) that a contravention of, or failure to comply with, a provision of the order is an offence;(f) the imposition of a fine in respect of any offence.
50. Notification of changes to management plan
(1) Before the Minister makes an order under section 49 –(a) the Minister must consult with the relevant fishing body; and(b) the Secretary, by public notice, must specify the changes that are proposed to be made to a management plan by the order.(2) section 49 , the Secretary, by notice in writing, must notify any person holding a licence for commercial purposes affected by the order of–After the Minister makes an order under(a) the contents of the order; and(b) the period during which the order is in force.(3) subsection (2) .The Secretary, by public notice, may publish a notice referred to in
(1) An order under section 49 is in force for the period, not exceeding 90 days, specified in the order.(2) The Minister, by notice published in the Gazette, may extend an order once only for a further period not exceeding 90 days if satisfied that there is likely to be a significant risk to living marine resources if the order is not extended.
52. Suspension of substituted provision
The application of a provision of a management plan which is substituted by an order under section 49 –(a) is suspended for the period during which the order is in force; and(b) has effect the day after that period ends.
(1) The Minister may direct the Secretary to conduct a review of a management plan if satisfied that it is necessary or desirable to do so because of biological, economic or other factors relating to the fishery to which the management plan relates.(2) In conducting a review, the Secretary is to consult with –(a) the relevant fishing body; and(b) any person the Secretary considers appropriate.(3) As a result of a review, the Secretary may recommend to the Minister any alterations the Secretary considers should be made to the management plan.(4) The Minister may –(a) approve any alteration to the management plan the Secretary recommends; or(b) refuse to approve any alteration.(5) The Minister is to make available at the request of a person and on payment of a fee determined by the Minister a copy of the review.
54. Notification of proposed alteration
(1) If the Minister approves any alteration to a management plan recommended by the Secretary under section 53 , the Secretary, by public notice, must notify –(a) that the management plan is to be altered; and(b) that a person may submit written representations in relation to any proposed alteration; and(c) the place at which particulars of the alteration may be obtained; and(d) the address to which representations may be sent; and(e) the period during which representations may be made.(2) The period during which representations may be made is to be at least one month from the date on which the notice is first published.
55. Recommendations after review
(1) After considering any representation and within 60 days after the period specified in a public notice under section 54 , the Secretary must forward to the Minister a report.(2) A report is to contain –(a) a summary of each representation received; and(b) a summary of any action taken by the Secretary in relation to any representation; and(c) a recommendation as to whether the management plan –(i) should be altered in a particular way; or(ii) should not be altered; and(d) a statement of the reasons for that recommendation.(3) The Minister is to make available at the request of a person and on payment of a fee determined by the Minister a copy of the report.
56. Acceptance of recommendation
(1) The Minister must accept any recommendation of the Secretary following a review if satisfied that the Secretary –(a) has conducted the review in a satisfactory and thorough manner; and(b) has taken appropriate action in relation to any representation.(2) If the Minister is not satisfied under subsection (1) , the Minister must –(a) refer the recommendation to the Secretary; and(b) require the Secretary to re-consider the recommendation and any representation.
57. Notification of alteration of management plan
(1) If the Minister accepts the recommendation of the Secretary, the Secretary, by public notice, must notify –(a) that as a result of a review, the Minister has accepted a recommendation to alter or not to alter a management plan; and(b) the details of any alteration; and(c) the date on which any alteration takes effect.(2)The Secretary, by notice in writing, must notify any person holding a licence for commercial purposes who is affected by any alteration to a management plan.
58. Revocation of management plan
(1) The Minister, after receiving advice from the Secretary, by order, may revoke a management plan if satisfied that it is necessary or desirable to do so because biological, economic or other factors make it impossible, difficult or unsafe for fishing to be conducted in the fishery to which the management plan relates.(2) Before revoking a management plan, the Minister is to consult with the relevant fishing body.
(1) The Minister, if satisfied that an emergency exists and after consulting with the relevant fishing body if practicable, may, by public notice, make an order in relation to any of the following:(a) a closed season for a fishery;(b) the closure or opening of State waters or a part of State waters for a particular fishery;(c) the prohibition of taking, having, possessing or selling a species of fish by any person or class of person.(2) An order has effect, unless sooner revoked, for the period, not exceeding 3 months, specified in the notice.(3) A provision of an order which is inconsistent with a provision of a management plan prevails over the latter provision to the extent of that inconsistency.(4) The Secretary, by notice in writing served on the licensee, must notify any licensee affected by an order.(5) A person must not fail to comply with an order.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 5 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year, or both, and a daily fine not exceeding 5 penalty units.
PART 4 - Licences, Quotas and Agreements
Division 1 - Fishing licences
(1) A person without a fishing licence must not in State waters –(a) participate in fishing; or(b) take fish; or(c) use any apparatus for the purpose of fishing; or(d) take any other action which may be taken only by the holder of a fishing licence.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 5 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both, and a daily fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.(2) This section does not apply to –(a) a person who is fishing for recreational purposes and is not required to be licensed under a management plan for that fishing; or(b) section 87 ; ora person who uses a licence with the Minister's approval under(ba) subsection (1) , other than taking fish by spear or diving, under the supervision of the holder of a fishing licence or a supervisor; ora person who carries out any activity specified in(c) an Aborigine who is engaged in an Aboriginal cultural activity which is not likely to have a detrimental effect on living marine resources.(3) A person is to apply for a fishing licence in accordance with section 77 .
61. Authority of fishing licence
A fishing licence authorises the holder of the licence to carry out fishing in accordance with the licence.
62. Conditions of fishing licence
A fishing licence is subject to –(a) the rules of a management plan applicable to that licence; and(b) any condition specified in the licence.
(1) The Secretary is to maintain a certificate or certificates for a person in respect of a fishing licence or fishing licences held by the person.(2) The Secretary may determine which fishing certificate specifies which fishing licence.(3) A fishing certificate is to specify –(a) the name of the holder of the fishing licence; and(b) the fishing licence or fishing licences to which it relates; and(c) any other detail the Secretary determines.
Division 2 - Marine farming licence
(1) A person without a marine farming licence must not –(a) carry out any marine farming in State waters; or(b) take live fish for the purpose of marine farming in State waters; or(c) operate a fish hatchery or breed, culture or farm fish –(i) in inland waters if the fish in the normal course of events would be transferred to State waters or waters sourced from State waters; or(ii) on land if State waters are used as a growing medium or the waters in which the fish are normally kept has characteristics similar to any State waters.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or both.(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply to –(a) a person who carries out any activity specified in that subsection under the supervision of the holder of a marine farming licence or a supervisor at a place specified on that licence; or(b) section 74 of the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 at a place specified on that licence; ora person who is authorised to use a marine farming licence by means of a sublease under(c) a person who is under the supervision of a person referred to in paragraph (b) .(2) Subsection (1) (c) (i) does not apply to a person operating a fish hatchery for freshwater fish under a licence under the Inland Fisheries Act 1995 .(3) A person is to apply for a marine farming licence in accordance with section 77 .(4) An application for a marine farming licence must not be granted to a person –(a) Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 in respect of the area to which that licence is to relate; orfor an area in State waters unless the person holds a lease under the(b) for any area unless it contains the conditions and restrictions imposed under a marine farming development plan in relation to that area; or(c) for an area within inland waters unless the marine farm obtains water from State waters.(4A) Subsection (4)(a) does not apply to a person who is the owner of the area to which the application for the marine farming licence relates.(5) This section does not apply to breeding, rearing or keeping alive fish –(a) for domestic purposes; or(b) for display purposes.
65. Authority of marine farming licence
A marine farming licence authorises the holder of the licence to carry out marine farming in accordance with the licence.
66. Conditions of marine farming licence
A marine farming licence is subject to –(a) the marine farming development plan to which the licence relates; and(b) any condition specified in the licence.
Division 3 - Fish processing licences
(1)A person without a fish processing licence must not process, for commercial purposes, a prescribed amount of fish of a prescribed species in a prescribed period.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units and a daily penalty of 10 penalty units.(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to the processing of fish –(a) on any vessel used to take the fish by a person authorised to take the fish with that vessel; or(b) for sale by retail to the public or served as meals to the public in, or from, a place; or(c)by the holder of a marine farming licence if the fish are produced by the holder under that licence; or(d) by the holder of a fishing licence if the fish are caught by the holder under that licence; or(e) by a person under the supervision of the holder of a fish processing licence at the place at which the fish may be processed under the licence.(3) A person is to apply for a fish processing licence in accordance with section 77 .
(1) A fish processing licence must specify the place, vessel or vehicle at which fish may be processed under the licence.(2) The holder of a fish processing licence must not process fish at a place other than the place specified for that purpose in the licence.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units.(3) The holder of a fish processing licence must not have at the place specified in the licence any fish which have been illegally taken.Penalty:Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both.
The holder of a fish processing licence must not hold or store live or dead fish of a prescribed class that have been, are being or are to be processed under the licence at a place other than–(a) the place at which the fish are to be processed under the licence; or(b) any place specified for that purpose in the licence.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 200 penalty units.
70. Conditions of fish processing licence
A fish processing licence is subject to –(a) the rules of a management plan applicable to that licence; and(b) any condition specified in the licence relating to any one or more of the following matters:(i) returns and records to be kept and provided;(ii) the alteration of premises at which fish are processed;(iii) any other matter the Minister determines.
Division 4 - Handling licences
(1) The Minister may require a person or class of persons who does any of the following to hold a handling licence:(a) receive fish from a licensee;(b) transport or store fish received from a licensee;(c) otherwise deal with fish received from a licensee.(1A) Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who carries out any activity specified in that subsection under the supervision of the holder of a handling licence.(2) A person who is required to hold a handling licence must not do any of the activities specified in subsection (1) without holding a handling licence.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year and a daily fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.(3) A person is to apply for a handling licence in accordance with section 77 .
72. Authority of handling licence
A handling licence authorises the holder to carry out any activity referred to in section 71 and specified in the licence.
73. Conditions of handling licence
A handling licence is subject to –(a) the rules applicable to that licence; and(b) any condition specified in the licence.
(1) The Minister may require any person or class of persons who carries out any activity referred to in section 71 to keep records and information relating to any one or more of the following matters:(a) the person from whom fish were received;(b) any authorisation of that person to be in possession of the fish;(c) the person to whom fish were delivered or consigned;(d) the date on which fish were received;(e) the quantity and species or class of fish.(2) A person must provide the Secretary with any records and information kept under subsection (1) .(3) A person, without reasonable cause, must not fail to keep records or give information as required.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 100 penalty units.
Division 5 - General provisions relating to licences
(1) The Minister may issue guidelines consistent with this Act in respect of any matter relating to a licence or licensing.(2) The Minister may amend or revoke any guidelines.(3) In performing a function or exercising a power relating to a licence, the Secretary is to take into account –(a) any guidelines issued by the Minister; and(b) any other matter the Secretary considers relevant.
(1) Any provision of a management plan which is inconsistent with any provision of this Part prevails over the latter provision to the extent of that inconsistency.(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a provision of a management plan that relates to any matter referred to in Division 6A .
(1) An application for the grant, renewal, variation or transfer of a licence or quota or entitlement under a licence is to –(a) be in an approved form; and(b) contain any information the Secretary requires; and(c) be accompanied by the prescribed fee; and(d) be lodged with the Secretary.(2)A partnership, a corporation or a trustee is to nominate a natural person as the nominated person for the purposes of a licence.(2A) Subsection (2) does not apply in respect of a marine farming licence held by a partnership, corporation or trustee.(3) A nominated person is not entitled to any rights conferred by, or interest in, a licence only because the person is a nominated person.(4) The Secretary, on written application, may amend any particulars entered in relation to a nominated person.(5) The Secretary may require a person to –(a) provide any further information the Secretary determines; and(b) verify by statutory declaration any information given in connection with an application.
(1)The Minister may grant an application for a licence, subject to any condition the Minister determines, if satisfied that–(a) the applicant has complied with this Act; and(b)the applicant, within 5 years before the date of the application, has not been convicted of any offence under this Act, any other Act or a corresponding law which the Minister considers relevant to the holding of a licence; and(c) the applicant is not disqualified from holding the licence; and(d) granting the application is not likely to contravene a management plan; and(e) there are no environmental or resource constraints in granting the application; and(f) the applicant is a fit and proper person to hold the licence; and(g)the applicant has paid the appropriate, levies, fees and charges.(2) The Minister may refuse to grant a licence if not satisfied as required under subsection (1) .(2A) section 247 .The Minister must not grant a licence under this section if the application is for a licence to replace a licence that has been surrendered or cancelled or has ceased to be in force under(3) The Minister may delegate to any person the power to grant or refuse an application for particular types or classes of licences.
(1) A licence is to be in an approved form.(2)A licence may be issued –(a) as a separate instrument; or(b) as an endorsement on a fishing certificate.
(1) A licence is in force for the period, not exceeding 10 years, specified in the licence.(2) Subject to this Act or a management plan, a licence ceases to be in force –(a) on a day specified in the licence; or(b) if a date is not specified, on 28 February –(i) in the last year in respect of which it was granted; or(ii) if fees are paid by annual instalments, in the year in which an instalment for a succeeding year is not paid before the commencement of that succeeding year.
(1) The holder of a licence may apply to the Minister for the renewal of the licence.(2) The Minister, on payment of the prescribed fee, must renew a licence if satisfied that –(a) the applicant has complied with the conditions of the licence in the previous 5 years; and(b)the holder of the licence has not been convicted of any offence under this Act, any other Act or a corresponding law which the Minister considers relevant to the holding of a licence; and(c) the applicant is not disqualified from holding the licence; and(d) there are no environmental or resource constraints on doing so; and(e) the applicant is a fit and proper person to hold the licence; and(f)the applicant has paid the appropriate, levies, fees and charges; and(g) it is appropriate to do so.(3) If the Minister is not satisfied as required under subsection (2) , the Minister may –(a) renew the licence subject to any condition the Minister considers appropriate; or(b) refuse to renew the licence.(4) The Minister may refuse to renew a fish processing licence if –(a) the Minister is satisfied that any place, vessel or vehicle to which the licence relates has not been used to process fish within the previous 2 years; or(b) the Secretary of a Department administering any Act relating to public health advises the Minister not to renew the licence.
