Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2024

Tasmanian Crest
Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2024

I, the Governor in and over the State of Tasmania and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Executive Council, make the following regulations under the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 .

20 June 2024



By Her Excellency's Command,


Minister for Transport

PART 1 - Preliminary
Division 1 - Short title, commencement and interpretation

1.   Short title

These regulations may be cited as the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2024 .

2.   Commencement

These regulations take effect on 25 June 2024.

3.   Interpretation

(1)  In these regulations –
Act means the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 ;
adopted standard means a standard, except an ADR, that is applied, adopted or incorporated by the Vehicle Standards;
ADR means a second edition ADR or a third edition ADR;
ADR (Definitions and Vehicle Categories) means the Vehicle Standard (Australian Design Rule – Definitions and Vehicle Categories) 2005 made under the RVSA;
air brake means an air-operated or air-assisted brake;
Airservices Australia vehicle means a vehicle that may be driven by any of the following persons in the course of the person’s duties under the Air Services Act 1995 of the Commonwealth:
(a) the Chief Executive Officer of Airservices Australia appointed under section 34 of that Act;
(b) a person appointed to act as Chief Executive Officer of Airservices Australia appointed under section 41 of that Act;
(c) a person employed under section 42 of that Act;
(d) a person engaged as a consultant under section 43 of that Act;
air storage tank, of a vehicle, means a tank fitted to the vehicle for storing compressed air;
ambulance has the same meaning as in the Ambulance Service Act 1982 ;
Australian Border Force vehicle means a vehicle that may be driven by an Immigration and Border Protection worker as defined in the Australian Border Force Act 2015 of the Commonwealth, in the course of the worker’s duties under that Act;
Australian Defence Force vehicle means a vehicle that may be driven by a person who is a member of the Defence Force accepted for service under the Defence Act 1903 of the Commonwealth, in the course of the person’s service under that Act; or
Australian Federal Police vehicle means a vehicle that may be driven by any of the following persons in the course of the person’s duties under the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 of the Commonwealth:
(a) the Commissioner of Police appointed under that Act;
(b) an AFP appointee appointed under that Act;
Australian Standard means a standard approved for publication by Standards Australia;


Copies of Australian Standards are available for purchase from Standards Australia at

axle group means a single axle group, tandem axle group, twinsteer axle group, tri-axle group or quad-axle group;
braking system, of a vehicle, means all the brakes of the vehicle and all the components of the mechanisms by which they are operated;
British Standard means a standard approved for publication on behalf of the British Standards Institution;


Copies of British Standards are available for purchase from Standards Australia at

British Standards Institution means the institution of that name established under royal charter in the United Kingdom;
car means a motor vehicle built mainly to carry people that –
(a) seats not more than 9 adults including the driver; and
(b) has a body commonly known as a sedan, station wagon, coupe, convertible or roadster; and
(c) has 4 or more wheels;
centre-line means –
(a) in respect of an axle –
(i) if the axle consists of one shaft, a line parallel to the length of the axle and passing through the centre of the axle; or
(ii) if the axle consists of 2 shafts, a line in the vertical plane passing through –
(a) the centre of both shafts; and
(b) the centres of the wheels on the shafts;
(b) in respect of an axle group –
(i) if the group consists of 2 axles, one of which is fitted with twice the number of tyres as the other axle, a line located one-third of the way from the centre-line of the axle with more tyres towards the centre-line of the axle with fewer tyres; and
(ii) in any other case, a line located midway between the centre-lines of the outermost axles of the group;
conspicuity marking has the same meaning as in ADR 13/00, as amended or substituted from time to time;
converter dolly means a light trailer with one axle group or a single axle, and a fifth-wheel coupling, designed to convert a semi-trailer into a dog trailer;

graphic image

daylight means the period in a day from sunrise to sunset;
diesel engine means an engine that works on the compression-ignition principle;
dog trailer means a light trailer, including a light trailer consisting of a semi-trailer and converter dolly, with –
(a) one axle group or a single axle at the front that is steered by connection to the towing vehicle by a drawbar; and
(b) one axle group or a single axle at the rear;

graphic image

drawbar means a part of a trailer, except a semi-trailer, connecting the trailer body to a coupling for towing purposes;
drive includes be in control of;
driver, of a vehicle, means the person driving the vehicle;
emergency brake means a brake designed to be used if a service brake fails;
emergency vehicle means –
(a) an ambulance; or
(b) a vehicle built or permanently modified for firefighting purposes; or
(c) a vehicle used by an electricity authority for carrying out emergency repairs to power lines;
exempt vehicle means –
(a) a police vehicle; or
(b) an ambulance; or
(c) an Australian Defence Force vehicle; or
(d) an Australian Federal Police vehicle; or
(e) a vehicle operated, approved or authorised under the Fire Service Act 1979 ; or
(f) a transport enforcement vehicle; or
(g) an Australian Border Force vehicle; or
(h) an Airservices Australia vehicle; or
(i) a vehicle operated, approved or authorised under the Emergency Management Act 2006 ;
fifth-wheel coupling means a device, except the upper rotating element and the kingpin (which are parts of a semi-trailer), used with a prime mover, semi-trailer or converter dolly, to allow quick coupling and uncoupling and to provide for articulation;
front fog light means a light used to improve the illumination of the road in case of fog, snowfall, heavy rain or a dust storm;
glazing means material that may be used in a windscreen, window or interior partition of a motor vehicle, through which the driver of the vehicle can see the road, but does not include a coating added after manufacture of the material;
GTM (gross trailer mass) means the mass transmitted to the ground by the axles of a trailer when the trailer is loaded to its GVM and connected to a towing vehicle;
Heavy Vehicle National Law (Tasmania) has the same meaning as in the Heavy Vehicle National Law (Tasmania) Act 2013 ;
high-beam, for a headlight or front fog light fitted to a vehicle, means that the light is built or adjusted so that, when the vehicle is standing on level ground, the top of the main beam of light projected is above the low-beam position;
large bus means a bus with a seating capacity of more than 25 adults including the driver;
left, for a vehicle, means to the left of the centre of the vehicle when viewed by a person in the vehicle who is facing to the front of the vehicle;
light bus means a bus that is a light motor vehicle;
light combination means a combination that is not a heavy combination within the meaning of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (Tasmania);
light motor vehicle means a motor vehicle that is a light vehicle;
light prime mover means a prime mover that is a light vehicle;
light semi-trailer means a semi-trailer that is a light trailer;
light trailer means a trailer that is not a heavy trailer within the meaning of the Heavy Vehicle National Law (Tasmania);
low-beam, for a headlight or front fog light fitted to a vehicle, means that the light is built or adjusted so that, when the vehicle is standing on level ground, the top of the main beam of light projected is –
(a) not higher than the centre of the headlight or fog light, when measured 8 metres in front of the vehicle; and
(b) not more than one metre higher than the level where the motor vehicle is standing, when measured 25 metres in front of the vehicle;

