Penalty Units and Other Penalties Order 2014

Version current from 1 July 2014 to date (accessed 17 March 2025 at 23:32)

Tasmanian Crest
Penalty Units and Other Penalties Order 2014

I make the following order under section 4A(3) of the Penalty Units and Other Penalties Act 1987 .

10 June 2014

Dr. Vanessa Goodwin

Minister for Justice

1.   Short title

This order may be cited as the Penalty Units and Other Penalties Order 2014 .

2.   Commencement

This order takes effect on 1 July 2014.

3.   Penalty unit value

On and from 1 July 2014, the value of a penalty unit is declared to be $140.

Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953.

Notified in the Gazette on 25 June 2014

This order is administered in the Department of Justice.