(1) The holder of a licence may apply to the Minister to transfer –(a) the licence to another person; or(b) a quota or entitlement under the licence to another licensee.(2)The Minister may grant an application for the transfer of a licence to another person if satisfied that –(a) the other person has complied with this Act; and(b) the other person, within 5 years before the date of the application, has not been convicted of any offence under this Act, any other Act or a corresponding law which the Minister considers relevant to the holding of the licence; and(c) the other person is not disqualified from holding the licence; and(d) granting the application is not likely to contravene a management plan; and(e) there are no environmental or resource constraints in granting the application; and(f) the other person is a fit and proper person to hold the licence; and(fa) section 75 ; andgranting the application is consistent with guidelines issued under(fb) Fishing (Licence Ownership and Interest) Registration Act 2001 , an application has been made under that Act by the owner of that licence to cancel all entries in the register under that Act relating to that licence; andin respect of a relevant licence within the meaning of the(g) the applicant has paid the appropriate fees and charges.(3) subsection (1)(a) if not satisfied as required under subsection (2) .The Minister may refuse to grant an application under(3A) subsection (1)(b) if satisfied that –The Minister may grant an application under(a) granting the application is not likely to contravene a management plan; and(b) there are no environmental or resource constraints in granting the application; and(c) granting the application is consistent with guidelines issued under section 75 ; and(ca) Fishing (Licence Ownership and Interest) Registration Act 2001 , an application under that Act has been made by the owner of that licence and the other licensee to vary an entry in the register relating to the quota or entitlement under the licence; andin respect of a relevant licence within the meaning of the(d) the applicant has paid the appropriate fees and charges.(3B) subsection (3A) .The Minister may refuse to grant the application if not satisfied as required under(4)The Minister may defer a decision in respect of an application for the transfer of a licence or a quota or an entitlement under a licence to another person if –until the charge is determined.(a) the applicant or the other person has been charged with an offence under this Act, a corresponding law or any other Act which the Minister considers relevant; and(b) the charge has not been determined at the time the application was made –
(1)The Minister may vary a licence –(a) on application and payment of a prescribed fee; or(b) if the Minister considers it necessary or desirable to do so.(1A) subsection (1)(a) if satisfied that –The Minister may vary a licence under(a) the holder of the licence has complied with this Act; and(b) the holder of the licence, within 5 years before the date of the application, has not been convicted of any offence under this Act, any other Act or a corresponding law which the Minister considers relevant to the holding of the licence; and(c) varying the licence is not likely to contravene a management plan; and(d) Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 ; andvarying the licence is not likely to contravene a marine farming development plan under the(e) there are no environmental or resource constraints in varying the licence; and(ea) section 75 ; andvarying the licence is consistent with guidelines issued under(f) the holder of the licence has paid the appropriate fees and charges.(1B)The Minister may refuse to vary a licence –(a) if not satisfied as required under subsection (1A) ; or(b) for any other reason the Minister considers appropriate.(1C)The Minister may defer a decision in respect of an application to vary a licence if –until the charge is determined.(a) the holder of the licence has been charged with an offence under this Act, a corresponding law or any other Act the Minister considers relevant; and(b) the charge has not been determined at the time the application was made –(2) If the Minister varies a licence, the Minister –(a) may require the holder to return it; and(b) is to serve notice on the licensee of the variation; and(c) is to issue a substitute licence containing new conditions.(3) A variation of a licence which is inconsistent with any provision of a management plan is of no effect.(4) A variation of a licence takes effect on the day specified in the notice served under subsection (2) (b) .
84. Damages in respect of transfer or variation of licence
A person who has a legal or equitable interest in a licence is not entitled to bring any action for damages against the Crown in respect of the transfer of the licence or any quota or entitlement under the licence or the variation of the licence.
A licence is of no effect for any period during which any fees, charges or royalties payable in respect of the licence are not paid by the due date or by the due date as extended under section 275 .
86. Conditions on renewal, variation or transfer of licence
(1) The Minister may renew, vary or transfer a licence which does not include matters provided for under a deed of agreement subject to any condition the Minister thinks fit and specifies in the licence.(2) The Minister, by written notice, may delete, vary or add to any condition of a licence –(a) to protect fish or their habitat; or(b) as a result of an agreement between the Minister and the holder of the licence; or(c) if the licence is a marine farming licence, to ensure that the licence is consistent with the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 or a marine farming development plan.(3) The Minister may only impose new conditions on a varied licence if the conditions –(a) arise as a consequence of a change to a management plan; or(b) arise as a consequence of a need to protect fish or fish habitats; or(c) arise as a result of an agreement between the Minister and the holder of the licence; or(d) correct anything included or omitted by clerical or administrative error; or(e) are necessary for the purposes of this Act; or(f) if the licence is a marine farming licence, are consistent with the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 or a marine farming development plan.(4). . . . . . . .
86A. Compliance with conditions
A person must not contravene or fail to comply with a condition of a licence.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both, and a daily fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
87. Prohibition on use of licence by other persons
(1)A holder of a licence, without the Minister's approval, must not allow another person to use the licence –(a) by means of leasing, subleasing or lending; or(b) by acting as a supervisor; or(c) by any other arrangement or agreement.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 100 penalty units.(2)The Minister may grant the approval if satisfied that –(a) it is reasonable to do so; and(b) the person for whom the approval is sought –(i) has complied with this Act; and(ii) has not been convicted of any offence under this Act, any other Act or a corresponding law that the Minister considers relevant; and(iii) is not disqualified from holding a licence under this Act; and(iv) is a fit and proper person; and(c) granting the approval is not likely to contravene a management plan or guidelines issued under section 75 .(2A)The Minister may defer a decision in respect of an approval if –until the charge is determined.(a) the person for whom the approval is sought has been charged with an offence under this Act, a corresponding law or any other Act the Minister considers relevant; and(b) the charge has not been determined at the time the application was made –(3) It is a defence in proceedings under subsection (1) for a person to prove that he or she –(a) was no longer the holder of the relevant licence because the licence has been transferred; or(b) is otherwise authorised to do so.(4) Unless the Minister otherwise determines, any agreement which allows a person to use a licence held by another person is unenforceable –(a) for the purposes of this Act or any other Act; and(b) in any legal proceedings initiated by any of the parties to the agreement.
(1) Unless otherwise provided, the Minister may approve a suitable person nominated by the licensee or the personal representative of the licensee to be a substitute licensee to execute any documents in respect of the licence –(a) during any period the licensee is unable to execute the document; or(b) if the licensee has died.(2) The executor or administrator of the estate of a deceased licensee is a substitute licensee for any period the Minister determines.
(1) subsection (7) or under a form of supervision approved under subsection (5) .The holder of a licence must ensure that any activity carried out under the authority of the licence is supervised by a supervisor, a person designated underPenalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both, and a daily fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.(2) A supervisor is –(a) if the licence is granted to a natural person, the licensee; or(b) if the licence is granted to a partnership or corporation, the person nominated under section 77 (2) ; or(ba) section 87 ; ora person approved to use a licence under(c) a person approved as substitute licensee under section 88 .(3) A person may be a supervisor in respect of activities carried out under one marine farming licence or under more than one specified marine farming licence.(4)A supervisor must ensure that any activity carried out under a licence complies with this Act.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both, and a daily fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.(5) If for any reasonable reason the supervisor is unable to supervise an activity, the Minister may approve another form of supervision that is acceptable in the circumstances.(6) Subsection (2)(b) does not apply to the holder of a marine farming licence that is a partnership, corporation or trustee.(7)If the holder of a marine farming licence is a partnership, corporation or trustee the holder must –(a) designate a person to supervise any activity for which the licence is required; and(b) if required by a fisheries officer to do so, identify that person.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both, and a daily fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
. . . . . . . .(1)The Secretary may apply to a magistrate for an order to suspend or cancel a licence for any period on the grounds that–(a) Fisheries Act 1959 subsequent to the grant of that licence; orthe holder of the licence has been convicted of an offence against this Act or the(b)the holder of the licence has been convicted under a corresponding law or under legislation of New Zealand of an offence substantially the same as an offence against this Act; or(c) the licensee has contravened or failed to comply with any condition of the licence; or(d) the holder of the licence has failed to submit any records under this Act; or(e) any fee or charge or other money payable in respect of the licence has not been paid by the due date.(2) The authority conferred by a licence is of no effect during any period the licence is suspended.
(1) A person, by notice in writing to the Secretary, may surrender a licence held by that person.(2) A licence ceases to have effect –(a) on the date specified in the notice; or(b) if a date is not specified, on the date of receipt of the notice.
Division 6 - Allocation arrangements
93. Declaration of a quota management
(1) The Minister, by notice published in the Gazette, may declare –(a) that any species or class of fish in a fishery or part of a fishery is to be subject to quota management under a management plan; and(b) a date after which the quantity of fish caught as specified in records kept under Part 6 is not relevant to any determination of an allocation of quota.(2) Before making a declaration, the Minister is to consult with the relevant fishing body.(3) A declaration does not affect the taking of any fish under a management plan.(4) The Minister must not make a declaration which affects the operation of a marine farming licence.
94. Total allowable catch provisions
(1) A management plan may specify –(a) the quota period for a fishery, other than the commercial abalone fishery; and(b) the period during which any other catch limits for any purpose under this Act may be taken; and(c) the process by which a total allowable catch, other than in relation to the commercial abalone fishery, is allocated.(2) The Minister, after consultation with the relevant fishing body and by public notice, may –(a) set the total allowable catch for a fishery; and(b) determine the part or parts of the fishery from which the total allowable catch is to be taken; and(c) determine the portion of the total allowable catch to be taken from each part of the fishery.(3) The Minister is to determine the amount of abalone to be taken pursuant to an abalone quota unit from each part of the fishery.(4) The Minister may exercise a power under subsections (2)(b) , (2) (c) and (3) in relation to a fishery even if it results in any inconsistency with any provision of a deed of agreement under this Act or the repealed Act.(5) If a total allowable catch is not set before the start of a quota period, the total allowable catch set for the preceding quota period applies, and the provisions of subsections (2)(b) , (2) (c) and (3) apply, until a new total allowable catch is set.(6) Compensation is not payable to a party to a deed of agreement relating to the abalone fishery made under this Act or the repealed Act or to any other person for any loss or damage suffered by the party or person because of the application of subsection (2)(b) , (2) (c) or (3) .(7)The Minister is to allocate to each abalone quota unit a number from 1 to 3 500 inclusive.(8) Fishing (Licence Ownership and Interest) Registration Act 2001 is taken to be a number allocated under subsection (7) .Any abalone quota unit number allocated before the commencement of the
95. Determination of total allowable catch
(1) Before setting or varying a total allowable catch under a management plan, the Minister must consult with any person, body or organisation the Minister considers to be representative of those having an interest in the amount that might be set as the total allowable catch.(2) The Minister must determine a total allowable catch having regard to the purposes of this Act.(3) The Minister, by public notice, must notify the quantity determined as a total allowable catch under this section.
96. Allocation of total allowable catch
A management plan which incorporates a total allowable catch for a species or class of fish may provide for that total allowable catch to be allocated amongst –(a) persons holding a licence to take fish of the same species and class issued under this Act; or(b) persons holding a licence and other persons or classes of persons or persons engaged in recreational fishing.
97. Appeals against allocations of total allowable catch
(1) The holder of a fishing licence may appeal to the Appeal Tribunal against a decision to allocate part of a total allowable catch to a person under a management plan only on –(a) the facts of the case; or(b) the grounds of natural justice.(2) An appeal is to be instituted within 60 days after the decision is made.(3) For the purpose of an appeal, the Appeal Tribunal is to be constituted by more than one member, one of whom must possess expertise in fishing or the fishing industry.
(1) The Minister, without any applications being made and after consultation with any appropriate fishing body, may issue –(a) a fishing licence in respect of a fishery; or(b) a new fishing licence in place of a fishing licence which has been cancelled or surrendered.(2) The Minister may determine to whom a licence is to be issued as follows:(a) for a licence referred to in subsection (1) (a) if a fishery is subject to a management plan –(i) by any system specified in that plan; or(ii) if a system is not specified, by any system the Minister considers appropriate;(b) for a licence referred to in subsection (1) (a) if a fishery is not subject to a management plan, by any system the Minister considers appropriate;(c) for a licence referred to in subsection (1) (b) , by any system the Minister considers appropriate.
Division 6A - Rock lobster quota
98A. Commercial rock lobster quota management
The commercial rock lobster fishery is subject to quota management under a management plan.
98B. Total allowable catch for commercial rock lobster fishery
(1) The total allowable catch for the commercial rock lobster fishery for the year starting 1 March 1998 is 1502.5 tonnes.(2) The total allowable catch for the rock lobster fishery A is as follows:(a) 0.90909 multiplied by the total allowable catch for the commercial rock lobster fishery for the period of 12 months commencing 1 March 1998;(b) 0.94406 multiplied by the total allowable catch for the commercial rock lobster fishery for the period of 12 months commencing 1 March 1999;(c) 0.97902 multiplied by the total allowable catch for the commercial rock lobster fishery for the period of 12 months commencing 1 March 2000;(d) 1.0 multiplied by the total allowable catch for the commercial rock lobster fishery for each period of 12 months commencing after 28 February 2001.(3) The total allowable catch for the rock lobster fishery B is as follows:(a) 0.09091 multiplied by the total allowable catch for the commercial rock lobster fishery for the period of 12 months commencing 1 March 1998;(b) 0.05594 multiplied by the total allowable catch for the commercial rock lobster fishery for the period of 12 months commencing 1 March 1999;(c) 0.02098 multiplied by the total allowable catch for the commercial rock lobster fishery for the period of 12 months commencing 1 March 2000;(d) zero for each period of 12 months commencing 1 March after 28 February 2001.
98C. Allocation of rock lobster quota units
(1) The Minister is to allocate rock lobster quota units to the holders of fishing licences that entitle the taking of rock lobster for commercial purposes.(2)The Minister may only allocate up to a total of 10 507 rock lobster quota units.(3) The Minister is to allocate rock lobster quota units for the year starting 1 March 1998 on the basis of one rock lobster quota unit for each rock lobster pot specified as at 9 January 1998 in a fishing licence that entitles the holder to take rock lobster for commercial purposes.(4) The holder of a fishing licence in force as at 1 March 1998 that entitles the holder to take rock lobster for commercial purposes is not entitled to more rock lobster quota units than the number of rock lobster pots specified in such a licence held by that holder as at 28 February 1998 unless additional rock lobster quota units are subsequently transferred to that licence under section 82 .
98D. Licence to specify rock lobster quota units
(1) A fishing licence that entitles the holder to take rock lobster for commercial purposes is to specify the number of rock lobster quota units to which the holder is entitled.(2) The number of rock lobster quota units to which the holder of a fishing licence is entitled under subsection (1) is to be no more than the maximum number specified in a management plan relating to the rock lobster fishery.
98E. Limit on quota units and licences
(1) The holder of a fishing licence that entitles the taking of rock lobster for commercial purposes must not receive any payment or benefit in kind in, or hold, more rock lobster quota units or licences than specified in a management plan relating to the rock lobster fishery.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both.(2) The holder of a licence referred to in subsection (1) must not enter into any arrangement or contract with any other person that has the effect of contravening subsection (1) .Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both.(3) The Minister may cancel a licence referred to in subsection (1) if the holder of the licence is convicted of an offence under this section.
98F. Allocation of rock lobster catch history unit
(1) The Minister is to allocate rock lobster catch history units in respect of a period of 12 months commencing on 1 March as follows:(a) in respect of the period commencing 1 March 1998, after whichever of the following occurs first:(i) 14 days after all appeals under section 98L are decided;(ii) 14 August 1998;(b) in respect of the periods commencing 1 March 1999 and 1 March 2000 after taking into account any decision made after 1 August 1998 relating to an appeal.(2) The Minister may only allocate –(a) rock lobster catch history units to persons who –(i) hold fishing licences that entitle the taking of rock lobster for commercial purposes; and(ii) held such a licence as at 14 February 1998; and(b) up to a total of 316 rock lobster catch history units.(3) The Minister may allocate only one rock lobster catch history unit in respect of one fishing licence.(4) The Minister is to allocate a rock lobster catch history unit taking into account –(a) the value of the rock lobster catch history as determined under section 98G ; and(b) the result of any review made by the Secretary under section 98K ; and(c) any decision in respect of an appeal made under section 98L .(5) The allocation of rock lobster catch history units is not subject to review or appeal.(6) The Minister is to notify licence holders of –(a) their allocation of rock lobster catch history units; and(b) the variation of their licences to specify that allocation.(7) A fishing licence that entitles the holder to take rock lobster for commercial purposes is to specify the number of kilograms equivalent to the rock lobster catch history unit as allocated under this section.(8) The Minister is not to vary a rock lobster catch history unit during the period for which it has been allocated.
98G. Value of rock lobster catch history
(1) Before the Minister allocates any rock lobster catch history units, the Secretary is to determine and advise licence holders before 14 February 1998 of the value of their respective rock lobster catch history.(2) The Secretary, in determining the value of a licence holder's rock lobster catch history, may take into account any previous licence to take rock lobster for commercial purposes that the person held.(3) The value of a rock lobster catch history that is the subject of an appeal that has not been decided by 31 July 1998 is taken to be the value as determined by the Secretary under subsection (1) or section 98K .
The maximum number of pots for any year during the period 1 November 1988 to 31 October 1997 is to be based on the number of pots specified in a fishing licence that entitles the taking of rock lobster for commercial purposes during the period when the rock lobster fishery was open for fishing.