graphic image

luminous transmittance, for glazing or a coating on glazing, means the amount of light that can pass through the glazing as a percentage of the amount of light that would be transmitted if the glazing or coating were absent;
moped means a motor bike or motor trike with an engine cylinder capacity of not more than 50 millilitres and a maximum speed of not more than 50 kilometres per hour;
mudguard means a fitting or device, with or without a mudflap, that is built and fitted to a vehicle in a way that will, as far as practicable, catch or deflect downwards any stone, mud, water, or other substance, thrown up by the rotation of the wheel to which the fitting or device is fitted;
nearer side of the vehicle, in relation to a light or reflector fitted to a vehicle, means the side of the vehicle that is closest to where the light or reflector is fitted;
parking brake, of a vehicle, means the brake usually used to keep the vehicle stationary while the vehicle is parked;
pig trailer means a light trailer that –
(a) has one axle group or a single axle near the middle of its load-carrying surface; and
(b) is connected to a towing vehicle by a drawbar;
point of articulation means –
(a) the axis of a kingpin for a fifth wheel; or
(b) the vertical axis of rotation of a fifth-wheel coupling; or
(c) the vertical axis of rotation of a turntable assembly; or
(d) the vertical axis of rotation of the front axle group, or single axle, of a dog trailer; or
(e) the coupling pivot point of a semi-trailer;
pole-type trailer means a light trailer that –
(a) is attached to a towing vehicle by a pole, or an attachment fitted to the pole; and
(b) is ordinarily used for transporting loads, such as logs, pipes, structural members or other long objects, that can generally support themselves like beams between supports;
police vehicle means a vehicle that may be driven by a police officer in the course of the police officer’s duty;
quad-axle group means a group of 4 axles in which the horizontal distance between the centre-lines of the outermost axles is more than 3.2 metres, but not more than 4.9 metres;
rear fog light means a light used on a vehicle to make it more easily visible from the rear in dense fog;
rear glazing, in relation to a light motor vehicle, means glazing used in a window or interior partition of the motor vehicle located behind the driver in the normal driving position;
rear marking plate means a rear marking plate that complies with VSB 12 – National Code of Practice – Rear Marking Plates, as amended or substituted from time to time;


VSB 12 is available from the website of the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator at

repeater horn means a device that makes a sound alternating between different tones or frequencies on a regular time cycle;
right, for a vehicle, means to the right of the centre of the vehicle when viewed by a person in the vehicle who is facing to the front of the vehicle;
school bus means a bus that is being used exclusively for the carriage of schoolchildren, with or without a supervising adult;
second edition ADR means a national standard incorporated in the document described as the Australian Design Rules for Motor Vehicle Safety, Second Edition originally published by the then Commonwealth Department of Transport;
service brake, for a vehicle, means the brake normally used to decelerate the vehicle;
side-marker light means a light fitted to the side of a vehicle indicating the presence and length of the vehicle when viewed on that side;
single axle means an axle not forming part of an axle group;
single axle group means a group of at least 2 axles in which the horizontal distance between the centre-lines of the outermost axles is less than one metre;
small bus means a bus with a seating capacity of not more than 25 adults including the driver;
spring brake means a brake using one or more springs to store the energy needed to operate the brake;
Standards Australia means Standards Australia Limited ACN 087 326 690, or any body to which Standards Australia Limited is a successor in law or that is a successor in law to Standards Australia Limited;
street rod vehicle is a light vehicle that –
(a) has been modified for safe road use; and
(b) has a body and frame that were built, or is a replica of a vehicle the body and frame of which were built, before 1949;
tandem axle group means a group of at least 2 axles in which the horizontal distance between the centre-lines of the outermost axles is at least one metre, but not more than 2 metres;
third edition ADR means –
(a) a national standard determined under the MVSA as in force from time to time before the repeal of that Act; or
(b) a national road vehicle standard determined under section 12 of the RVSA;
towing vehicle, for a trailer, means the vehicle towing the trailer;
transport enforcement vehicle means a vehicle, other than a police vehicle, that may be driven by the following persons:
(a) an authorised officer, within the meaning of the Traffic Act 1925 , in the course of the officer’s duty;
(b) an authorised officer, within the meaning of the Heavy Vehicle National Law, in the course of the officer’s duty;
tri-axle group means a group of at least 3 axles in which the horizontal distance between the centre-lines of the outermost axles is more than 2 metres, but not more than 3.2 metres;
twinsteer axle group means a group of 2 axles –
(a) that –
(i) are fitted to a motor vehicle; and
(ii) have single tyres; and
(iii) are connected to a common steering mechanism; and
(b) in which the horizontal distance between the centre-lines of the axles is at least one metre, but not more than 2 metres;
turntable means a bearing built to carry vertical and horizontal loads, but that does not allow quick separation of its upper and lower rotating elements, and that is used to connect and allow articulation between –
(a) a prime mover and a semi-trailer; or
(b) the steering axle or axle group of a dog trailer and the body of the trailer; or
(c) a fifth-wheel coupling and the vehicle to which it is mounted;
vacuum brakes means vacuum-operated or vacuum-assisted brakes;
vacuum storage tank, of a vehicle, means a tank fitted to the vehicle for storing air at low pressure;
Vehicle Standards see regulation 4 ;
VSB means a Vehicle Standards Bulletin published by the Department of the Commonwealth responsible for the administration of road transport, as in force from time to time;
warning light means a light fitted to a vehicle designed specifically to warn road users of the vehicle’s presence on a road;
yellow includes amber.
(2)  Unless the contrary intention appears –
(a) a definition in the Vehicle Standards applies to each use of the word or expression in the Vehicle Standards; and
(b) a reference in the Vehicle Standards to an ADR is a reference to the ADR as in force from time to time; and
(c) a reference in the Vehicle Standards to an adopted standard is a reference to the adopted standard as in force when the Vehicle Standards commenced.
(3)  In these regulations, the width of a vehicle does not include the following devices or systems:
(a) anti-skid devices mounted on wheels;
(b) central tyre inflation systems;
(c) lights, mirrors and reflectors;
(d) signalling devices;
(e) tyre pressure gauges;
(f) permanently affixed webbing assembly-type devices if the width of the vehicle including those devices does not exceed 2.55 metres.
Division 2 - Vehicle Standards and offences

4.   Vehicle Standards

These regulations –
(a) prescribe vehicle standards for Tasmania; and
(b) are referred to, collectively, within these regulations as the Vehicle Standards.


