Gas (Pipeline Corridor) Launceston Order 2014


Tasmanian Crest
Gas (Pipeline Corridor) Launceston Order 2014

I make the following order under section 79E of the Gas Act 2000 .

14 October 2014


Minister for Energy

1.   Short title

This order may be cited as the Gas (Pipeline Corridor) Launceston Order 2014 .

2.   Commencement

This order takes effect on the day on which its making is notified in the Gazette.

3.   Interpretation

In this order –
Act means the Gas Act 2000 .

4.   Planning corridor

(1)  In this clause –
pipeline means the pipeline referred to in the licence granted under section 24 of the Act to Tas Gas Networks Pty Ltd on 14 July 2003, as amended;
pipeline sections means the sections of the pipeline that –
(a) are part of the pipeline referred to in the licence granted under section 24 of the Act to Tas Gas Networks Pty Ltd on 14 July 2003, as amended; and
(b) extend from – 
(i) the Westbury Road District Regulator Station, situated at 510,629.5E and 5,407,012.7N, and terminate at –
(a) the point situated at 510,564.8E and 5,407,214.9N; and
(b) the point situated at 512,298.2E and 5,409,604.2N; and
(c) the point situated at 513,045.4E and 5,410,193.6N; and
(d) the point situated at 511,941.6E and 5,411,571.2N; and
(e) the point situated at 511,320.5E and 5,413,219.0N; and
(f) the point situated at 511,693.3E and 5,413,275.8N; and
(ii) the point situated at 511,598.1E and 5,413,440.0N, and terminate at the point situated at 512,022.6E and 5,414,902.8N; and
(iii) the point situated at 512,927.8E and 5,410,729.3N and terminate at the point situated at 513,716.1E and 5,411,396.6N; and
(c) are each shown bounded by a heavy, black, broken line on Plan 9750 in the Central Plan Register, a reduced copy of which is set out, by way of illustration only, in Schedule 1 to this order.
(2)  A planning corridor is declared in respect of the pipeline sections.
(3)  The planning corridor declared in respect of the pipeline sections –
(a) extends along the length of the pipeline sections and is 38 metres wide on each side of the pipeline sections; and
(b) extends away from each end of the pipeline sections in a semicircle with a radius of 38 metres from the centre-line at that end of the pipeline section.
(4)  For the purposes of subclause (3)(a) of this clause, the width of each side of the planning corridor in respect of the pipeline sections is measured –
(a) from the centre-line of the pipeline sections; and
(b) at a right angle from the centre-line of the pipeline sections.

Clause 4

graphic image

Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953.

Notified in the Gazette on 22 October 2014

This order is administered in the Department of State Growth.