(1)The yearly catch is the catch of rock lobster in kilograms taken under a fishing licence that entitles the taking of rock lobster for commercial purposes as recorded in the appropriate returns before 31 October 1997.(2) The yearly catch used to calculate the yearly catch history –(a) is to be taken from the years during the period 1 November 1988 to 31 October 1997; and(b) may include any adjustment made to the returns to take into account any missing or inconsistent information.
(1) The yearly catch history for a year is calculated in accordance with the following formula:where –YCH is the yearly catch history;P is the maximum number of pots for that year;YC is the yearly catch for that year.(2) A rock lobster catch history that is negative is to be treated as zero.
(1) The holder of a fishing licence, on or before 14 March 1998, may request the Secretary to review the determination of the value of the rock lobster catch history in relation to the facts of the case that were used to calculate that value.(2) The Secretary is to –(a) comply with a request for a review on or before 30 April 1998; and(b) notify the licence holder of the result of the review as soon as practicable.
(1) The holder of a fishing licence may appeal to the Appeal Tribunal against the result of a review of the Secretary under section 98K on –(a) the facts of the case; or(b) the grounds of natural justice.(2) An appeal is to be made within 28 days after receipt of the notification under section 98K(2)(b) .(3) For the purpose of the appeal, the Appeal Tribunal is to be constituted by more than one member, one of whom must possess expertise in fishing or the fishing industry.(4) Any decision of the Appeal Tribunal is to be included in the allocation of rock lobster catch history units in the following year.
Division 7 - Specified agreements
(1) The Minister may enter into a deed of agreement for the right to take and acquire commercially protected fish in State waters during a period specified in the deed.(2) A deed of agreement is not unenforceable only because it does not fix with sufficient certainty the fee payable for future terms of the deed.(3) The Secretary, by notice in the Gazette and in accordance with a deed of agreement, may determine any fees payable under the deed of agreement.
99A. Exclusion of rule against perpetuities
The rule of law commonly known as the rule against perpetuities does not apply, and is taken to have never applied, to an interest created by a deed of agreement.
99B. Right of certain persons holding abalone quotas to transfer to new deed of agreement
(1) A person who is entitled to an abalone quota unit, under an abalone deed of agreement in force immediately before the commencement of the Living Marine Resources Management Amendment Act 2005 , may, by notice in writing given to the Secretary on or before 1 November 2005, elect that the deed of agreement set out in Schedule 3 is to apply to him or her in respect of that abalone quota unit.(2) On an election under this section, the following provisions apply in respect of the relevant abalone quota unit:(a) the person making the election is taken for all legal purposes to have entered into the deed of agreement set out in Schedule 3 and to have been granted a licence under this Act to take abalone in accordance with the provisions of the deed;(b) the licensee has all the rights and obligations arising from that deed of agreement;(c) those rights and obligations continue with modifications the rights and obligations that the licensee had under any previous deed of agreement and the latter rights and obligations cease to have effect.(3) Nothing in this section affects –(a) any civil liability of a licensee that was not discharged before the election under subsection (1) ; or(b) any criminal liability of a licensee arising from any failure to comply with any previous deed of agreement or any requirement of this Act.(4) On an election under subsection (1) , the licensee is liable with effect from 1 January 2005 to pay –(a) the access charge provided by clause 5.1 of the deed of agreement set out in Schedule 3 ; and(b) any fees payable under clause 5.2 of that deed.
100. Commercially protected fish
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(1) Commercially protected fish are fish or classes of fish prescribed as such for the purposes of this Division.(2) Fish or a class of fish may be prescribed as commercially protected fish by reference to any one or more of the following:(a) a species or type of fish;(b) a description of fish by reference to sex, size, weight, reproductive cycle or any other characteristics;(c) an area of State waters from which fish are taken or can be taken.
PART 5 - Protection of Marine Areas and Habitats
Division 1 - Rules relating to certain areas and habitats
(1) The Minister may make rules for –(a) marine resources protected area management plans; and(b) habitat protection plans.(2) Rules may –(a) provide that a contravention of, or a failure to comply with, any of the rules is an offence; and(b) in respect of any offence, impose penalties as specified by regulations made under Part 10 .(3) Rules may be made in relation to the following matters:(a) the prohibition of all or any fishing;(b) the restriction of any fishing to any season, class of person, time, area, fishing method, apparatus, species, size, quantity, class of fish or for any purpose;(c) the possession of any species, size, class or quantity of fish;(d) the use and possession of any apparatus or other matter, equipment, contrivance or vessel;(e) the granting of an approval under section 132 ;(f) reporting, notification, marking, identification, landing or monitoring requirements in respect of any activity likely to have a detrimental effect on the environment;(g) any other matter the Minister considers necessary or convenient to achieve the objectives of the marine resources protected area management plan or the habitat protection plan.
Division 2 - Marine resources protected areas
105. Marine resources protected area
(1) The Minister may establish a marine resources protected area for any or all of the following purposes:(a) the protection of representative samples of marine and estuarine habitats and ecosystems;(b) the maintenance of fish species and genetic diversity;(c) the protection of sites of ecological significance or fragility;(d) the protection of the biological productivity of fish species through enhanced egg production and settlement within, and propagation from, the area;(e) the protection of vulnerable fish species and their habitats;(f) the establishment of scientific reference areas;(g) public education in the resources, protection and use of the marine environment.(2) subsection (1) (a) , (c) or (g) , the Minister is to consult with the Minister responsible for the administration of the Nature Conservation Act 2002 and the Minister responsible for the administration of the National Parks and Reserves Management Act 2002 .Before the Minister establishes a marine resources protected area for any purpose referred to in
106. Marine resources protected area management plan
(1) Before the Minister establishes a marine resources protected area, a draft marine resources protected area management plan in respect of that marine resources protected area is to be prepared.(2) A draft marine resources protected area management plan consists of rules made under section 104 and may –(a) state the purpose for which, or the manner in which, the marine resources protected area is to be used, developed or managed; and(b) state the manner in which any power of the managing authority is to be exercised; and(c) prohibit or restrict the exercise of any such power.(3) A restriction imposed under this section on the exercise of a statutory power may –(a) specify any condition subject to which the power may be exercised; or(b) specify any circumstance in which the power may not be exercised; or(c) require the promotion, or the carrying out, of any works or operations during or after the exercise of the power; or(d) require a contract or arrangement to be made in relation to the carrying out of those works or operations.
107. Public exhibition of draft marine resources protected area management plan
(1) The Secretary, by public notice, must notify –(a) that it is intended to create a marine resources protected area in a specified area; and(b) that a draft management plan has been prepared in respect of a marine resources protected area; and(c) that any person may submit written representations in relation to –(i) the establishment of the proposed marine resources protected area; and(ii) the location of the proposed marine resources protected area; and(iii) the conditions to be included in a management plan for the marine resources protected area; and(d) the period during which representations may be made; and(e) the address to which representations may be sent; and(f) the place at which a copy of the draft management plan may be obtained; and(g) the cost, if any, of obtaining a copy of the draft management plan; and(h) the place at which the draft management plan is exhibited; and(i) the period during which the draft management plan is to be exhibited; and(j) any other information the Secretary considers relevant to the establishment of the marine resources protected area.(2) The period during which representations may be made and the period during which the draft management plan is to be exhibited is to be each at least 60 days and not more than 90 days from the date on which the notice is first published.
108. Restriction on powers under other Act
(1) If the Secretary considers that a draft marine resources protected area management plan may restrict the exercise of a power under any Act, the Secretary, by written notice to the person or authority responsible for administering that Act, is to –(a) advise that the power may be restricted; and(b) request that person or authority to provide a written statement of their assessment of the impact of the marine resources protected area management plan on them or their operations; and(c) specify the period within which the statement is to be made.(2) The period referred to in subsection (1) (c) must be at least 30 days and not more than 90 days after the date of the notice.
109. Consideration of representations
After considering any representation received under section 107 and any statement received under section 108 , the Secretary –(a) may amend the relevant draft marine resources protected area management plan and the boundary of the proposed marine resources protected area to take account of the representations; and(b) must prepare a report in relation to the representations received.
110. Approval of draft marine resources protected area management plan
(1) The Secretary must submit to the Minister –(a) the draft marine resources protected area management plan with any amendment made under section 109 ; and(b) the report prepared under that section.(2) The Minister must approve a draft marine resources protected area management plan if satisfied that –(a) the plan promotes the conservation of the marine environment; and(b) the plan prevents the introduction of, or removes, introduced fish and noxious fish; and(c) the plan assists in the enjoyment of, and access to, the living marine resources by the community; and(d) the Secretary has taken appropriate action in relation to any representation made in respect of the plan.(3) If the Minister is not satisfied as required under subsection (2) , the Minister must –(a) refer the draft marine resources protected area management plan to the Secretary; and(b) specify any matter which requires action before the Minister may be satisfied under subsection (2) .
111. Notification of approval of draft marine resources protected area management plan
If the Minister approves a draft marine resources protected area management plan, the Secretary, by public notice, must notify –(a) that a draft management plan has been approved; and(b) the date on which the management plan takes effect; and(c) the period during which the management plan is in force; and(d) the place at which a copy of the management plan may be obtained; and(e) the cost of obtaining a copy of the management plan; and(f) the name of the marine resources protected area; and(g) any other information the Secretary considers relevant to the management plan and the marine resources protected area.
112. Marine resources protected area
(1) If the Minister approves a draft marine management plan in respect of a proposed marine resources protected area, the Minister may –(a) establish that marine resources protected area; and(b) give a name to that marine resources protected area.(2) A person, without the consent of the Minister, must not use any of the following terms alone or in combination with other words to name any area which is not a marine resources protected area:(a) marine nature resources protected area;(b) marine park;(c) marine protected area;(d) marine sanctuary;(e) marine resources protected area.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.(3). . . . . . . .
113. Compliance with marine management plan
A person must not contravene or fail to comply with a provision of a marine resources protected area management plan.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 5 000 penalty units.
114. Inconsistent management plan
A provision of a marine resources protected area management plan which is inconsistent with a provision of a management plan prevails over the latter provision to the extent of that inconsistency.
115. Managing authority for marine resources protected area
(1) Subject to subsection (2) , the Minister is the managing authority for any marine resources protected area.(2) The Minister, by order published in the Gazette and with the consent of a body or association, may declare that body or association to be the managing authority for a specified marine resources protected area or a specified part of a marine resources protected area.(3) The Minister, by order referred to in subsection (2) , may provide for –(a) the defraying of any expenses incurred in relation to the marine resources protected area; and(b) the application of any money received in relation to the marine resources protected area.(4) The provisions of an order under this section prevail over any provision of this or any other Act.(5) The Minister, by order published in the Gazette, may –(a) revoke an order made under this section in respect of a marine resources protected area; and(b) declare that on a specified date, the Minister is the managing authority of that marine resources protected area.
116. Functions of managing authority
The managing authority of a marine resources protected area is to manage and maintain it –(a) in a manner which promotes the purposes for which it is to be used, developed or managed; and(b) in accordance with the provisions of the relevant marine resources protected area management plan.
117. Powers of managing authority
The managing authority of a marine resources protected area may –(a) erect or construct, or cause to be erected or constructed, any building or other works; and(b) purchase or acquire anything required to carry out its functions; and(c) provide and maintain facilities and conveniences for the use or benefit of any persons entering the marine resources protected area; and(d) charge for the use of those facilities and conveniences; and(e) sell, let on hire or otherwise provide for the use by those persons any goods and articles; and(f) obtain and use any produce of, or materials in, the area; and(g) make arrangements with any other person to do anything referred to in this section; and(h) do anything necessary or convenient to perform its functions.
Division 3 - Habitat protection plans
(1) The Minister may develop and approve plans after consultation with the relevant fishing body for the protection of the habitat of fish.(2) A habitat protection plan consists of rules made under section 104 and –(a) may relate to a habitat that is critical for spawning, shelter or any other reason; and(b) is to describe the importance of particular habitat features to which it applies; and(c) may set out practical methods for the protection of any habitat features; and(d) may apply generally or to particular areas or particular fish; and(e) may contain any other matter concerning the protection of the habitat of fish that the Minister considers appropriate.
119. Public exhibition of habitat protection plan
Before the Minister approves a habitat protection plan, the Secretary, by public notice, must notify –(a) that a proposed habitat protection plan has been prepared; and(b) that a person may submit written representations in relation to the proposed habitat protection plan; and(c) the period during which representations may be made; and(d) the address to which representations may be sent; and(e) the place at which a copy of the proposed habitat protection plan may be obtained; and(f) the cost, if any, of obtaining a copy of the proposed habitat protection plan; and(g) the place at which the proposed habitat protection plan is exhibited; and(h) the period during which the proposed habitat protection plan is to be exhibited; and(i) any other information the Secretary considers relevant to the consideration of the proposed habitat protection plan.
120. Approval of habitat protection plan
(1) The Minister may –(a) approve a habitat protection plan as proposed; or(b) approve a habitat protection plan with changes to take into account any representations received.(2) The Minister, by notice published in the Gazette, is to notify the contents of the habitat protection plan approved under subsection (1) .
121. Amendment of habitat protection plan
(1) The Minister may amend, vary or substitute a habitat protection plan.(2) Before the Minister takes any action under subsection (1) , the Secretary, by public notice, must notify –(a) the intention to do so and any proposed amendment, variation or substitution; and(b) that a person may submit written representations within the period specified in the notice; and(c) the matters referred to in section 118 in relation to any proposed amendment, variation or substitution.
122. Approval of amended habitat protection plan
The Minister may –(a) approve the amendment, variation or substitution of a habitat protection plan as proposed; or(b) approve the amendment, variation or substitution with changes to take into account any representations received.
123. Revocation of habitat protection plan
The Minister may revoke a habitat protection plan if satisfied that it is necessary or desirable to do so.
124. Inconsistency of habitat protection plan
A provision of a habitat protection plan which is inconsistent with a provision of a management plan prevails over the latter provision to the extent of that inconsistency.
Division 4 - Release and importation of fish
(1) Unless otherwise authorised, a person must not release or deposit or allow to escape into State waters any introduced fish.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units.(2) The holder of a marine farming licence must take reasonable precautions to prevent the release, deposit or escape into State waters of any introduced fish.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 5 000 penalty units.
(1) Unless otherwise authorised, a person must not bring live fish into the State.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units.(2) A person must not sell, buy or possess fish brought into the State in contravention of subsection (1) .Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units.(3) It is a defence in proceedings under subsection (2) for a person to prove that the person did not know, or could not have reasonably known, that the fish were brought into the State in contravention of subsection (1) .(4) This section does not apply to a species of fish prescribed for the purposes of this section.
Division 5 - Noxious fish
127. Declaration of noxious fish
(1) In addition to prescribed noxious fish, the Minister, by order published in the Gazette, may declare fish of a specified species to be noxious fish if satisfied that an emergency exists which requires the order to be made.(2) An order remains in force for a period, not exceeding 6 months, specified in the order, unless it is sooner revoked.
(1) Unless otherwise authorised, a person must not sell live noxious fish.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both.(2) This section applies even if the fish are prescribed as noxious fish only in respect of specified waters.
129. Possession of noxious fish
(1) Unless otherwise authorised, a person must not possess live noxious fish.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both.(2) It is a defence in proceedings under subsection (1) for a person to prove that he or she –(a) did not introduce the noxious fish into any waters; and(b) did not maintain the noxious fish in any waters.(3) This section does not apply if the fish are in waters in respect of which they are not prescribed as noxious fish.