The Vehicle Standards set standards with which vehicles must comply in order to be driven on public streets.


The Australian Design Rules (ADRs) are rules for designing and building vehicles. Imported vehicles must also comply with the ADRs.


The Vehicle Standards require a vehicle that is subject to an ADR when built or imported to continue to comply with the ADR.


The Vehicle Standards also apply certain other standards (adopted standards) that are intended to complement the ADRs.


The ADRs do not cover:


vehicles built before 1969; or


combinations of vehicles of any age; or


every safety feature for vehicles built between 1969 and 1988.


Those matters are covered by the Vehicle Standards and dimension limits for vehicles are set out in the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Operations) Regulations 2024 .


In most cases, if a vehicle complies with the Vehicle Standards and the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Operations) Regulations 2024 it is suitable for use on public streets.

5.   Vehicle Standards offences

(1)  Except as provided by this regulation, a person must not use, or cause or permit the use of, a vehicle or combination on a public street unless –
(a) the vehicle or combination complies with each provision of the Vehicle Standards applying to the vehicle or combination; and
(b) the vehicle or combination, and each part of the vehicle or combination and its equipment, is in a safe and roadworthy condition; and
(c) each light, reflector, sign, writing, colouring or band required to be fitted, lit or displayed on the vehicle or combination under the Vehicle Standards is clean and unobscured.
Penalty:  Fine not exceeding 20 penalty units.
(2)  Subregulation (1)(a) does not apply to a vehicle or combination if –
(a) it is used on a public street under one of the following authorisations:
(i) a permit issued by the Commission under Part 6 of the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Operations) Regulations 2024 ;
(ii) a short term unregistered vehicle permit issued under the Vehicle and Traffic (Driver Licensing and Vehicle Registration) Regulations 2021 ;
(iii) conditional registration under the Vehicle and Traffic (Driver Licensing and Vehicle Registration) Regulations 2021 ;
(iv) an exemption under section 28 or 29 of the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 ;
(v) an exemption, approval or determination issued by the Registrar under the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999 ; and
(b) the authorisation excuses or has the effect of excusing the vehicle or combination from having to comply with the applicable provision of the Vehicle Standards; and
(c) the vehicle or combination is being used in accordance with the authorisation.
(3)  Subregulation (1)(a) does not apply to or in relation to the failure of a motor vehicle's emission control system to comply with applicable provisions of the Vehicle Standards if, despite the non-compliance, the system is continuing to operate essentially in accordance with its original design.
(4)  It is a defence in proceedings under subregulation (1)(a) to show that, at the relevant time, the vehicle or combination failing to comply with an applicable provision of the Vehicle Standards was –
(a) being repaired, or being tested in the course of being repaired, so that it would comply with the Vehicle Standards; and
(b) not endangering its occupants or other road users while being so repaired or tested.
Division 3 - Features of Vehicle Standards

6.   Diagrams

(1)  A diagram in the Vehicle Standards is part of the Vehicle Standards.
(2)  A diagram of something is an illustrative example of the thing in black and white, but does not represent its dimensions or the dimensions of any part of it.

7.   Notes

A note in the Vehicle Standards is explanatory and is not part of the Vehicle Standards.

8.   Examples

(1)  An example, whether or not in the form of a diagram, in the Vehicle Standards is part of the Vehicle Standards.
(2)  If the Vehicle Standards include an example of the operation of a provision of the Vehicle Standards –
(a) the example is not exhaustive; and
(b) the example does not limit, and may extend, the meaning of the provision; and
(c) the example and the provision are to be read in the context of each other and of the other provisions of the Vehicle Standards, but, if the example and the provision as so read are inconsistent, the provision prevails.
PART 2 - Application of Vehicle Standards

9.   Application to vehicles and combinations on public streets

(1)  Subject to subregulation (2) , the Vehicle Standards apply to light vehicles and light combinations on public streets.
(2)  Part 1 , regulation 21(1) and (4) , regulation 38(5) and (6) , regulation 41(3) , (4) and (5) , Division 19 of Part 8 and Part 13 apply to both –
(a) light vehicles and light combinations on public streets; and
(b) heavy vehicles and heavy combinations on public streets.

10.   Vehicles to which Vehicle Standards do not apply

The Vehicle Standards do not apply to the following vehicles:
(a) a vehicle designed to be controlled by a person walking next to it;
(b) a cycle that was a power-assisted pedal cycle within the meaning of a third edition ADR, but that is no longer deemed to be a power-assisted pedal cycle due to amendments made to that third edition ADR.

Note 1:

Also, the Vehicle Standards do not apply to vehicles that are specifically excluded from the definitions of motor vehicle and trailer in section 3(1) of the Vehicle and Traffic Act 1999.

Note 2:

With respect to paragraph (b) , power-assisted pedal cycle is defined in ADR (Definitions and Vehicle Categories). The definition includes vehicles referred to as pedelecs.

11.   Non-application of Vehicle Standards: exemption under other laws

(1)  A provision of the Vehicle Standards does not apply to a vehicle or combination if the vehicle or combination is exempt from –
(a) that provision under another law of this jurisdiction; or
(b) the corresponding provision of the law of another jurisdiction.
(2)  The vehicle or combination is exempt only if all conditions of the exemption, if any, are being complied with.

12.   Non-application of Vehicle Standards: inconsistent ADR requirements

(1)  A provision of Part 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 or 13 of the Vehicle Standards does not apply to a vehicle if –
(a) the vehicle complies with –
(i) a requirement of an ADR that applies to the vehicle; or
(ii) a requirement of an ADR that applies to vehicles of the same class or type, but that have been manufactured at a later date than the vehicle; and
(b) the ADR requirement with which the vehicle complies corresponds to a requirement in Part 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 or 13 of the Vehicle Standards.
(2)  Subregulation (1) does not apply if the vehicle is not of the same class or type as the vehicles to which the ADR requirements apply.


As the second edition ADR and third edition ADR do not apply to a vehicle built in 1968, the vehicle must comply with regulation 111 . If the owner of that type of vehicle modified the brakes so the vehicle did comply with the second edition ADR, a requirement in regulation 111 about the vehicle’s brakes that is inconsistent with the second edition ADR no longer applies to the vehicle.

