Visit the Parliament of Tasmania website to find information related to the passage of bills in parliament.
Table of Amendments
Amended: Valid from 15/12/2005 to 31/10/2006
Amended: Valid from 01/11/2006 to 25/06/2008
Amended: Valid from 26/06/2008 to 30/06/2010
Amended: Valid from 01/07/2010 to 30/10/2011
Amended: Valid from 31/10/2011 to 30/06/2012
Amended: Valid from 01/07/2012 to 12/10/2015
Amended: Valid from 13/10/2015 to 30/03/2017
Amended: Valid from 31/03/2017 to 04/11/2021
Amended: Valid from 05/11/2021 to 30/12/2024
In force: Valid from 31/12/2024
Amended: Valid from 06/05/2005 to 14/12/2005
Amended: Valid from 01/07/2002 to 05/05/2005
Amended: Valid from 22/11/2001 to 30/06/2002
Amended: Valid from 01/05/2001 to 21/11/2001
Amended: Valid from 13/12/2000 to 30/04/2001