130. Destruction of noxious fish
(1) A fisheries officer may –(a) seize and destroy any live noxious fish; and(b) take possession of any fish the fisheries officer reasonably suspects are noxious fish.(2) The Minister, by notice in writing, may require the owner or occupier of premises on which noxious fish are found to take any specified measures to destroy the fish within a specified period.(3) If a person fails to comply with a notice, a fisheries officer may –(a) enter the premises, if they are not used for residential purposes; and(b) take any appropriate measures to destroy any live noxious fish found on those premises.(4) Compensation is not payable for –(a) the seizure or destruction of live noxious fish; or(b) the destruction of other live fish if that destruction could not reasonably be avoided in destroying the noxious fish.(5) Any costs reasonably incurred in taking any measures –(a) are payable by the owner or occupier of the premises; and(b) are recoverable as a debt due to the Crown by the owner or occupier in a court of competent jurisdiction.
Division 6 - General provisions
131. Prohibition of certain activities
A person must not engage in any activity in a marine resources protected area which is likely to have a detrimental effect on its environment except –(a) with an approval under section 132 ; or(b) in accordance with a marine resources protected area management plan.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units.
(1) A person may apply for an approval to –(a) engage in a specified activity within a marine resources protected area; or(b) do a specified act within a marine resources protected area.(2) An application is to –(a) be in a form approved by the Minister; and(b) contain any information the Minister requires; and(c) be accompanied by the prescribed fee; and(d) be lodged with the Minister.(3) The Minister may –(a) grant the application for an approval if satisfied to do so is not inconsistent with this Part; or(b) refuse to grant the application if not so satisfied.
(1) The Minister may grant an application for an approval under section 132 subject to any condition the Minister considers appropriate.(2) The Minister may –(a) vary, revoke or substitute a condition of an approval; or(b) add a condition to an approval.(3) A person must not fail to comply with a condition of an approval.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units.
The Minister may revoke an approval granted to a person under section 132 if the person fails to comply with a condition of the approval.
(1) The Minister, by a notice in the Gazette, may declare any species of fish to be protected.(2) A person must not take any protected fish.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units.
136. Notice to restore fish habitat
(1) The Minister, by notice in writing, may require a person to take any specified action in a manner and within a period specified in the notice –(a) if the person is suspected on reasonable grounds to have put any litter, soil, noxious matter, refuse or other matter on any land or in any water relating to a fish habitat, to protect or restore –(i) a species or class of fish; and(ii) the physical integrity of the fish habitat; and(iii) the quality of the fish habitat; and(b) if the person is suspected on reasonable grounds to have removed any soil, rocks, sand or other material from the seabed to replace the soil, rocks, sand or other material.(2) The Minister may only give a notice if satisfied that –(a) the litter, soil, noxious matter, refuse or other matter –(i) has obstructed, or is likely to obstruct, the use of a fishery; or(ii) has had, or is likely to have, an adverse effect on a fishery or the quality and integrity of a fish habitat; and(b) it is necessary or desirable that action be taken to protect or restore –(i) the species or class of fish; or(ii) the physical integrity of the fish habitat; or(iii) the quality of the fish habitat; and(c) it is necessary or desirable that action be taken to replace any soil, rocks, sand and other material removed from the seabed.(3) A person must not contravene or fail to comply with a notice.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or both, and a daily fine not exceeding 10 penalty units.(4) It is a defence in proceedings under subsection (3) for a person to prove that he or she –(a) was not the person who carried out any activity referred to in subsection (1) (a) or (b) ; or(b) carried out any activity with lawful authority.
(1) If a person contravenes or fails to comply with a notice under section 136 , the Minister may take any action specified in the notice.(2) In taking any action, the Minister may authorise any person to –(a) enter and remain on any land or in any water relating to a fish habitat; and(b) take any vehicle, machinery, plant and equipment from the land or water; and(c) do any thing reasonably necessary for that purpose.(3) Any costs reasonably incurred in taking any action under this section –(a) are payable by the person who contravened or failed to comply with a notice under section 136 ; and(b) are recoverable from that person as a debt to the Crown in a court of competent jurisdiction.
138. Activities causing detrimental effect
Unless otherwise authorised, a person must not carry out any activity which is likely to have a serious effect on the marine environment and involves or results in–(a) the disturbance of the bed of any State waters; or(b) the removal of, or interference with, fish or marine or benthic flora or fauna in any State waters; or(c) the discharge, release or deposit of any matter in any State waters.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 5 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, and a daily fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
139. Protection of marine plant
(1) Unless otherwise authorised, a person must not cut, remove, damage or destroy any prescribed marine plant.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units.(2) It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under this section for a person to prove that he or she –(a) did not know the offence had been committed; and(b) could not reasonably be expected to have known that the offence had been committed.
(1) A public authority is to –(a) have regard to any habitat protection plan or marine resources protected area management plan in exercising any of its powers or performing any of its functions; and(b) notify the Minister if any power or function conflicts, or is inconsistent with, any provision of a habitat protection plan or marine resources protected area management plan.(2) The Minister is to refer any matter relating to any conflicting or inconsistent powers or functions to the Minister responsible for administering the Act under which the public authority is exercising those powers or performing those functions.(3) If the matter is not resolved under subsection (2) , it is to be referred to the Premier for resolution.(4) Any resolution under this section prevails over any conflict or inconsistency.
PART 6 - Research, Records and Development
Division 1 - Research
141. Research into living marine resources
(1) The Minister is to ensure that research into living marine resources is carried out –(a) as organised by the Secretary; or(b) under an arrangement with any other person; or(c) in any other manner the Minister thinks fit.(2) The Minister may cause to be carried out any research, exploration, experiments, works or operations for the purposes of this Act.
142. Research priorities and co-operation
The Minister is to ensure that –(a) appropriate arrangements are in place to identify priorities for research into living marine resources; and(b) any research is undertaken with the maximum cooperation and the minimum duplication.
(1) The Minister, by order, may declare any part of State waters to be a research area.(2) The Minister, by order, may declare that specified restrictions on entry, fishing or any other matter apply in a research area.(3) subsection (2) .A person must comply with an order made underPenalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
Division 2 - Records
144. Collection of information
The Secretary is to make arrangements for the collection of information relating to the fishing industry and the protection of the marine environment –(a) to assess fish stocks and the amount of fish caught, processed and exported; and(b) to provide details about the effect of any activity under a licence on the marine environment; and(c) to assist in the detection of offences under this Act; and(d) for any other purpose of this Act.
(1) The following persons must keep records, accounts and other information in a manner and form approved by the Secretary:(a) the holder of an authorisation;(b) the master of a vessel;(c) the owner or person in charge of premises where fish are received, bought, processed, stored, sold or otherwise disposed of;(d) a person in charge of a vehicle which contains fish for sale;(e) any other prescribed person.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 200 penalty units.(2) A person referred to in subsection (1) must supply to the Secretary any records, accounts and other information the Secretary requires within any reasonable period the Secretary determines.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 200 penalty units.(3) A person is to ensure that any records, accounts and other information kept or supplied under this section is maintained –(a) in a legible manner; and(b) in the English language; and(c) in accordance with any other prescribed matter.
Division 3 - Scientific observer scheme
146. Scientific observer scheme
There is established a scientific observer scheme for the following purposes:(a) to collect information relating to catch, fish and fisheries for the purpose of research;(b) to increase the accuracy of information relating to fish and fisheries for the purpose of research.
(1) Subject to subsection (3) , the Secretary may appoint a person as a scientific observer for the purposes of the scientific observer scheme.(2) Retirement Benefits Act 1993 .A person appointed as a scientific observer is not a State Service officer or State Service employee or an employee for the purposes of the(3) The Secretary must not appoint any of the following persons as scientific observers:(a) a fisheries officer;(b) an assistant fisheries officer;(c) a person who has any of the powers of a fisheries officer.
148. Notice of intention to place scientific observer on fishing vessel
(1) The Secretary, by notice in writing, must give notice to the owner or master of a fishing vessel of the intention to place a scientific observer on the vessel.(2) A notice must specify a date which is not earlier than 14 days after the date of the notice on or after which the fishing vessel is not to put to sea without a scientific observer on board.(3) The owner or master of the fishing vessel may agree to a scientific observer being placed on board before the date specified in the notice.(4) The owner or master of a fishing vessel to whom a notice has been given must not put the vessel to sea after the date specified in the notice –(a) without a scientific observer on the vessel; or(b) otherwise than with the Secretary's approval and subject to any conditions imposed by the Secretary.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
149. Powers of scientific observer
(1) A scientific observer, having regard to the fishing operations of the fishing vessel, may at all reasonable times –(a) have access to the apparatus and the storage and processing facilities on the vessel; and(b) have access to the catch on the vessel; and(c) have access to the bridge and navigation and communications equipment of the vessel; and(d) have access to any logs and records of the vessel; and(e) receive and transmit messages and communicate with the shore and other vessels.(2) A master of a fishing vessel must not hinder, delay, obstruct, impede or interfere with a scientific observer exercising any power under subsection (1) .Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
150. Functions of scientific observer
A scientific observer, if requested by the Secretary, is to report to the Secretary on –(a) the species, number, size, sex, age and condition of fish taken; and(b) the methods by which, the areas in which and the depths at which those fish are taken; and(c) the effects on fish of the methods used to take them; and(d) the operations of the fishing vessel; and(e) any other matter that may assist the Secretary to obtain, analyse or verify information for research purposes.
(1) The owner of a fishing vessel must provide food and accommodation for a scientific observer placed on that vessel at a standard specified by the Secretary.(2) The Secretary is to pay the owner of a fishing vessel for the provision of food and accommodation for a scientific observer placed on that vessel –(a) at an agreed amount; or(b) if an amount is not agreed, at the prescribed amount.
PART 7 - Joint Management of Certain Fisheries
Division 1 - Joint Authorities
152. Management of fishery by Joint Authority
(1) The Minister may enter into an arrangement with the Commonwealth under the Commonwealth Act for the management by a Joint Authority of a particular fishery in State waters.(2) Before an arrangement entered into by the Minister takes effect –(a) any authorisation or other instrument may be issued, renewed or executed as affected by the arrangement; and(b)regulations, rules, orders or notices may be made for the purpose of the arrangement.(3) subsection (2) do not take effect until the arrangement takes effect.Any authorisation, instrument, regulations, rules, orders or notices issued, renewed, executed or made under(4) sections 153(6) and 292(2) , if a fishery becomes a Joint Authority fishery under an arrangement, any regulation, rule, order or notification in force under this Act ceases to apply to that fishery.Subject to
153. General functions and powers of Joint Authority
(1) A Joint Authority has any function relating to the management of the fishery for which an arrangement is in force.(2) In managing a fishery, the Joint Authority is to –(a) consider the condition of the fishery; and(b) formulate policies and plans for the good management of the fishery; and(c) exercise the powers conferred on it by this Act; and(d) co-operate and consult with other authorities, including other Joint Authorities within the meaning of the Commonwealth Act, in matters of common concern.(3) A Joint Authority is to –(a) ensure, through proper conservation, preservation and fisheries management measures, that fish resources are not endangered by over-exploitation; and(b) achieve efficient use of those resources.(4) A Joint Authority is to perform its functions and exercise its powers in accordance with the Commonwealth Act.(5) A Joint Authority may exercise the powers of the Minister and any other person under this Act.(6) subsection (5) may provide that any rules made under Part 3 apply to a fishery managed by the Joint Authority.Any rules made by a Joint Authority in the exercise of a power under
154. Powers relating to licence
(1) A licence or permit issued under this Act by a Joint Authority applies only in relation to a Joint Authority fishery or Joint Authority fisheries managed by that Joint Authority.(2) A Joint Authority may endorse a licence or permit issued under this Act, or a licence or permit issued by that Joint Authority or by another Joint Authority, to extend the operation of the licence or permit to any matter to which the powers of the Joint Authority are applicable.(3) An endorsement ceases to have effect if the licence or permit to which it relates ceases to have effect.(4) A Joint Authority may cancel or suspend the endorsement.(5) A Joint Authority must not issue or endorse a licence or take any action in relation to licences in respect of a foreign vessel.(6) A licence or permit issued or renewed under this Act otherwise than under this section does not authorise the doing of any act or thing in, or in relation to, a Joint Authority fishery.
(1) A Joint Authority, by instrument in writing, may delegate to a person any of its powers or functions under this Act, other than this power of delegation.(2) A delegation may be to a person holding or performing the functions of –(a) a specified office; or(b) an office in the service of an authority of, or under the law of, the Commonwealth, another State or a Territory of the Commonwealth.(3) A delegate, in the exercise of any delegated powers or functions, is subject to the directions of the Joint Authority.(4) A delegation continues despite any change in the membership of the Joint Authority.
156. Termination of arrangement
(1) Upon the termination of an arrangement under the Commonwealth Act, any authorisation, other instrument and regulations issued, renewed, executed or made under the arrangement cease to have effect.(2) After action to terminate an arrangement has been taken but before it takes effect –(a) any authorisation or other instrument may be issued or renewed under the arrangement for the purpose of the termination; and(b) regulations may be made under the arrangement for the purpose of the termination.(3) Any authorisation, other instrument or regulations issued, renewed, executed or made as referred to in subsection (2) do not take effect until the termination takes effect.
157. Application of provisions relating to offences
Any provision of this Act relating to offences, enforcement and legal proceedings applies in relation to a Joint Authority fishery as if –(a) a reference to a licence or permit were a reference to a licence or permit issued or renewed by the relevant Joint Authority; and(b) a reference to fish were a reference to fish to which the Joint Authority fishery relates.
158. Report of a Joint Authority
The Minister is to cause a copy of a report of a Joint Authority prepared under the Commonwealth Act to be laid before each House of Parliament as soon as practicable after preparation of the report.
In any legal proceedings, an instrument or other document signed on behalf of a Joint Authority by a member of the Joint Authority is taken to be –(a) duly executed by the Joint Authority; and(b) in accordance with a decision of the Joint Authority.
160. Judicial notice of membership of Joint Authority
Any court or person acting judicially is to take judicial notice of –(a) the signature of a person who is, or has been, a member of a Joint Authority or a deputy member of a Joint Authority; and(b) the fact that the person is, or was at the particular time, a member of a Joint Authority or a deputy member of a Joint Authority.
Division 2 - Arrangements with Commonwealth
161. Arrangements with Commonwealth
(1) The State may enter into an arrangement with the Commonwealth under the Commonwealth Act for the management of a particular fishery in State waters other than a fishery to which an arrangement under section 152 applies.(2) A fishery under subsection (1) is to be managed –(a) under the law of the Commonwealth in the case of a fishery wholly or partly in coastal waters of the State; or(b) under the law of Tasmania in the case of a fishery wholly or partly in waters on the seaward side of the coastal waters of the State.(3) The Minister may exercise any power under this Act in relation to a fishery referred to in subsection (2) (b) .
Division 3 - Agreements with Commonwealth and other States
162. Agreements with Commonwealth and other States
(1)The Minister may make an agreement with a relevant Minister of the Commonwealth, another State or a Territory of the Commonwealth for any of the following purposes:(a) the good management of a fishery;(b)the execution of any arrangement entered into by a State or Territory of the Commonwealth in accordance with a decision of a Joint Authority under the Commonwealth Act which excludes the Minister and any arrangement made under this Part;(c)the recognition, for the purposes of this Act, of documents provided under a corresponding law;(ca)the obtaining of any document or record required to be kept under a corresponding law relating to the possession, transportation, import, export, processing or handling of fish;(cb)the inspection within any other State or Territory of the Commonwealth of any fish taken, processed, handled, transported, possessed or otherwise dealt with in State waters;(d)any other purpose which is consistent with this Act or a corresponding law.(2) An agreement made under subsection (1) (a) or (c) –(a) is to specify the powers and functions of the Minister and Secretary; and(b) is enforceable by the Minister or the Secretary as specified in the agreement.(3) An agreement made under subsection (1) (b) has the same effect as if it were an arrangement under this Part.