(3)  A requirement of Part 12 of the Vehicle Standards does not apply to a coupling if –
(a) the coupling complies with –
(i) a requirement of an ADR that applies to the coupling; or
(ii) a requirement of an ADR that applies to couplings of the same class or type, but that have been manufactured at a later date than the coupling; and
(b) the ADR requirement with which the coupling complies corresponds to a requirement in Part 12 of the Vehicle Standards.
(4)  Despite subregulation (1) , a requirement of the following provisions of the Vehicle Standards applies to a vehicle instead of the corresponding ADR requirement –
(a) regulation 22 (Steering);
(b) regulation 31 (Horns, alarms, &c);
(c) regulation 42(4) and (8) (Window tinting);
(d) regulation 48 (Tyres – manufacturer’s rating);
(e) regulation 99 (Fitting of warning lights and warning signs);
(f) regulation 102 (Additional lights and reflectors).

13.   Non-application of Vehicle Standards: Motor Vehicle Standards Act approvals

A provision of Part 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 or 13 of the Vehicle Standards does not apply to a vehicle if –
(a) the vehicle does not comply with a requirement of an ADR applying to the vehicle; and
(b) the provision of the Vehicle Standards corresponds to the requirement of the ADR; and
(c) despite the non-compliance –
(i) before the repeal of the MVSA an approval was given under section 10A(2) or (3) of that Act to place an identification plate on the vehicle; or
(ii) an approval is given under item 4(2) or 6(2) of Schedule 3 to the Road Vehicle Standards (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2018 (Cwlth); or
(iii) the vehicle satisfied the requirements of the type approval pathway under section 15(1) of the Road Vehicle Standards Rules 2019 (Cwlth) as a vehicle to which section 15(2) of those Rules applied and the vehicle is entered on the RAV; and
(d) the vehicle complies with the approval conditions (if any).

Note 1:

Section 10A(2) of the MVSA deals with vehicles that do not comply with an ADR, but the non-compliance is only in minor and inconsequential respects

Note 2:

Section 10A(3) of the MVSA deals with vehicles that do not comply with an ADR, and the non-compliance is not minor and inconsequential, but the vehicle will be safe to use if conditions are complied with.

PART 3 - Australian Design Rules

Note 1
: This Part applies the second edition ADR and third edition ADR to various vehicles.

Note 2
: Under this Part, a vehicle that is subject to ADRs when it is built generally remains subject to the ADRs throughout its life. However, a vehicle need not comply with a standard if the standard is replaced by, or is inconsistent with, a later standard and the vehicle complies with the later standard. Older vehicles may, therefore, be fitted with any equipment allowed on newer vehicles.

Note 3
: Vehicles that are modified must continue to comply with the Vehicle Standards. Modifications to a heavy vehicle must be undertaken in accordance with VSB 6 - National Code of Practice - Heavy Vehicle Modifications. Modifications to a light vehicle must be undertaken in accordance with VSB 14 - National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction and Modification.

Note 4
: The following provisions of the Vehicle Standards apply to a vehicle instead of the corresponding ADR requirement:
regulation 22 (Steering);
- regulation 31 (Horns, alarms, &c.)
- regulation 42(4) and (8) (Window tinting);
- regulation 48 (Tyres – manufacturer’s rating);
- regulation 99 (Fitting of warning lights and warning signs);
- regulation 102 (Additional lights and reflectors).

14.   Compliance with second edition ADRs

(1)  If a second edition ADR recommends that the ADR should apply to the design and construction of a light vehicle, the light vehicle must comply with the ADR.
(2)  If a second edition ADR contains a requirement for a type of equipment fitted to a light vehicle built on or after a stated time, any equipment of the same type fitted to the light vehicle after it is built must comply with –
(a) the requirement as in force when the vehicle was built; or
(b) if the requirement is amended after the vehicle is built and before the equipment is fitted, the requirement as in force –
(i) when the vehicle was built; or
(ii) when the equipment was fitted; or
(iii) at any time between when the vehicle was built and the equipment was fitted.
(3)  Despite subregulations (1) and (2) , a light vehicle, or equipment fitted to a light vehicle, need not comply with a recommendation or requirement of a second edition ADR if –
(a) the recommendation or requirement is replaced by, or is inconsistent with, a requirement of either of the following (each a newer ADR):
(i) a later version of the second edition ADR applying to the vehicle or equipment;
(ii) a third edition ADR applying to the vehicle or equipment; and
(b) the vehicle or equipment complies with the requirement of the newer ADR.
(4)  If a second edition ADR allows a light vehicle built on or after a stated time to be fitted with equipment, a light vehicle built before the time may also be fitted with the equipment.
(5)  If an ADR that applies to a light vehicle under subregulation (1) is rescinded, the light vehicle must continue to comply with the ADR as if the ADR had not been rescinded, unless subregulation (3) applies to the light vehicle.
(6)  If an ADR that has a requirement that applies to any equipment under subregulation (2) is rescinded, the equipment must continue to comply with the requirement as if the ADR had not been rescinded, unless subregulation (3) applies to the equipment.
(7)  If subregulation (3) applies to a light vehicle or equipment and the requirement of the third edition ADR ceases to exist, the light vehicle or equipment must continue to comply with that requirement as if it were still in existence.

15.   Compliance with third edition ADRs

(1)  If a third edition ADR applies to the design and construction of a light vehicle, the light vehicle must comply with the ADR.
(2)  If a third edition ADR contains a requirement for a type of equipment fitted to a light vehicle built on or after a stated time, any equipment of the same type fitted to the light vehicle after it is built must comply with –
(a) the requirement as in force when the vehicle was built; or
(b) if the requirement is amended after the vehicle is built and before the equipment is fitted, the requirement as in force –
(i) when the vehicle was built; or
(ii) when the equipment was fitted; or
(iii) at any time between when the vehicle was built and the equipment was fitted.
(3)  Despite subregulations (1) and (2) , a light vehicle, or equipment fitted to a light vehicle, need not comply with a requirement of a third edition ADR if –
(a) the requirement is replaced by, or is inconsistent with, a requirement of a later version of the ADR applying to the vehicle or equipment; and
(b) the vehicle or equipment complies with the requirement of the later version.
(4)  If a third edition ADR allows a light vehicle built on or after a stated time to be fitted with equipment, a light vehicle built before the time may also be fitted with the equipment.
(5)  If an ADR that applies to a light vehicle under subregulation (1) is rescinded, the light vehicle must continue to comply with the ADR as if the ADR had not been rescinded, unless subregulation (3) applies to the vehicle.
(6)  If an ADR that has a requirement that applies to any equipment under subregulation (2) is rescinded, the equipment must continue to comply with the requirement as if the ADR had not been rescinded, unless subregulation (3) applies to the equipment.
(7)  If subregulation (3) applies to a light vehicle or equipment and the requirement of the later version of the ADR ceases to exist, the light vehicle or equipment must continue to comply with that requirement as if it were still in existence.