Division 4 - General
(1) If a fishery partly or wholly in waters outside coastal waters is managed under an arrangement under the law of Tasmania, those waters are taken to be State waters.(2) This Part does not apply in respect of a fishery managed under an arrangement under the law of Tasmania in respect of any of the following:(a) a foreign boat in the Australian fishing zone;(b) any operations on and from a foreign boat in the Australian fishing zone;(c) any person on a foreign boat in the Australian fishing zone;(d) any matter that occurred in, or in relation to, the Australian fishing zone before the arrangement took effect.
PART 8 - Fisheries Officers
Division 1 - Appointment of fisheries officers and assistant fisheries officers
164. Appointment of fisheries officer
(1) The Secretary, by instrument in writing, may appoint a person as a fisheries officer for the period, not exceeding 3 years, specified in the instrument.(2) The Secretary may appoint a person who is a fisheries officer, fisheries inspector or similar officer in another State or a Territory of the Commonwealth under any law relating to fisheries in that State or Territory as a fisheries officer for the purpose of this Act.(3) The Secretary is to issue to a fisheries officer an identity card in an approved form which –(a) certifies the appointment as a fisheries officer for the purpose of this Act; and(b) specifies the period of the appointment; and(c) contains a recent photograph of the fisheries officer.(4). . . . . . . .
165. Appointment of assistant fisheries officer
(1) The Secretary, by instrument in writing, may appoint a person as an assistant fisheries officer for the period, not exceeding 3 years, specified in the instrument.(2) An appointment as assistant fisheries officer may be for the whole or a part of the State.(3) The Secretary is to issue to an assistant fisheries officer –(a) a copy of the instrument of appointment; and(b) an identity card in an approved form which –(i) certifies the appointment as an assistant fisheries officer for the purpose of this Act; and(ii) specifies the period of the appointment; and(iii) specifies the part of the State to which the appointment relates; and(iv) contains a recent photograph of the assistant fisheries officer.(4) A person ceases to be an assistant fisheries officer –(a) if the Secretary revokes the appointment of that person, on the date of that revocation; or(b) if the person resigns, on the date of the resignation.
166. Production of identity card
(1) A fisheries officer or assistant fisheries officer, if required by a person in relation to whom the officer is exercising or intends to exercise a power under this Act, must produce his or her identity card for inspection by that person.(2) If a fisheries officer or an assistant fisheries officer fails to produce his or her identity card when required by a person to do so, the person is not guilty of resisting or obstructing the fisheries officer or failing to comply with a requirement of the fisheries officer.(3) This section does not apply to the exercise of a power under a warrant issued under Division 6 .
On ceasing to be a fisheries officer or an assistant fisheries officer, a person must return his or her identity card to the Secretary or any other person authorised by the Secretary.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
168. Interests of fisheries officers
(1) A fisheries officer or assistant fisheries officer, without the consent of the Minister, must not –(a) have a proprietary or pecuniary interest in a business, company or trust that has an interest in a business involving the taking of fish or dealing in or with fish; or(b) act as agent for a person who has such a proprietary or pecuniary interest.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.(2) A fisheries officer or assistant fisheries officer who is convicted of an offence under subsection (1) ceases to hold office on the date of that conviction.
Division 2 - General powers
A fisheries officer, in performing any functions under this Act, has the powers and protection of a police officer with the rank of constable.
(1). . . . . . . .(2) It is not necessary for a police officer exercising any power as a fisheries officer under this Act to produce any authority other than what is required as a police officer.
(1)An officer in command of a vessel of the defence force of Australia is a fisheries officer only in respect of–(a) any foreign boat; and(b) any operations on or from a foreign boat; and(c) any person on a foreign boat.(2) An officer may delegate to a person under his or her command any of the powers he or she has as a fisheries officer.(3) It is not necessary for an officer exercising any power as a fisheries officer under this Act to produce any authority other than what is required as an officer.
172. Assistant fisheries officer
An assistant fisheries officer has the powers of a fisheries officer specified in the instrument of appointment.
In exercising any power under this Part, a person, as far as is practicable, is to minimise damage to property.
Division 3 - Entry, inspection and search
174. Entry and inspection of land and premises
(1) For the purpose of this Act, a fisheries officer may at any reasonable time –(a) enter and pass through land; and(b) enter and inspect any land or premises to ascertain if this Act or the conditions of any authorisation are being complied with; and(c) enter and inspect any land or premises used to sell fish or store fish for a commercial purpose to ascertain if this Act is being complied with; and(d) enter any land or premises used to manufacture, repair or sell vessels, apparatus, gear or equipment used for marine farming and inspect the vessels, apparatus, gear and equipment; and(e)enter any land or premises where records are required to be kept under this Act or a corresponding law and inspect those records.(2) A fisheries officer may enter and search land which is not appurtenant to any premises if the fisheries officer reasonably believes that –(a)an offence under this Act or a corresponding law has been, is being or is about to be committed on the land; or(b)there is on the land any evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act or a corresponding law.
175. Search of non-residential premises
A fisheries officer who reasonably believes that an offence under this Act has been, is being or is about to be committed in or on premises not used as a residence may enter and search those premises –(a) under a warrant issued under Division 6 ; or(b) with the consent of the owner or occupier of the premises.
176. Search of residential premises
A fisheries officer who reasonably believes that a person has committed an offence under this Act may enter and search any premises used as a residence –(a) under a warrant issued under Division 6 ; or(b) with the consent of the occupier of the premises; or(c) if the officer has pursued the person without interruption from the place, or near the place, where the offence was believed to have been committed to the premises being searched.
177. Entry and search of train and aircraft
(1) A fisheries officer may enter and search a train or aircraft if the fisheries officer reasonably believes that –(a) an offence under this Act has been, is being or is about to be committed on the train or aircraft; or(b)there is on the train or aircraft any evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act or a corresponding law.(2) A fisheries officer may signal or direct a person apparently in charge of a train or an aircraft not to move the train or aircraft for a reasonable period if the fisheries officer believes that –(a) an offence under this Act has been, is being or is about to be committed on the train or aircraft; or(b)there is on the train or aircraft any evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act or a corresponding law.
For the purpose of this Act, a fisheries officer may enter into, and pass along, by any means any State waters or the banks or borders of any State waters.
A fisheries officer may enter and search any place if the fisheries officer reasonably believes that it contains any fish or apparatus.
Division 4 - Vessels and vehicles
180. Boarding and searching vessel
For the purpose of this Act, a fisheries officer may –(a) board a vessel; and(b) enter a vehicle on board a vessel; and(c) search a vessel or vehicle on board a vessel.
181. Stopping vessel or vehicle
(1) A fisheries officer may signal or direct a person apparently in charge of a vessel or vehicle –(a) to stop the vessel or vehicle; or(b) not to move the vessel or vehicle for a reasonable period.(2). . . . . . . .(3) A person is not required to comply with a signal or direction under subsection (1) if the person –(a) reasonably believes that to comply would endanger the person, another person, the vessel or the vehicle; and(b) complies with the signal or direction as soon as it is practicable to do so.
182. Securing vessel, vehicle, land and premises
A fisheries officer, by notice in writing, may require –(a) the master of a vessel to secure the vessel; or(b) the owner or person apparently in charge of a vehicle to secure the vehicle; or(c) the owner or occupier of any land or premises to secure the land or premises.
(1)A fisheries officer may require the master of a vessel which the fisheries officer reasonably believes has been used, is being used or is about to be used in contravention of this Act or a corresponding law–(a) to bring the vessel to a specified place; and(b) not to move that vessel from that place until directed by the fisheries officer to do so.(2) A fisheries officer must direct the master of a vessel to move the vessel within a reasonable period.
(1) For the purpose of exercising a power under this Act, a fisheries officer may require the master of a vessel or the person apparently in charge of a vehicle to allow the fisheries officer to use the vessel or vehicle.(2) The Secretary is to pay compensation to any person entitled to use a vessel or vehicle at the time a fisheries officer used the vessel or vehicle.(3) Compensation is payable –(a) for any reasonable loss incurred –(i) in respect of the vessel or vehicle because of its use by a fisheries officer; or(ii) for any other reason the Minister considers appropriate; and(b) at an amount the Minister considers appropriate.
185. Fisheries officer on board vessel
A fisheries officer, by notice in writing, may –(a) require the master of a vessel to carry on the vessel a fisheries officer; and(b) direct that the vessel not go to sea unless a fisheries officer is on board.
186. Pursuit of vessel or person
(1) A fisheries officer may exercise a power under this Part in respect of a vessel or person at a place at sea outside State waters if –(a) the fisheries officer or another fisheries officer has pursued the person or vessel from within those waters to that place; and(b) the pursuit was not stopped or interrupted before the fisheries officer arrived at the place.(2) The pursuit of a vessel or person is not stopped or interrupted only because –(a) the fisheries officer has temporarily lost sight of the person or vessel; or(b) a radar or other sensing device was not working or was not working properly.
Division 5 - Miscellaneous powers
For the purpose of this Act, a fisheries officer may –(a) examine any fish and anything in which fish are kept; and(b) take samples of any fish and any medium in which fish are kept.
(1) For the purpose of this Act, a fisheries officer may –(a) haul, pull, draw, reel in, bring onto land or otherwise recover any apparatus or equipment used in connection with marine farming, fishing or aquatic observation or require a person to do so; and(b) direct a person who has possession of any apparatus or equipment to wait for a reasonable period at a specified place for an inspection of the apparatus or equipment; and(c) require, by notice in writing, the master of a vessel or a person apparently in charge of a vehicle to deliver any fish, apparatus or equipment used in connection with marine farming, fishing or the non-exploitative use of fish to a place specified in the notice; and(d) inspect any apparatus or equipment used in connection with processing, marine farming or the non-exploitative use of the fish.(2) For the purpose of this Act, a fisheries officer may –(a) mark any apparatus or equipment; and(b) secure any apparatus or equipment.
189. Opening and unlocking vessel, door or container
(1) For the purpose of this Act, a fisheries officer may require a person to open or unlock any vehicle, vessel, door, gate, package, receptacle or other container.(2) A fisheries officer may break open and search any vehicle, vessel, door, gate, package, receptacle or other container –(a) in searching or inspecting a place; or(b)if the fisheries officer reasonably believes that it contains fish or any evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act or a corresponding law.
A fisheries officer may require a person to produce for inspection any thing in the person's possession if the fisheries officer reasonably believes that it may disclose evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act or a corresponding law.
191. Production of records and documents
(1)A fisheries officer may require a person to produce, within a specified period–(a)any record or document required to be kept under this Act or a corresponding law; or(b) any document relating to the sale or purchase of fish.(2) A fisheries officer may –(a) examine any record or document; and(b) remove any record or document for the purpose of paragraph (c) ; and(c) take extracts from, or copies of, any record or document by any means.(3) A person must –(a) provide reasonable facilities and assistance to a fisheries officer exercising any power under this section; and(b) remove any physical or other obstruction which may hinder or prevent a fisheries officer from exercising a power under this section.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.
192. Production of authorisation
A fisheries officer may –(a)require a person to produce for inspection any authorisation the person holds or should hold within a specified period; and(b)require the master of a vessel to produce for inspection any licence in respect of that vessel within a specified period; and(c) examine, remove and take photographs or copies of, or extracts or notes from, any authorisation.
193. Photographs, sketches, measurements and recordings
For the purpose of this Act, a fisheries officer may –(a) take any photograph; and(b) take any measurements; and(c) make any sketches or drawing; and(d) make any recording by any means.
A fisheries officer may carry out any examination and inquiry the fisheries officer considers necessary to ascertain if any provisions of this Act or a corresponding law or any conditions imposed under this Act or a corresponding law have been complied with.
(1) For the purpose of exercising a power under this Act, a fisheries officer may require a person to assist the fisheries officer in any way the fisheries officer considers necessary.(2) A person is not liable for anything done or omitted to be done by that person in good faith in assisting a fisheries officer.
(1) A fisheries officer may require –(a) any of the following persons to give his or her full name and residential address and details of his or her function:(i) any person on board a vessel or vehicle in which fish are transported;(ii) any person in or on premises where fish are processed, stored or located;(iii) any person whom the fisheries officer reasonably believes is committing or has committed an offence under this Act; and(b) a person engaged in any fishing, processing, transporting or receiving fish or any marine farming activities to give –(i) details of those activities; and(ii)details of any authorisation or exemption held under this Act or a corresponding law; and(iii) details of the functions of the person; and(c) the master of a vessel to give –(i) details of any licence in respect of the vessel; and(ii) the full name and residential address of any person on board the vessel; and(iii) details of the functions of the person.(2)A fisheries officer may require any person to give information about that person's or another person's activities in respect of any matter under this Act or a corresponding law.
Division 6 - Warrants
197. Application and issue of warrant
(1) A fisheries officer may apply to a justice for a warrant to enter and search land, premises or places.(2) A justice may issue a warrant if satisfied –(a) that there are reasonable grounds for believing that there is on the land or on or in any premises or place any evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act; or(b) that the issue of a warrant is reasonably required to ascertain if a person has not complied with this Act.(3) A warrant is to authorise a fisheries officer –(a) to enter and search the land, premises or place specified in the warrant; and(b) to do any acts authorised under this Part –(i) with any assistance, and by any force, reasonably necessary; and(ii) on the date and during the hours or at any time the warrant specifies.(4) A warrant is to specify the date on which, and time at which, the warrant ceases to have effect.
(1) A fisheries officer may apply to a justice for a warrant by telephone, facsimile or other prescribed means if the fisheries officer considers the urgency of a situation requires it.(2) The justice may complete and sign a warrant in the terms referred to in section 197 (3) if satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for issuing the warrant urgently.(3) The justice is to –(a) tell the fisheries officer –(i) the terms of the warrant; and(ii) the date on which, and the time at which, the warrant was signed; and(iii) the date on which, and the time at which, the warrant ceases to have effect; and(b) record on the warrant the reasons for granting the warrant.(4) The fisheries officer is to –(a) complete a form of warrant in the same terms as the warrant signed by the justice; and(b) write on the form –(i) the name of the justice; and(ii) the date on which, and the time at which, the warrant was signed; and(c) send the justice the completed form of warrant not later than the day after the warrant ceases to have effect or is executed, whichever is the earlier.(5) On receipt of the form of warrant, the justice is to attach it to the warrant the justice signed.(6) A form of warrant completed by a fisheries officer under subsection (4) has the same force as a warrant signed by the justice under subsection (2) .
Division 7 - Arrest and seizure
A fisheries officer may arrest a person without warrant if –(a) the person does not give the information or details required under section 196 ; or(b) the fisheries officer reasonably believes that the person has given a false name or address; or(c) the fisheries officer reasonably believes that the person has committed an offence under this Act and that –(i) the offence is likely to continue or recur if the person is not arrested; or(ii) any other procedure for dealing with the offence would not be effective; or(d) the fisheries officer reasonably believes that the person has contravened a control order.
200. Seizure of fish, vessels and other things
A fisheries officer may seize –(a)any fish the fisheries officer reasonably believes has been the subject of an offence under this Act or a corresponding law; and(b) any noxious fish and any receptacle or container containing noxious fish; and(c)any fish in a vessel, vehicle, receptacle or container or any vessel, vehicle, receptacle or container containing the fish if the fisheries officer reasonably believes that–(i) more than 1/20th of the total number of fish contained in the vessel, vehicle, receptacle or container are fish which have been taken illegally; or(ii) any of the fish are of a prescribed species which have been illegally taken; and(d) any vessel, vehicle, apparatus or equipment the fisheries officer reasonably believes has been used, is being used or is about to be used in the commission of an offence under this Act; and(e) any money or cheque the fisheries officer reasonably believes is the proceeds of the unlawful sale of any fish; and(f)any document or thing the fisheries officer reasonably believes is evidence of the commission of an offence under this Act or a corresponding law.
201. Seizure of abandoned apparatus and fish
(1) A fisheries officer may seize –(a) any apparatus or equipment unattended in, or adjacent to, any waters which –(i) does not conform with any requirement of this Act; or(ii) appears to have been lost or abandoned; and(b) any fish in, or adjacent to, any waters which appear to have been abandoned.(2) The fisheries officer may destroy or render inoperative any net, line or other apparatus used for taking or holding fish if, in the opinion of the fisheries officer, it is not practicable to seize them.
202. Interference with seized property
(1) A person must not interfere with, remove or damage any fish, vessel, vehicle, apparatus, equipment or other thing seized under this Part unless authorised to do so by a fisheries officer.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 200 penalty units.(2) A court, in addition to imposing a penalty on a person under subsection (1) , may order the person to pay compensation for any damage or loss to any other person.
Division 8 - Offences
203. Offences against fisheries officer
A person must not –(a) assault, abuse or threaten a fisheries officer exercising a power or performing a function under this Act; or(b) hinder, mislead, obstruct or delay a fisheries officer exercising a power or performing a function under this Act; or(c) incite or encourage another person to anything referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) .Penalty: Fine not exceeding 200 penalty units.
204. Compliance with requirement, direction or signal
A person, without reasonable excuse, must not fail to comply with a requirement, direction or signal made or given under this Part.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
A person, without reasonable excuse, must not refuse to allow a search to be made under this Part.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
206. Impersonation of fisheries officer
A person must not –(a) impersonate a fisheries officer; or(b) hold himself or herself out as a fisheries officer.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 50 penalty units.
PART 9 - Enforcement
Division 1 - General provisions
(1) Proceedings under this Act may be instituted by –(a) a police officer; or(b) the Secretary; or(c) a person authorised by the Secretary.(2) In any proceedings under this Act, the authority of a person to prosecute is presumed in the absence of proof to the contrary.(3) A fisheries officer authorised by the Secretary may appear on behalf of the Secretary or a person authorised under subsection (1) (c) in any proceedings under this Act in a court of petty sessions.
208. Limitation of time for complaints
Despite the Justices Act 1959 , a complaint for an offence under this Act may be brought at any time within 5 years from the date on which the matter of the complaint arose.
209. Defence for accidental taking of fish
It is a defence in proceedings relating to the taking of fish for a person to satisfy the court that, on becoming aware of the taking of the fish, the person immediately returned the fish to the waters from where it came with the least possible injury.
Division 2 - Responsibilities of certain persons
210. Liability of master of vessel
(1) If a person allegedly commits an offence under this Act, the master of the vessel on which, or by the use of which, the offence was allegedly committed –(a) is taken to have allegedly committed that offence; and(b) may be proceeded against for that offence whether or not the person is proceeded against for that offence.(2) It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) for the master of the vessel to prove that he or she –(a) did not know the offence had been committed; and(b) could not reasonably have prevented the commission of the offence; and(c) took reasonable action to minimise the impact of the offence on fish and the marine environment.
(1) If an employee allegedly commits an offence under this Act, the employer of that employee –(a) is taken to have allegedly committed that offence; and(b) may be proceeded against for that offence whether or not the employee is proceeded against for that offence.(2) It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) for the employer to prove that he or she –(a) did not know the offence had been committed; and(b) could not reasonably have prevented the commission of the offence; and(c) took reasonable action to minimise the impact of the offence on fish and the marine environment.
212. Liability of officer of body corporate
(1)An officer, as defined in the Corporations Act, of a body corporate which allegedly commits an offence is taken to have committed that offence if it is proved that–(a) the offence was committed with the consent or connivance of the officer; or(b) the officer failed to exercise reasonable care to prevent the commission of the offence having regard to the nature of the officer's functions and the circumstances.(2) This section does not apply to an employee of a body corporate who is not concerned in the management of the body corporate.
213. Liability of licence holder
(1) If an agent of a holder of an authorisation allegedly commits an offence under this Act, the holder of the authorisation –(a) is taken to have allegedly committed that offence; and(b) may be proceeded against for that offence whether or not the agent is proceeded against for that offence.(2) It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) for the holder of the authorisation to prove that he or she –(a) issued written instructions and took reasonable precautions to ensure compliance with this Act; and(b) did not know the offence had been committed; and(c) could not reasonably have prevented the commission of the offence; and(d) took reasonable action to minimise the impact of the offence on fish and the marine environment.
(1) If a person allegedly commits an offence under this Act in relation to any activity supervised under section 89 , the supervisor may be proceeded against for that offence whether or not the person is proceeded against for that offence.(2) It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) for the supervisor to prove that he or she –(a) did not know the offence had been committed; and(b) could not reasonably have prevented the commission of the offence; and(c) took reasonable action to minimise the impact of the offence on fish and the marine environment.
Division 3 - Evidentiary provisions
In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, the onus of proving any of the following statements is on the person making the statement:(a) that at the time of the alleged offence a person was exempted from the relevant provision of the Act relating to that offence;(b) that the person –(i) is an Aborigine; and(ii) at the time of the alleged offence was engaged in an Aboriginal cultural activity;(c) that a person, vessel or thing referred to in the complaint was not in State waters;(d) that fish were taken from waters other than State waters;(e) that an activity occurred in waters other than State waters.
Any document, authority, notification, record, return, certificate or other information maintained or issued in relation to any matter under this Act and sent to any person at his or her usual or last known address is taken to be received by that person in the ordinary course of post.
216. Evidence relating to place and fish
In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, any of the following allegations in the complaint is evidence of the facts contained in them:(a) that a person, vessel, vehicle or other thing referred to in the complaint was in a particular area of land or waters;(b) that fish were taken from a particular area of land or waters;(c) that an activity occurred in a particular area of land or waters;(d) that fish is of a certain kind or species.
217. Evidence vessel was a foreign boat
In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, an allegation in the complaint that at the time of the alleged offence a vessel was a foreign boat is evidence of that fact.
218. Evidence of contents of package
In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, evidence that a package, receptacle or container had a mark or label indicating that the package, receptacle or container –(a) contained fish or a particular class of fish is evidence of that fact; or(b) contained a specified quantity of fish is evidence of that fact; or(c) was packed or consigned by or for a particular person is evidence of that fact.
219. Proof fish were taken for sale
(1) In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, evidence that any fish taken by a person were subsequently sold by, or on behalf of, the person is evidence that the fish was taken for the purpose of sale.(2) In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, evidence that any fish in a person's possession were subsequently sold by, or on behalf of, the person is evidence that the person possessed the fish for the purpose of sale.
220. Presumption of purpose of sale
(1) In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, if it is proved that –it is presumed that the person took or possessed the fish for the purpose of sale.(a) any fish were on a fishing vessel; and(b) the fish were taken by, or were in the possession of, any person on that vessel –(2) In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, if it is proved that –it is presumed that the person possessed the fish for the purpose of sale.(a) any fish were at a place specified in a fish processing licence as a place at which fish may be processed under the licence; and(b) the fish were in the possession of a person –(3) In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, if it is proved that –it is presumed that the person possessed the fish for the purpose of sale.(a) any fish were at a place in, on or from which fish were normally sold or were sold during a period of 6 months before the offence was allegedly committed; and(b) the fish were in the possession of a person, other than a customer –
221. Certificates relating to licensing and statistical matters
In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, production of a certificate purporting to be signed by the Secretary stating any of the following facts is evidence of those facts:(a) that on any date or during any period a person was or was not authorised to do anything under an authorisation or was, or was not, exempted from this Act or a specified provision of this Act;(b) that on any date or during any period any vessel, premises or other thing was or was not the subject of an authorisation or exemption;(c) that on any date or during any period an authorisation or exemption was cancelled, suspended or for any other reason of no effect;(d) that on any date or during any period an authorisation or exemption was subject to any specified condition or conditions;(da)that the holder of an authorisation had taken, received, despatched or sold a quantity, form or type of fish as recorded from records, dockets and returns required to be provided under the Act, regulations or rules;(db)that on any date or during any period the holder of an authorisation had made a report required to be provided under the Act, regulations or rules and that the information recorded is the information that was reported;(dc)that on any date or during any period the holder of an authorisation had not made a report required to be provided by the Act, regulations or rules;(e) that a holder of an authorisation had submitted returns indicating particular levels of catches of fish over particular periods of time or similar statistical information.
222. Evidence of scientific matters
(1) The Minister, by notice in the Gazette, may declare a person to be an authorised person for the purposes of this section.(2) In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, the production of a certificate purporting to be signed by an authorised person stating any of the following facts is evidence of those facts:(a) that a fish was a particular species or type or had a particular characteristic;(b) that a species or type of fish is, or is not, found in a particular area;(c) that any apparatus is of a particular type or is designed, used or capable of being used for a particular purpose or for taking a particular species of fish.(3) In addition to making any order as to costs, the court before which proceedings are held may make any order it thinks fit as to the expenses and remuneration payable for the services of an authorised person.
223. Accuracy of measuring equipment
In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, in which evidence is given as to any information compiled by a fisheries officer or the weight, size, direction or location as determined by a fisheries officer, any scales, callipers, computer hardware or software, rule, compass or other navigational or measuring equipment used by the fisheries officer in making the determination are, unless the contrary is proven–(a) taken to be accurate; and(b) taken to have been operated properly.
In any proceedings for an offence under this Act, a court may allow any amendments to be made to any allegation or certificate it considers desirable or necessary to enable the matter in dispute to be determined if to do so is not likely to cause hardship or injustice to the defendant.
Division 4 - Forfeiture
(1) If a court convicts a person of an offence under this Act, any of the following is forfeited to the Crown:(a) any fish to which the offence relates;(b) any apparatus or equipment used, or intended to be used, in the commission of the offence;(c) any vessel, vehicle, aircraft or other thing used in the commission of the offence.(2) A person may apply to the court during proceedings leading to the conviction or associated with the relevant offence for an order that forfeiture is not to be carried out.(3) The court, if satisfied that special reasons exist, may –(a) make the order applied for; and(b) make any other order it considers appropriate.(4) In addition to any penalty imposed for an offence under this Act, a court, on application of the complainant, may order the forfeiture to the Crown of any money, cheque or other thing that is the proceeds of the sale of any fish, vessel, apparatus or equipment in contravention of this Act.
226. Forfeiture on acceptance of infringement notice
(1) If a person accepts an infringement notice and the infringement notice is not withdrawn, any of the following seized under this Act is forfeited to the Crown:(a) any fish to which the offence relates;(b) any apparatus or equipment used, or intended to be used, in the commission of the offence;(c) any vessel, vehicle, aircraft or other thing used in the commission of the offence.(2) Forfeiture takes effect –(a) if an application is not made under subsection (3) , 108 days after service of the infringement notice; or(b) if an application is made under subsection (3) and a court under subsection (7) (b) refuses to make an order, on the date of that refusal.(3) The owner of anything forfeited under subsection (1) (c) may apply to a court for an order for its return.(4) An application is to –(a) be in writing; and(b) be made within 108 days after service of the infringement notice; and(c) state the reasons for the application.(5) A person must serve a copy of the application on the Secretary.(6) The Secretary, or a person authorised by the Secretary, may appear before the court at the hearing of the application.(7) A court, if satisfied that special reasons exist, may –(a) make the order applied for; or(b) refuse to make the order applied for; or(c) make any other order it considers appropriate.
(1) Any of the following seized under this Act is forfeited to the Crown:(a) any fish seized under section 200 (a) ;(b) any noxious fish or receptacle or container seized under section 200 (b) ;(c) any live fish or receptacle or container containing live fish illegally imported into the State.(2) Forfeiture takes effect on the date of the seizure.
228. Forfeiture if owner is not found
(1) If the owner of anything seized under this Act cannot be found at the time of the seizure, the Secretary, by notice in the Gazette, is to notify that the Secretary has possession of it.(2) If within 6 weeks after the date of notice the owner is not found, the Secretary may determine that the thing to which the notice relates is forfeited to the Crown.(3) Forfeiture takes effect on the date determined by the Secretary.
(1) The Secretary may sell, destroy or otherwise dispose of anything forfeited to the Crown under this Act.(2) Any proceeds of a sale or disposal are payable to the Crown.
230. Application to buy a forfeited thing
(1) A person who owned anything forfeited, or who had any legal or equitable interest in anything forfeited, under this Act immediately before the forfeiture may apply to the Minister to buy it.(2) An application is to be –(a) in writing; and(b) made within 30 days after the forfeiture.(3) The Minister may –(a) approve the application; or(b) refuse to approve the application.(4) If the Minister approves the application, the Minister is to order the sale of the forfeited thing to the applicant on payment of an amount equal to its estimated market value.(5) Any proceeds of a sale are payable to the Crown.
231. Release of seized property
(1) The Secretary may authorise the release of anything seized but not forfeited under this Act to –(a) the owner; or(b) the person entitled to the possession of the thing; or(c) the person from whom the thing was seized.(2) The Secretary may authorise the release of anything subject to –(a) any condition relating to the payment of a bond; or(b) any condition relating to the provision of any other security; or(c) any other condition the Secretary determines.(3) The amount of payment of a bond or the provision of a security is to be equivalent to the current market value of the thing.(4) A person must not fail to comply with a condition imposed under subsection (2) .Penalty: Fine not exceeding 100 penalty units.(5) In addition to a penalty imposed on a person for an offence under subsection (4) , a court may order the person to pay compensation for any damage or loss caused by the offence.
(1)A person may apply to the Secretary for the return of any thing seized from the person.(2)An application is to be –(a) in writing; and(b) made within –(i) 3 months after the seizure; or(ii) 6 weeks after proceedings are discontinued or the person is acquitted.(3)The Secretary may –(a) approve an application if satisfied that –(i) proceedings for an alleged offence in respect of which any thing was seized were not instituted and are not to be instituted; and(ii) the circumstances warrant the approval; or(b) refuse to approve the application if not so satisfied.(4)The Secretary must approve an application by a person if proceedings are discontinued or the person is acquitted.(5)If a thing seized is sold before an application for its return is approved, the applicant is to be paid the proceeds of the sale of the thing less any reasonable costs incurred in maintaining, storing and selling it.(6) If an application for the return of any seized thing is not made within the period referred to in subsection (2) , the thing is forfeited to the Crown.(7) This section does not apply to any fish forfeited under this Act.
233. Live fish returned to water
(1) If, in the opinion of a fisheries officer, it is practicable to return any fish seized under this Act to State waters, the fisheries officer may do so.(2) If, in the opinion of a fisheries officer, any fish seized under this Act is likely to deteriorate or rot if no action is taken to preserve it, the fisheries officer may sell, preserve or otherwise dispose of the fish.(3) A person is not entitled to any compensation in respect of any action taken under this section.(4) section 227(1)(b) and (c) .This section does not apply to fish forfeited under
Division 5 - Infringement notices
234. Service of infringement notice
(1) A fisheries officer or a person authorised by the Secretary may serve an infringement notice on a person, other than a person under the age of 16 years, if of the opinion that the person has committed a prescribed offence.(2) An infringement notice is not to relate to 4 or more offences.
235. Form of infringement notice
(1) An infringement notice is to –(a) be in an approved form; and(b) specify –(i) the offence to which it relates; and(ii) the prescribed penalty and prescribed special penalty for that offence; and(iii) the total amount payable; and(iv) the court of petty sessions at which the penalty must be paid; and(v). . . . . . . .(vi) any other prescribed details.(2) An infringement notice is to state that the person on whom it is served may disregard the notice but that on doing so he or she may be prosecuted for the offence to which the notice relates.
The Minister, by order, may declare a court of petty sessions to be a court at which payments under an infringement notice are to be made.
237. Acceptance of infringement notice
(1) A person may accept an infringement notice by –(a) paying the total amount payable to the relevant clerk of petty sessions within 21 days after being served with the notice; or(b) lodging with the relevant clerk of petty sessions within 21 days after being served with the notice a written undertaking to pay the amount payable by instalments.(2) A person must not accept an infringement notice that has been withdrawn.(3) The relevant clerk of petty sessions may allow a further period of 14 days in addition to the period referred to in subsection (1) .