16.   Exception to compliance with ADRs: light vehicles that are not road vehicles

A light vehicle need not comply with an ADR applying to it under regulation 14(1) or regulation 15(1) if –
(a) a determination, or declaration, under section 5B of the MVSA, made before the repeal of that Act, provided that the vehicle was not a road vehicle for the purposes of that Act; or
(b) a determination under section 6(5)(b) or 6(6)(b) of the RVSA provides that the vehicle is not a road vehicle for the purposes of that Act.

17.   Exception to compliance with ADRs: Motor Vehicle Standards Act

(1)  A light vehicle need not comply with an ADR applying to it under regulation 14(1) or regulation 15(1) if –
(a) despite the non-compliance –
(i) approval was given, under section 10A(2) or (3) of the MVSA, before the repeal of that Act, to place an identification plate on that vehicle; or
(ii) approval is given under item 4(2) or 6(2) of Schedule 3 to the Road Vehicle Standards (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2018 of the Commonwealth; and
(b) the vehicle complies with the approval conditions, if any.
(2)  A vehicle need not comply with an ADR applying to it under regulation 14(1) or regulation 15(1) if –
(a) either –
(i) the vehicle was approved to be supplied to the market under section 14A(1) of the MVSA, before the repeal of that Act; or
(ii) an approval is given under item 11(2) of Schedule 3 to the Road Vehicle Standards (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2018 of the Commonwealth; and
(b) the vehicle complies with the approval conditions, if any.
(3)  A vehicle need not comply with an ADR applying to it under regulation 14(1) or regulation 15(1) if –
(a) the vehicle was approved to be used in transport in Australia under section 15(2) of the MVSA, before the repeal of that Act; and
(b) the vehicle complies with the approval conditions, if any.

18.   Vehicles subject to particular approvals under RVSA

A vehicle need not comply with an ADR applying to it under regulation 14(1) or regulation 15(1) if –
(a) the vehicle satisfied the requirements of the type approval pathway under section 15(1) of the Road Vehicle Standards Rules 2019 (Cwlth) as a vehicle to which section 15(2) of those Rules applied; and
(b) despite non-compliance with the ADR, the vehicle is entered on the RAV; and
(c) the vehicle complies with the approval conditions, if any.

19.   Partial exception to compliance with ADRs: personally imported light vehicles

(1)  In this regulation –
personally imported vehicle means a light vehicle built after 1968 that is imported into Australia by a person who –
(a) before the vehicle was imported into Australia, owned and used the vehicle for a continuous period of at least –
(i) in the case of a vehicle owned by the person before 9 May 2000 – 3 months; or
(ii) in any other case – 12 months; and
(b) has –
(i) in the case of a vehicle that was imported before the repeal of the MVSA, undertaken to comply with any requirements relating to road safety imposed on the vehicle under the Motor Vehicle Standards Regulations 1989 of the Commonwealth; or
(ii) in any other case, complied with the RVSA and any rules made under that Act.


The Road Vehicle Standards Act provides for concessional RAV entry approvals for vehicles imported into Australia as part of a person’s personal effects. See Division 3 of Part 3 of the Road Vehicle Standards Rules 2019 (Cwlth) for provisions relating to the concessional RAV entry approval pathway generally, and section 39 of those Rules for the eligibility criteria for importing a vehicle as part of a person’s personal effects.

(2)  A personally imported vehicle must be fitted with –
(a) seatbelts that are as effective as seatbelts that meet an Australian Standard or British Standard for seatbelts as in force when this regulation commenced; and
(b) seatbelt anchorages that meet the number and location requirements of second edition ADR 5 or third edition ADR 5; and
(c) child restraint anchorages that meet the number, location, accessibility, thread size and form requirements of second edition ADR 34 or third edition ADR 5 or 34; and
(d) head restraints that meet the number, location and size requirements of second edition ADR 22 or third edition ADR 22.
(3)  Despite subregulation (2) , a personally imported vehicle need only meet the requirements of an ADR specified in that subsection if the ADR recommends that it should apply, or it applies, to a vehicle of the same type.
(4)  A personally imported vehicle need not otherwise comply with an ADR applied by regulation 14(1) or regulation 15(1) .
PART 4 - Adopted Standards

20.   Compliance with adopted standards

(1)  A vehicle, or a component of a vehicle, need not comply with an adopted standard if –
(a) the standard is replaced by, or is inconsistent with, a later version of the standard; and
(b) the vehicle complies with the later version of the standard.
(2)  A vehicle, or a component of a vehicle, that is compliant with a later version of an adopted standard is taken to also comply with the earlier version of the adopted standard.


A vehicle is taken to comply with the replaced standard AS 1973-1976 Retreaded Pneumatic Passenger Car Tyres if the vehicle complies with the later standard AS 1973-1993 Pneumatic tyres - Passenger car, light truck, and truck/bus - Retreading and repair processes.

PART 5 - General Safety Requirements

Note 1
: For a vehicle to be operated safely, it needs to be properly designed to minimise the potential for accidents and harm to its occupants and other road users.

Note 2
: This Part sets out various requirements covering the driver's view from a vehicle, the driver's control of a vehicle, protection of its occupants and other road users, and other general safety features.
Division 1 - All vehicles

21.   Standards applicable to modification of vehicles

(1)  In this regulation –
modification has the same meaning as in the Vehicle and Traffic (Driver Licensing and Vehicle Registration) Regulations 2021 .
(2)  A modification to a light vehicle, other than a street rod vehicle, must comply with the National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction and Modification, published by the Australian Motor Vehicle Certification Board, as amended or substituted from time to time.
(3)  A modification to a street rod vehicle that is a light vehicle must comply with the National Guidelines for the Construction and Modification of Street Rods in Australia, published by the Australian Motor Vehicle Certification Board, as amended or substituted from time to time.
(4)  Subregulations (2) and (3) do not apply to a vehicle if the modification to the vehicle complies with the modification specifications, within the meaning of the Vehicle and Traffic (Driver Licensing and Vehicle Registration) Regulations 2021 , applicable to that type of vehicle under those regulations.

22.   Steering

(1)  A light motor vehicle must have a right-hand drive if it is –
(a) less than 30 years old; or
(b) required under a law of this jurisdiction to have a right-hand drive.
(2)  A light motor vehicle has a right-hand drive if the centre of at least one steering control of the vehicle is to the right of, or in line with, the centre of the vehicle.
(3)  In relation to a motor vehicle built before 1 January 2005, a component of the steering system of the vehicle that is essential for effective steering of the vehicle must be built to transmit energy by mechanical means only.
(4)  Failure of a non-mechanical component of the steering system must not prevent effective steering of the light motor vehicle.
(5)  This regulation does not apply to a light motor vehicle if it is built mainly for a purpose other than the transport of goods or people by road.
(6)  Subregulation (1) applies to a motor vehicle despite any requirements about the centre-line of the steering control in a third edition ADR.

23.   Turning ability

(1)  A light motor vehicle must be able to turn in a circle not more than 25 metres in diameter, measured by the outer edge of the tyre track at ground level.
(2)  The vehicle must be able to comply with subregulation (1) whether it turns to the left or to the right.

24.   Ability to travel backwards and forwards

A light motor vehicle with an unloaded mass of more than 450 kilograms must be able to be driven both backwards and forwards when the driver is in the normal driving position.

25.   Protrusions

(1)  An object fitted to a light vehicle must be designed, built, fitted to and maintained on the vehicle in a way that minimises the likelihood of injury to a person making contact with the vehicle.
(2)  Subregulation (1) does not apply to an object fitted to a light vehicle if –
(a) the vehicle was designed before 1965 and the object was part of the design of the vehicle; or
(b) the object was fitted to the vehicle before 1965 in accordance with the law of the place where the object was fitted.

26.   After-market accessories

(1)  This rule applies in relation to a thing that is attached to a vehicle if the thing (an after-market accessory) was not attached to the vehicle by the vehicle’s manufacturer.
(2)  The after-market accessory must be securely attached to the vehicle.
(3)  The after-market accessory and the means of its attachment to the vehicle must be maintained in a condition to ensure that the after-market accessory remains securely attached to the vehicle.
(4)  The means of attachment to the vehicle of the after-market accessory must be designed and built to withstand factors that are likely to degrade it.

Examples of factors:

Wind, rain, vibrations

27.   Driver's view and light vehicle controls

A light motor vehicle must be built –
(a) to allow the driver a view of the road and of traffic to the front and sides of the vehicle so the driver can drive the vehicle safely; and
(b) with its controls located so the driver can drive the vehicle safely.

28.   Seating

A seat for a driver or passenger in a light motor vehicle must be securely attached to the vehicle.

29.   Mudguards

(1)  A light vehicle must have a mudguard firmly fitted for each wheel or for adjacent wheels.
(2)  Subregulation (1) does not apply to a vehicle if –
(a) the construction or use of the vehicle makes the fitting of mudguards unnecessary or impracticable; or
(b) the body or part of the body of the vehicle acts as a mudguard.

Examples for subregulation(2)(a):

Most road-making plant, some agricultural equipment

(3)  A mudguard may be up to –
(a) 230 millimetres above ground level; or
(b) on a light vehicle built to be used off-road, 300 millimetres above ground level.
(4)  The outside of a rear mudguard, except a mudflap, of a light vehicle that can be seen from the rear of the vehicle must be coloured white or silver if the vehicle –
(a) is at least 2.2 metres wide; and
(b) has a body the vertical measurement of which is less than 300 millimetres at the rear, measured from the lowest point of the body above ground level to the highest point; and
(c) is not fitted with rear marking plates, or conspicuity markings, in accordance with regulation 103 .

30.   Prevention of dripping oil, &c.

A vehicle, including its fittings, must be built and maintained so as to prevent oil, grease, fuel, brake fluid or hydraulic system fluid from dripping onto the street surface from any part of the vehicle.

31.   Horns, alarms, &c.

(1)  A light motor vehicle must be fitted with at least one horn or other device that can give sufficient audible warning to other road users of the approach or position of the vehicle.
(2)  A light motor vehicle must not be fitted with a device that can make a sound like the sound of a siren, exhaust whistle, compression whistle or repeater horn.
(3)  Subregulation (2) does not apply to the following devices:
(a) a device fitted to an exempt vehicle;
(b) a device fitted to a vehicle that –
(i) is at least 25 years old; and
(ii) is fitted and modified to be –
(A) an emergency vehicle that is not a vehicle used by an electricity authority; or
(B) a police vehicle; and
(iii) is used for exhibition purposes only or as part of a collection of former emergency vehicles or police vehicles;
(c) a device that is an anti-theft device, if the device cannot be operated while the switch for the ignition of the vehicle is in the 'on' position;
(d) a device that emits a regular, intermittent sound while the vehicle is reversing or in reverse gear if the sound emitted by the device is not louder than is necessary to enable the driver, and persons near the vehicle, to hear the device when it is operating.
(4)  The provisions of the relevant ADR which corresponds to subregulation (2) apply to a vehicle as if those provisions of the ADR did not contain a reference to a bell.

32.   Rear vision mirrors

(1)  A rear vision mirror fitted to a vehicle as required by this rule must be fitted so that the vehicle’s driver in a normal driving position can clearly see by reflection the road behind the vehicle and any following or overtaking vehicle.
(2)  At least one rear vision mirror must be fitted to –
(a) a car; and
(b) a motor trike with 2 front wheels; and
(c) a motor bike, or motor trike with one front wheel, built before July 1975.
(3)  At least one rear vision mirror must be fitted to each side of –
(a) a light motor vehicle with a GVM more than 3.5 tonnes; and
(b) a motor bike, or motor trike with one front wheel, built after June 1975; and
(c) a light motor vehicle having any side or rear glazing of a luminous transmittance of less than 70%; and
(d) a light bus.
(4)  A light motor vehicle with a GVM not more than 3.5 tonnes, except a motor vehicle specified in subregulation (2) or (3) , must be fitted with –
(a) at least one rear vision mirror on the right side of the vehicle; and
(b) at least one rear vision mirror on the left side of the vehicle or inside the vehicle.
(5)  A rear vision mirror fitted to a motor vehicle with a GVM more than 3.5 tonnes must not project more than 150 millimetres beyond the overall width of the vehicle, measured in accordance with the prescribed dimension requirements applying to the vehicle under the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Operations) Regulations 2024 .
(6)  Despite subregulation (5) , the rear vision mirror may project up to 230 millimetres beyond the overall width of the vehicle if it can fold to project no more than 150 millimetres beyond that width as measured in accordance with that subregulation.
(7)  A light bus must be fitted with an interior mirror so that a driver of the bus, in the normal driving position, can clearly see by reflection the whole interior of the bus behind that driving position.