(1) If a person undertakes to pay any amount payable under an infringement notice by instalments, the clerk of petty sessions may determine –(a) the amount and frequency of the instalments; and(b) the period, not exceeding 60 days, within which the amount must be paid.(2) A person may make representations to the relevant clerk of petty sessions in relation to the ability to pay the amount.(3) The relevant clerk of petty sessions is to take the person's representations into account before determining the amount and frequency of the instalments.(4) The relevant clerk of petty sessions may allow a further period of 14 days in addition to the 60 days referred to in subsection (1) (b) .(5) If a person fails to pay any amount in accordance with an undertaking, the same proceedings may be taken against the person in respect of the part of the amount remaining outstanding as if it were a penalty imposed on the person on summary conviction.(6) Any payments made in respect of an infringement notice must be –(a) identified separately; and(b) paid into the Consolidated Fund.
(1) The acceptance of an infringement notice is not an admission of liability in any civil proceedings.(2) Proceedings against a person for an offence to which an infringement notice relates and which has not been withdrawn must not be brought –(a) if the person accepts the infringement notice; or(b) within –(i) 21 days after the notice was served, if the person has not been allowed an additional period under section 237 (3) or 238 (4) ; or(ii) 74 days after the notice was served, if the person has been allowed an additional period.
240. Withdrawal of infringement notice
(1) The Commissioner of Police or the Secretary or any person authorised by either of them may withdraw an infringement notice served on a person if of the opinion that –(a) the infringement notice should not have been served; or(b) the person should be proceeded against for the offence to which the withdrawal notice relates.(2) An infringement notice may be withdrawn whether or not it has been accepted.(3) An infringement notice is to be withdrawn –(a) by serving on a person a notice stating that the infringement notice has been withdrawn; and(b) within 108 days after service of the infringement notice.(4) The relevant clerk of petty sessions must repay to a person any amount paid by that person in respect of an infringement notice that is withdrawn.
241. Evidence of withdrawal notice not admissible
Evidence of the service, acceptance or withdrawal of an infringement notice is not admissible in any proceedings for the offence to which the notice relates.
Division 6 - Demerit points
If a person is convicted of an offence under this Act or regulations or rules made under this Act, one demerit point for each penalty unit imposed by way of a penalty or special penalty for that offence is allocated –. . . . . . . .(a) to the person; and(b) to the licence under which the person was operating when the offence was committed; and(c) to the fishing certificate on which the fishing licence is specified.
244. Allocation of demerit points
(1) The Secretary is to determine to which licence, licences, fishing certificate or fishing certificates any demerit point is to be allocated.(2) Any demerit point allocated under the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 to a person to whom this Act applies is to be treated as if it were a demerit point allocated to that person under this Division.
(1) A demerit point is in force for a period of 5 years from the date of commission of the offence in respect of which the demerit point has been allocated.(2) An offence is taken to have been committed on the date on which the act or conduct constituting the offence occurred.
246. Disqualification from obtaining licence
(1) The following are disqualified from obtaining or holding a licence:(a) a person to whom 200 or more demerit points have been allocated during a period of 5 years referred to in section 245 ;(b) a person who is or has been a partner in a partnership or a major shareholder in a body corporate to which 200 or more demerit points have been allocated during that period;(c) a partnership or body corporate which has or had a partner or major shareholder –(i) to whom 200 or more demerit points have been allocated during that period; or(ii) who has been a partner of another partnership or major shareholder in another body corporate to which 200 or more demerit points have been allocated during that period.(2) A major shareholder is a person who holds more than 10% of the issued shares in a body corporate.(3) The Secretary, by notice in writing, must notify a person of –(a) any disqualification; and(b) the date on which the disqualification takes effect.(4) A person must transfer a licence to which a disqualification relates –(a) within 6 months after receipt of a notice under subsection (3) ; and(b) in accordance with Division 5 of Part 4 .(5) The Minister must cancel a licence which is not transferred under subsection (4) .
247. Licence ceases to be in force
(1) A licence ceases to be in force if 200 or more demerit points have been allocated to it during a period of 5 years referred to in section 245 .(2) Any fishing licence which is specified on a fishing certificate to which 200 or more demerit points have been allocated during a period of 5 years referred to in section 245 ceases to be in force.(3) The Secretary, by notice in writing served on the holder of a licence, must notify the holder of the date on which the licence ceases to be in force.(4) The date on which a marine farming licence ceases to be in force is whichever is the earlier of the following:(a) 6 months after service of a notice under subsection (3) ;(b) the date on which the lease to which the marine farming licence relates is transferred under section 124 of the Marine Farming Planning Act 1995 .(5) In this section, licence includes a licence which has been renewed, transferred, varied or substituted.
248. Transfer of demerit points
(1) Any demerit point allocated to a licence which is transferred under Division 5 of Part 4 continues in force in relation to that licence.(2) Any demerit point allocated to a fishing certificate continues in force in relation to that certificate whether or not any licence specified on that certificate is transferred under Division 5 of Part 4 .
249. Register of demerit points
(1) The Secretary is to keep a register of the particulars of any demerit point allocated to a person, licence or fishing certificate.(2) Any person, on payment of the prescribed fee, may –(a) examine the register so far as it relates to any demerit point allocated to that person, a licence held by that person or a fishing certificate maintained in respect of any fishing licence held by that person; or(b) by instrument in writing, authorise another person to do so.
(1) A person may apply to a magistrate for an order to correct a register kept under section 249 in respect of that person.(2) The magistrate –(a) if satisfied that the register is incorrect, may order the Secretary to correct the register as specified in the order; or(b) if not so satisfied, may dismiss the application.(3) The magistrate may make any order the magistrate considers appropriate in respect of costs of the application.
Division 7 - Control orders
251. Application for control order
(1) The Secretary may apply to the Supreme Court for a control order against a person –(a) in respect of whom 200 or more demerit points are in force and who the Secretary reasonably believes is likely to commit further offences under this Act; or(b) who has been convicted under any law of Tasmania or another State or Territory of the Commonwealth of an offence which the Secretary considers relevant to the making of the order.(2) An application for a control order must be accompanied by –(a) a draft control order in accordance with section 252 ; and(b) any evidence and argument to justify the making of the control order.(3) An application is to be made in accordance with Rules of Court in force under the Supreme Court Civil Procedure Act 1932 .
A draft control order must –(a) specify the person to whom it is to apply; and(b) describe the activities which are proposed to be restricted or prohibited; and(c) specify the period during which the control order is to be in force; and(d) describe any relevant circumstances.
(1) The Supreme Court –(a) may issue the control order applied for; or(b) if satisfied that to do so would be unreasonably harsh and unjust, may –(i) amend the control order; or(ii) refuse to issue the control order.(2) A person must not fail to comply with a control order.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year.
254. Variation or revocation of control order
(1) The Secretary may apply to the Supreme Court to vary or revoke a control order.(2) An application for the variation of a control order is to be accompanied by –(a) a draft of any variation being sought; and(b) any evidence and argument to justify the variation of the control order.(3) The Supreme Court may –(a) revoke the control order; or(b) vary the control order if satisfied that to do so would not be unreasonably harsh and unjust; or(c) refuse to vary the control order if not so satisfied.
Division 8 - Miscellaneous offences
255. Use of explosives and substances
(1) For the purpose of taking fish, a person must not in State waters –(a) use or attempt to use any explosive or any toxic or poisonous substance; or(b) use or attempt to use any substance which may render fish incapable of movement; or(c) cause or permit a shock, sound or vibration by the use of any means which is likely to stun, injure, kill or detrimentally affect any fish.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 5 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both.(2) In addition to imposing a penalty on a person for an offence under subsection (1) , a court may order the person to pay compensation for any damage or loss caused to any other person as a result of that offence.
A person, without reasonable excuse, must not –(a) prevent a person from lawfully fishing; or(b) hinder or obstruct any person who is lawfully fishing.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 100 penalty units.
257. Interfering with apparatus
(1) A person must not –(a) remove fish from any equipment used or intended to be used in connection with marine farming or any apparatus; or(b) interfere with any such equipment or apparatus.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 200 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year.(2) It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) for a person to prove that at the time of the alleged offence he or she –(a) was the owner of the equipment or apparatus; or(b) was acting with the consent of the owner of the equipment or apparatus; or(c) was a fisheries officer.
(1) A person must not use a foreign boat for fishing in State waters.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 5 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years, or both.(2) subsection (1) for a person to prove that at the time of the alleged offence an authorisation was in force for the use of the foreign boat in State waters or that the person was using the foreign boat for recreational fishing.It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under
259. Foreign boat equipped with apparatus
(1) A person must not have possession or control of a foreign boat in State waters which is equipped with any apparatus for fishing.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year.(2) It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under subsection (1) for a person to prove that at the time of the alleged offence –(a) an authorisation was in force for the use of the foreign boat in State waters; or(ab)the apparatus was for recreational fishing use only; or(b) the foreign boat's apparatus for fishing was stored and secured and the boat was at anchor or in port or was travelling by the shortest practicable route –(i) to or from anchorage or port in the State; or(ii) from a point outside State waters to another point outside those waters.
260. Interfering with licensee
A person, without lawful authority, must not obstruct, hinder or prevent a licensee or a person acting under the authority of a licensee from carrying out any activity authorised by the licence.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units.
261. Permitting use of premises
A person must not knowingly permit any of the following to be used to commit an offence under this Act:(a)any premises used for fish processing;(b) any vessel, apparatus or structure to which a fishing licence relates;(c) any vehicle;(d) any area, vessel, apparatus or structure used in relation to a marine farming licence.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units.
262. Possession, purchase or sale of illegally taken fish
(1)A person must not purchase, sell or have possession of any fish taken or possessed in contravention of this Act or a corresponding law.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 2 000 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year, or both.(2) subsection (1) for a person to prove that at the time of the alleged offence he or she did not know and could not reasonably be expected to have known that the fish were taken in contravention of this Act or a corresponding law.It is a defence in proceedings for an offence under
263. False and misleading statements
A person, in making any application, giving any document or stating anything to a fisheries officer, must not –(a) make a statement knowing it to be false or misleading; or(b) omit any matter from a statement knowing that without that matter the statement is false or misleading.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 500 penalty units.
Division 9 - Criminal offences
264. Illegal possession of fish
(1) A person who, without lawful excuse, has possession of fish with a value exceeding $5 000 is guilty of an indictable offence punishable under the Criminal Code .(2) The court is to determine the value of fish in accordance with section 269 .
265. False or misleading records
A person is guilty of an indictable offence punishable under the Criminal Code if that person, in keeping any records, accounts or other information under this Act –(a) makes a statement knowing it to be false or misleading; or(b) omits any matter from a statement knowing that without that matter the statement is false or misleading.
266. Application of certain Act
The provisions of the Crime (Confiscation of Profits) Act 1993 apply to an indictable offence under this Division as if fish were property within the meaning of that Act.
Division 10 - Special penalties
267. Illegally taking or possessing fish
(1)On a finding of guilt for an offence under this Act or regulations or rules made under this Act relating to the taking or possession of fish, a court must impose a special penalty equal to 10 times the value of the fish.(2)A court must not reduce or suspend a special penalty for any reason.
(1)On a finding of guilt for an offence under this Act or regulations or rules made under this Act relating to the use or possession of apparatus, a court must impose a special penalty equal to–(a)10 penalty units for each rock lobster pot used; and(b)2 penalty units for –(i) each 50 metres of net used; and(ii) each prescribed apparatus used.(2)A court must not reduce or suspend a special penalty for any reason.
(1) For the purpose of this Division, a court must determine the value of any fish –(a) by multiplying the weight of the fish by the value of each unit of weight declared for fish of that class or species; or(b) by multiplying the number of fish by the value of each fish declared for fish of that class or species.(2) The Minister, by order, may declare –(a) the value of each unit of weight for fish of a specified class or species; or(b) the value of each fish of a specified class or species.
PART 10 - Miscellaneous
Division 1 - Disease and pests
270. Control of disease and pests
(1) The Secretary is to ensure that as far as practicable –(a) any outbreak of disease affecting fish is prevented or minimised; and(b) any disease or pest detrimentally affecting fish in State waters are eradicated or controlled.(2) The Secretary may determine measures to be taken to –(a) prevent and minimise any outbreak of disease affecting fish in State waters; and(b) control and eradicate any pest or disease affecting fish in State waters.(3) The Secretary may issue guidelines relating to the control and regulation of disease and pests affecting fish.
271. Order relating to diseased areas
(1) The Minister, by order, may declare any area of State waters, a marine farm or part of a marine farm to be diseased or infected by any pest if satisfied that the pest is likely to adversely affect –(a) the taking of fish in the area or marine farm; or(b) the activities of marine farming in the marine farm or in any other area.(2) Before making an order, the Minister, if practicable, is to consult with the relevant fishing body.
272. Requirements made by order
(1) An order under section 271 is to specify the period during which the order is in force.(2) An order may –(a) require that fish are not to be taken from a specified area, specified marine farm or specified part of a marine farm; and(b) require that any fish that may be taken are to be removed only under conditions specified in the order; and(c) require the holder of a marine farming licence to take steps specified in the order to –(i) treat fish in the marine farm; or(ii) eradicate from the marine farm the disease or pests specified in the notice; or(iii) destroy fish in the marine farm.(3) A person must not fail to comply with any requirement made by an order.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 1 000 penalty units.
Before an order under section 271 affecting the holder of a marine farming licence comes into force, the Minister, by notice in writing, is to notify the holder of the proposed order.
Division 2 - Fees, charges and royalties
274. Fees, charges and royalties
(1)The Minister may impose a fee in respect of the grant or issue of an authorisation at an amount or rate the Minister determines.(2) The Minister, by notice in writing to the holder of an authorisation, may vary any fee imposed under subsection (1) .(3) A fee imposed under subsection (1) may be determined so as to apply differently according to any matter the Minister considers appropriate.(4) The Minister may impose a fee, charge or royalty in respect of an authorisation at a prescribed amount or prescribed rate.(5) The Minister, with the agreement of the holder of an authorisation or an applicant for an authorisation, may impose a fee, charge or royalty in respect of the authorisation at an amount or a rate greater than the amount or rate prescribed under subsection (4) .
275. Variation of fees, charges and royalties
(1) The Minister, if of the opinion that it is necessary or desirable to do so, may –(a)extend the time for payment of any fee, levy, charge or royalty; or(b) waive the whole or part of any fee, charge or royalty; or(c) refund the whole or part of any fee, charge or royalty; or(d) accept a lesser amount in place of the full fee, charge or royalty.(2)A licensee may apply to the Minister to extend the time for payment of any fee, levy, charge or royalty payable in respect of a licence held by that person.(3) An application is to be –(a) in writing; and(b) stating the reasons for the application.(4) The Minister may –(a) grant the application; or(b) refuse to grant the application.
276. Recovery of unpaid fees, charges and royalties
(1) subsection (2) not paid by the due date is recoverable from the person liable to pay it as a debt due to the Crown.A levy, fee, charge or royalty or a penalty referred to in(2)The Minister, by notice in the Gazette, may impose a penalty as determined by the Treasurer for the non-payment of any levy, fee, charge or royalty.
277. Payments into Consolidated Fund
The following are to be paid into the Consolidated Fund:(a) any fees, charges and royalties paid under this Act, unless the Minister determines otherwise under section 278 ;(b) any penalties paid under this Act;(c) any money received from the sale of forfeited property;(d) any other money received under this Act other than levies paid under section 279 .
(1) The Minister may establish a special trust fund in Treasury into which fees, charges and royalties are to be paid.(2) The Minister may determine that any specific fee, charge or royalty or fees, charges or royalties in general are to be paid into the special trust fund.
(1)The Minister, at the request of a fishing body, may determine that a levy is payable by persons undertaking any activity under an authorisation if satisfied that the majority of persons likely to be affected are in favour of the levy.(1A)The Minister, after consultation with the relevant fishing body, may determine –(a) that a levy is payable by persons undertaking any activity under an authorisation for the purpose of –(i) research; or(ii) any approved services provided by an approved organisation; and(b) that a levy under paragraph (a) is no longer payable.(2) The Minister may determine the amount of levy payable.(3) A levy –(a) is due and payable as prescribed; and(b) may be paid by instalments in the prescribed manner.(4) If any instalment of a levy is not paid by the date on which it is due, the whole amount of the unpaid levy is due and payable on that date.(5) If a levy is not paid by the date on which it is due, the person liable to pay the levy is liable to a penalty calculated at the rate of 20% a year of the unpaid levy as from that date.(6) The Minister, by notice in writing, may exempt a person from payment of all or part of a levy if satisfied that the payment would cause the person undue hardship.(7) Any money received under this section in respect of a fishing body is payable into a Fishery Levy Fund for that fishing body.(8) Any money standing to the credit of a Fishery Levy Fund in respect of a fishing body is to be applied after consultation with the fishing body for the benefit of the fishing body.(9)A fishing body may request the Minister to determine that a levy is no longer payable in respect of that fishing body.
Division 3 - Reviews of decisions
280. Notification of right of review
Any person who makes a prescribed decision, by notice served on a person whose interests may be affected by that decision, must notify the person –(a) of the decision; and(b) that the person may apply for a review of the decision.
281. Application for review of decision
(1) A person may apply to the Minister to review a prescribed decision made by a delegate of the Minister.(2) A person may apply to the Secretary to review a prescribed decision made by a delegate of the Secretary.(3) A person may apply to the Minister to review a prescribed decision made by the Minister or the Secretary.(4) An application is to –(a) be made in writing within 21 days after the date of service of a notice under section 280 ; and(b) specify the reasons for the application.(5) The Minister or Secretary may extend the period referred to in subsection (4) for making an application.
(1) The Minister or Secretary, within 45 days after receiving an application under section 281 for a review of a decision, is to make a determination –(a) substituting the decision with another decision; or(b) confirming the decision; or(c) revoking the decision.(2) The Minister or Secretary, by notice served on the applicant, must notify the applicant of –(a) the determination made; and(b) the findings on material questions of fact; and(c) the evidence or other material on which the findings are based; and(d) the reasons for the determination; and(e) the right to appeal to the Appeal Tribunal against the determination.
283. Appeal to Appeal Tribunal
(1) A person may appeal to the Appeal Tribunal against a prescribed determination of the Minister or Secretary under section 282 .(2) The Appeal Tribunal is to hear and determine an appeal under the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 1993 .
A failure to comply with section 280 or 282 (2) in relation to a decision does not affect the validity of the decision.
Division 4 - Regulations
(1) The Governor may make regulations for the purpose of this Act.(2) Regulations may be made so as to apply differently according to any matter, condition, limitation, restriction, exception or circumstance specified in the regulations.(3) The regulations may –(a) provide that a contravention of, or a failure to comply with, any regulations or rules made under Part 3 or 5 is an offence; and(b)in respect of such an offence, provide for a term of imprisonment, not exceeding 2 years, the imposition of a fine not exceeding 5 000 penalty units and, in the case of a continuing offence, a further fine not exceeding 10 penalty units for each day during which the offence continues.(4) The regulations may authorise any matter to be determined, applied or regulated by any person or body.(5) The regulations may confer a power and impose a duty on a specified person or a specified class of persons.(6) The regulations may adopt or incorporate the whole or any part of any document, standard, rule, code, specification or method, with or without modification, issued, prescribed or published by any person or body before or after the regulations take effect.
286. Regulations relating to vessels
The Governor may make regulations in respect of –(a) vessels used for fishing for commercial purposes; and(b) vessels used for carrying fish for commercial purposes; and(c) charter vessels used for recreational fishing; and(d) charter vessels used for non-exploitative use of fish; and(e) the use of any vessel for any of the purposes referred to in paragraphs (a) , (b) , (c) and (d) ; and(f) the use of vessels for storing, dealing with and processing and treating fish; and(g) any apparatus to be installed in, or carried on, vessels used for fishing; and(h) reporting or notifying the position of any vessel used for fishing; and(i) carrying any firearm, explosive or toxic or poisonous substance on any vessel used for fishing.
287. Regulations relating to fish processing
The Governor may make regulations in respect of –(a) fish processing; and(b) the manner in which, and the means by which, fish may be unloaded, delivered, consigned or transported for processing; and(c) the manner in which fish are received, transported and stored; and(d) the marking and labelling of receptacles and containers in which fish are received and stored; and(e) the dimensions of those receptacles and containers; and(f) the treatment of, and dealing with, processed fish; and(g) the processing of fish; and(h) any premises, place, vessel or vehicle on or in which fish are stored before they are transferred to be processed; and(i) the quality and quantity of fish for sale within the State or for export.
288. Regulations relating to handling
The Governor may make regulations in respect of –(a) the manner in which, and the means by which, fish may be unloaded, delivered, consigned or transported by handlers; and(b) the manner in which fish are received and stored by handlers; and(c) the manner in which fish may be exported; and(d) the type of receptacle or container in which fish may be exported; and(e) the marking and labelling of receptacles and containers in which fish are received and stored; and(f) the dimensions of those receptacles and containers; and(g) the composition of water or other packing material in which fish are placed when being exported.
289. Regulations relating to marine resources protected areas
The Governor may make regulations in respect of –(a) the taking of fish from a marine resources protected area; and(b) the management, protection and development of a marine resources protected area; and(c) entry to a marine resources protected area; and(d) any activity carried on in a marine resources protected area; and(e) any dealing with a species of protected fish in a marine resources protected area.
290. Regulations relating to fish habitats
The Governor may make regulations in respect of –(a) the taking of fish from fish habitats; and(b) the management, protection and development of fish habitats; and(c) entry to fish habitats; and(d) any activity carried on in fish habitats; and(e) any dealing with a species of protected fish.
291. Regulations relating to noxious fish
The Governor may make regulations in respect of –(a) the waters which apply in relation to noxious fish; and(b) different classes of noxious fish; and(c) the exclusion of any specified provision of Division 5 of Part 5 to a class of noxious fish.
292. Regulations relating to arrangements
(1) The Governor may make regulations in respect of a fishery managed under an arrangement under the law of Tasmania.(2) Regulations made under this section may provide that a regulation made otherwise than under this section applies to a fishery referred to in subsection (1) .
293. Regulations relating to disease
The Governor may make regulations in respect of –(a) the measures to be taken to prevent and control disease in fish; and(b) the requirement to notify the Secretary of the occurrence of any disease or symptoms of disease in fish; and(c) the importation or possession of fish that may be affected by disease; and(d) the destruction of fish affected by disease and of any receptacle or container containing such fish; and(e) the recovery of the cost of any measure taken to prevent or control disease in fish.
294. Regulations relating to fees, charges and royalties
(1) The Governor may make regulations prescribing fees, charges and royalties in respect of –(a) the purchase of any tag, buoy, ticket or other identification required to be displayed or affixed to a vessel, container, bag, apparatus or fish; and(b) any services provided under this Act; and(c) the quantity, dimensions or type of fish that may be taken; and(d) the quantity, dimensions or type of apparatus that may be used; and(e) the period during which a person may take fish or use apparatus; and(f) any contract or agreement between the Minister and any person for the right to take fish; and(g) vessels used for fishing.(2) Regulations under this section may prescribe a fee, charge or royalty by –(a) specifying a set amount; or(b) specifying a rate or proportion by which the fee, charge or royalty is to be calculated; or(c) any other method of calculating the fee, charge or royalty.(3) Regulations under this section may provide for –(a) any fee, charge or royalty to be paid by instalments; and(b) any fee, charge or royalty to be paid in advance or in arrears; and(c) any additional charge if a fee, charge or royalty is paid by instalments; and(d) any matter relating to the payment, collection and recovery of fees, charges and royalties.
295. Regulations relating to fish and fishing
The Governor may make regulations in respect of –(a) reporting or notifying the landing of any fish; and(b) the non-exploitative use of fish; and(c) the possession of –(i) the flesh or other part of any specified class of fish; and(ii) any specified class of mutilated or disfigured fish; and(d) the prevention of destruction and wastage of fish; and(e) any activities that interfere with, or obstruct, fishing; and(f)the size, number, weight or any other characteristics of fish which may be taken, possessed, offered for sale, sold or purchased; and(g) the sale and purchase of fish; and(h) the landing, surrender to the Crown and sale of fish taken in contravention of this Act; and(i) the naming of fish and prohibiting the sale of fish except under specified names.
296. Regulations relating to miscellaneous matters
The Governor may make regulations in respect of –(a) the deposit of any refuse or waste in any State waters or the pollution by other means of any State waters; and(b) the removal of plastic and other forms of binding used on bait packages from the bait and from a vessel before the vessel is put to sea; and(c) the carrying of licences, permits or exemptions; and(d). . . . . . . .(e) any matter relating to an agreement under section 162 ; and(f) the offences in respect of which infringement notices may be served; and(g) the penalties and special penalties applicable to those offences.
Division 5 - Miscellaneous matters
(1) A statement in an arrangement –(a) that specified waters are waters relevant to the State which is a party to the arrangement with the Commonwealth is evidence of that fact; and(b) that specified waters are waters relevant to the States that are parties to the arrangement or are waters adjacent to a specified State or States is evidence of that fact.(2) A certificate signed by a member of a Joint Authority stating any matter relating to a delegation by the Joint Authority is evidence of that matter.(3) A record of a decision of a Joint Authority signed by the Commonwealth Minister or a deputy who took part in, or made, the decision is evidence that the decision, as recorded, was duly made.(4) In any proceedings under this or any other Act, production of an identity card issued, or instrument of appointment made, under Part 8 is evidence of any fact appearing in it.
298. Register of authorisations
(1) The Secretary is to keep a register containing –(a) the names and addresses of persons holding authorisations and fishing certificates; and(b) any details of the grant, renewal, variation, transfer, expiry, suspension and cancellation of authorisations the Secretary considers appropriate; and(c) any details of any fishing certificates.(2) The Secretary may allow a person, on payment of any prescribed fee and during normal business hours, to obtain a copy of, or an extract from, an entry in the register.(3) The Secretary may amend an entry in the register if satisfied that the entry was incorrect due to any accidental or inadvertent error, omission or misstatement.
(1) The Minister may make any payment the Minister considers appropriate to any person who –(a) supplies information leading to a conviction under this Act; or(b) assists in obtaining a conviction under this Act.(2) Any payment is to be made from money appropriated by Parliament for that purpose.
(1) Unless otherwise provided for in a management plan or under this Act, compensation is not payable to the holder of an authorisation –(a) if a management plan is amended or revoked; or(b) if any limitations are prescribed for fishing or other activities; or(c) if there is a reduction in the total allowable catch; or(d) if the Minister takes any other reasonable action for the purpose of this Act; or(e) as a result of any requirement complied with under an order made under section 272 .(2) Subsection (1) does not apply if the Minister takes any action which is not consistent with the purpose of this Act.(3) Compensation is not payable in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by the Secretary under section 298 .
(1) Except if otherwise expressly provided, the weight of fish is the whole weight of fish as referred to in subsection (2) .(2) The whole weight of fish is the weight of fish –(a) before any processing, other than freezing, starts; and(b) before any part of the fish is removed.(3) The Minister, by notice in the Gazette, may specify any factor to be used in calculating the weight of fish from whole weight to processed weight or from processed weight to whole weight.
302. Australian Geodetic Datum
(1) The position on the surface of the earth of a point, line or area, unless the Minister determines otherwise, is to be expressed by latitude and longitude on the Australian Geodetic Datum or rectangular grid co-ordinates on the Australian Map Grid.(2) The expressions "Australian Geodetic Datum" and "Australian Map Grid" –(a) have the meanings assigned to those expressions by the National Mapping Council of Australia; and(b) may be read as a reference to any other similar expressions which replace those expressions.
303. Identification of boundaries
Subject to section 302 , the boundaries of any place or area may be described –(a) by reference to any post, stake, buoy, mark or natural feature; or(b) by reference to any point or area identified from any satellite navigation data, latitude, longitude or map grid reference; or(c) in another manner that is reasonably adequate to identify the place or area.
304. Disclosure of interest by employees
(1) A person employed in the Department who has an interest as referred to in subsection (2) in a matter relating to fish must disclose the interest to the Secretary as soon as practicable after the person becomes aware of that fact.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 100 penalty units.(2) A person has an interest in a matter relating to fish if –(a) the person has, or has a reasonable expectation of having, a direct or indirect financial benefit in the matter; and(b) the benefit is likely to conflict with any power or function of that person in relation to that matter.(3) A person has an indirect financial benefit in a matter if the person –(a) is a member of a company or body which has a financial interest in the matter; or(b) is a partner, agent or consultant of a person who has a financial interest in the matter.
Fish that are taken as bait or taken accidentally or incidentally during fishing for commercial purposes are fish taken for commercial purposes.
A person must not aid, abet or induce another person to commit an offence under this Act or regulations or rules made under this Act.Penalty: Fine not exceeding 200 penalty units or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1 year, or both.
307. Orders not statutory rules
(1) An order under this Act is not a statutory rule within the meaning of the Rules Publication Act 1953 .(2) The provisions of the Acts Interpretation Act 1931 apply to an order under this Act as if the order were a regulation.
(1) The Minister is to review this Act to determine whether –(a) the objectives of the Act remain valid; and(b) the provisions of the Act remain appropriate for securing those objectives.(2) The review is to be undertaken 5 years after the date on which this Act commences.(3) The Minister is to table a report of the review in each House of Parliament within 12 months after the end of the 5 years referred to in subsection (2) .
The Acts specified in Schedule 2 are repealed.
Until provision is made in relation to this Act by order under section 4 of the Administrative Arrangements Act 1990 –(a) the administration of this Act is assigned to the Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries; and(b) the Department responsible to the Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries in relation to the administration of this Act is the Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries.
SCHEDULE 1 - Objectives of the Resource Management and Planning System of Tasmania
1. The objectives of the resource management and planning system of Tasmania are –(a) to promote the sustainable development of natural and physical resources and the maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity; and(b) to provide for the fair, orderly and sustainable use and development of air, land and water; and(c) to encourage public involvement in resource management and planning; and(d) to facilitate economic development in accordance with the objectives set out in paragraphs (a) , (b) and (c) ; and(e) to promote the sharing of responsibility for resource management and planning between the different spheres of Government, the community and industry in the State.
2. In clause 1 (a) , sustainable development means managing the use, development and protection of natural and physical resources in a way, or at a rate, which enables people and communities to provide for their social, economic and cultural well-being and for their health and safety while –(a) sustaining the potential of natural and physical resources to meet the reasonably foreseeable needs of future generations; and(b) safeguarding the life-supporting capacity of air, water, soil and ecosystems; and(c) avoiding, remedying or mitigating any adverse effects of activities on the environment.
SCHEDULE 2 - Acts Repealed
Fisheries Act 1959 |
Fisheries Amendment (Sea Fisheries) Act 1988 |
Fisheries Amendment (Inland Fisheries) Act 1988 |
Fisheries Amendment Act 1989 |
Fisheries Amendment Act (No. 2) 1989 |
Fisheries Amendment (Licensing) Act 1991 |
Fisheries Amendment Act 1992 |
Fisheries Amendment (Evidentiary Provisions) Act 1993 |
Fisheries Amendment (Penalties) Act 1993 |
Fisheries Amendment (Marine Farm Utilization) Act 1994 |
Fisheries Amendment (Contracts) Act 1994 |
Fisheries Amendment Act 1994 |
Fisheries Amendment Act (No. 2) 1994 |
SCHEDULE 3 - Abalone Deed of Agreement
Section 99B(1) and (4)