33.   Rear vision mirrors: surfaces

(1)  A rear vision mirror required to be fitted to the side of a light motor vehicle with a GVM more than 3.5 tonnes must have a reflecting surface of at least 150 square centimetres.
(2)  The reflecting surface of the rear vision mirrors that are required to be fitted to a motor bike or moped must –
(a) each be of the same curvature; and
(b) if convex, be part of a notional sphere with a radius of at least 1.2 metres.

34.   Additional rear vision mirrors

A light motor vehicle may be fitted with additional rear vision mirrors or mirror surfaces that are flat or convex or a combination of flat and convex surfaces.

35.   Automatic transmission

(1)  A light motor vehicle fitted with an automatic transmission must have an engine starter mechanism that cannot operate when the transmission control is in a position to drive the vehicle.
(2)  A light motor vehicle built after 1975 that is fitted with an automatic transmission must have an indicator in the driver's compartment showing the transmission control position.
(3)  Subregulations (1) and (2) do not apply to a light motor vehicle with fewer than 4 wheels.

36.   Diesel engines

A light motor vehicle propelled by a diesel engine must be fitted with a device preventing the engine from being started accidentally or inadvertently.

37.   Bonnet-securing devices

(1)  A light motor vehicle with a moveable body panel forward of the windscreen that covers an engine or luggage storage or battery compartment must have a device to secure the panel.
(2)  Despite subregulation (1) , if the panel opens from the front in a way that partly or completely obstructs the driver's forward view through the windscreen, the panel must have primary and secondary devices to secure the panel.

38.   Electrical wiring, components, connections and installations

(1)  The wiring of electrical equipment of a light vehicle, except the high tension ignition wiring, must –
(a) be supported at intervals of not more than 600 millimetres, unless the vehicle is a pole-type trailer with a pole with an adjustable length, or an extendible trailer; and
(b) be insulated at each of its joints; and
(c) be located where it cannot –
(i) become overheated; or
(ii) contact moving parts; or
(iii) come near enough to the fuel system to be a fire hazard; and
(d) be protected from chafing.
(2)  The electrical components of a light vehicle must be securely mounted.
(3)  The electrical connectors between light motor vehicles and light trailers, for the operation of the vehicle lights required by the Vehicle Standards, must comply with at least one of the following standards:
(a) Australian Standard AS 2513-1982 Electrical Connections for Trailer Vehicles;
(b) International Standards Organisation ISO 1185-1997;
(c) Society of Automotive Engineers SAE J 560-1998;
(d) Australian Standard AS 4735- 2003 Heavy road vehicles - Electrical connectors for articulated vehicles.
(4)  A light trailer must be equipped with an electrical conductor, independent of the trailer coupling, that provides a return path between the electrical circuits of the trailer and towing vehicle.
(5)  Wires carrying electrical current on a bus must be fitted so that any current first passes through a fuse box or circuit-breaker.
(6)  If the battery of the electrical system of a light bus is fitted in the interior of the bus, it must be so protected that fumes or acid cannot come into contact with passengers or goods.

39.   Television receivers and visual display units

(1)  A television receiver or visual display unit must not be installed in a light vehicle so that any part of the image on the screen is visible to the driver from the normal driving position.
(2)  Subregulation (1) does not apply to –
(a) a television receiver or visual display unit that cannot be operated when the light vehicle is moving; or
(b) a driver's aid in any vehicle or destination sign in a bus.

Examples of driver’s aids:

Closed-circuit television security cameras, dispatch systems, navigational or intelligent highway and vehicle system equipment, rearview screens, ticket-issuing machines, vehicle-monitoring devices

(3)  A television receiver, or visual display unit, and its associated equipment in a light vehicle must be securely mounted in a position that –
(a) does not obscure the driver's view of the road; and
(b) does not impede the movement of a person in the vehicle.

40.   Requirement for windscreen to be fitted

A light motor vehicle (other than a motor bike, motor trike or moped) must be fitted with a windscreen if it is manufactured or designed to have a windscreen.

41.   Windscreens and windows

(1)  In this regulation –
approved material means material with the same characteristics as material specified in any of the following standards:
(a) Australian Standard AS R1-1965 Safety Glass for Land Transport;
(b) Australian Standard AS R1-1968 Safety Glass for Land Transport;
(c) Australian Standard AS 2080-1977 Safety Glass for Vehicles;
(d) British Standard BS 857:1967 Specification for Safety Glass for Land Transport;
(e) British Standard BS 5282:1975 Specification for Road Vehicle Safety Glass;
(f) British Standard BS AU178:1980 Specification for Road Vehicle Safety Glass;
(g) Japanese Industrial Standard JIS R3211-1979 Safety Glasses for Road Vehicles;
(h) American National Standard ANSI Z26.1-1980 Safety Code for Safety Glazing Materials for Glazing Motor Vehicles Operating on Land Highway;
transparent material does not include any coating added to the windscreen, window or partition after its manufacture.
(2)  Transparent material used in a windscreen, window, or an interior partition, of a light motor vehicle must be of approved material if –
(a) the vehicle was built after June 1953; or
(b) the material was first fitted to the vehicle after June 1953.
(3)  A window on a bus must be –
(a) sound and properly fitted; and
(b) if movable, fitted with a suitable device for opening and closing.
(4)  Unless a bus is adequately ventilated by means of a fan-forced "jet air" or fan-forced air conditioning system, part of the glass in at least half of its window frames must be capable of being opened.
(5)  A bus must have ventilation additional to that provided by its windows.

42.   Window tinting

(1)  Glazing used in a windscreen of a light motor vehicle must have a luminous transmittance of at least 70%.
(2)  Windscreen glazing of a light motor vehicle must not be coated in a way that reduces its luminous transmittance.
(3)  Subregulations (1) and (2) do not apply to the greater of the following areas of a windscreen:
(a) the area above the highest point of the windscreen that is swept by a windscreen wiper;
(b) the upper 10% of the windscreen.
(4)  Glazing used in an interior partition or window of a light motor vehicle must have a luminous transmittance of at least 70%.
(5)  Glazing that –
(a) complies with subregulation (4); and
(b) is used in an interior partition or window, other than rear glazing, of a light motor vehicle –
may be coated to achieve a luminous transmittance of at least 35%.
(6)  If a light motor vehicle is fitted with at least one rear vision mirror on each side of the vehicle that complies with regulation 32(1) , the motor vehicle's rear glazing may be coated to achieve a luminous transmittance of at least 20%.
(7)  If a light motor vehicle complies with each of the following requirements, the motor vehicle's rear glazing may be coated to achieve a luminous transmittance of 0% or more:
(a) the motor vehicle is fitted with at least one rear vision mirror on each side of the vehicle;
(b) the motor vehicle is designed primarily for the carriage of goods;
(c) the motor vehicle has –
(i) at least 4 wheels; or
(ii) at least 3 wheels and a GVM more than one tonne.


ADR (Definitions and Vehicle Categories) provides for the vehicle category of goods vehicles.

(8)  The requirements for luminous transmittance contained in a second edition ADR or third edition ADR, that apply to glazing used in a window of a motor vehicle, do not apply to a window that is coated in accordance with subregulations (5) , (6) or (7) .
(9)  Glazing that has been coated to reduce its luminous transmittance must not have a reflectance of more than 10%.

43.   Windscreen wipers and washers

(1)  A light motor vehicle with 3 or more wheels that is fitted with a windscreen must be fitted with at least one windscreen wiper unless a driver in a normal driving position can obtain an adequate view of the road ahead of the motor vehicle without looking through the windscreen.
(2)  At least one windscreen wiper fitted to the light motor vehicle must –
(a) be able to remove moisture from the part of the windscreen in front of the driver to allow the driver an adequate view of the road ahead of the motor vehicle when the windscreen is wet; and
(b) be able to be operated from a normal driving position; and
(c) for a motor vehicle built after 1934, continue to operate until the wiper is switched off; and
(d) for a motor vehicle built after 1959 the driving position of which is nearer one side of the vehicle than the other –
(i) be able to remove moisture from the part of the windscreen in front of the driver, and a corresponding part of the windscreen on the other side of the centre of the motor vehicle, to allow the driver an adequate view of the road ahead of the motor vehicle when the windscreen is wet; and
(ii) if the windscreen wipers are operated by engine manifold vacuum, be provided with a vacuum reservoir or pump to maintain the efficient operation of the wiper or wipers while the vehicle is in motion.
(3)  The windscreen washer must be able to be operated from a normal driving position.

44.   Wheels and tyres: size and capacity

(1)  The wheels and tyres fitted to an axle of a light vehicle must be of sufficient size and capacity to carry the part of the vehicle's gross mass transmitted to the ground through the axle.
(2)  The size and capacity of a pneumatic tyre to be fitted to a light vehicle must be decided using a cold inflation pressure that is not more than the pressure recommended by the tyre manufacturer.


The maximum permissible tyre inflation pressures are prescribed in the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Operations) Regulations 2024 .

45.   Pneumatic tyres generally

A light vehicle built after 1932 must be fitted with pneumatic tyres.

46.   Pneumatic tyres: carcass construction

(1)  A light vehicle must not have pneumatic tyres of different carcass construction fitted to the same axle, but the tyres may have different cord materials and a different number of plies.
(2)  Subregulation (1) does not apply to a tyre being used in an emergency as a temporary replacement for a tyre complying with the subregulation.

47.   Tyres: defects

A tyre fitted to a light vehicle must be free of any apparent defect that could make the vehicle unsafe.

48.   Tyres: manufacturer's rating

(1)  This regulation applies to a light motor vehicle if it –
(a) has 4 or more wheels; and
(b) was built after 1972.
(2)  This regulation does not apply to a tyre if it –
(a) is recommended by the vehicle's builder as suitable for limited use on the vehicle in special circumstances at a speed less than the speed applying to the vehicle under subregulation (3) ; or
(b) is being used in an emergency as a temporary replacement for a tyre complying with this regulation.
(3)  A tyre fitted to a light motor vehicle must, when first manufactured, have been rated by the tyre manufacturer as suitable for road use at the lesser of –
(a) a speed of at least –
(i) for a car with special features for off-road use, 140 kilometres per hour; or
(ii) for another car, 180 kilometres per hour; or
(iii) for another motor vehicle, 120 kilometres per hour; and
(b) the vehicle's top speed.

Example for paragraph (a)(i):

a 4-wheel-drive vehicle

(4)  This regulation applies to a light motor vehicle instead of the tyre speed category requirements in the relevant ADR.

49.   Retreads

(1)  A tyre that was retreaded before the commencement of the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2001 must not be used on a light vehicle if –
(a) Australian Standard AS 1973-1976 Retreaded Pneumatic Passenger Car and Light Truck Tyre or Australian Standard AS 1973-1985 Retreaded Pneumatic Passenger and Light Truck Tyre applies to the tyre; and
(b) the tyre was retreaded after publication of the Australian Standard specified in paragraph (a) ; and
(c) the tyre was not retreaded in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1973-1976 Retreaded Pneumatic Passenger Car and Light Truck Tyre, Australian Standard AS 1973-1985 Retreaded Pneumatic Passenger and Light Truck Tyre or Australian Standard AS 1973-1993 Pneumatic Tyres - Passenger Car, Light Truck and Truck/Bus - Retreading and Repair Processes.
(2)  A tyre that was or is retreaded after the commencement of the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Standards) Regulations 2001 must not be used on a light vehicle if –
(a) Australian Standard AS 1973-1993 Pneumatic Tyres - Passenger Car, Light Truck and Truck/Bus - Retreading and Repair Processes applies to the tyre; and
(b) the tyre was not retreaded in accordance with the Australian Standard referred to in paragraph (a) .


The Australian Standards specified in this regulation require various markings on retreaded tyres. These may include a speed rating less than the rating originally marked on the tyre.

50.   Tyre tread

(1)  In this regulation –
principal grooves, in relation to a tyre, means wide grooves, other than secondary grooves –
(a) usually positioned in the central zone of the tyre tread but that may run across the tyre tread; and
(b) in which tread wear indicators are usually located;
secondary grooves in relation to a tyre, means shallow grooves in the tyre tread that may disappear during the life of the tyre through wear;
tread wear indicators in relation to a tyre, means projections within a groove of the tyre that indicate the degree of wear on the tyre’s tread.
(2)  A tyre on a light vehicle must not have cleats or other gripping devices that could damage road surfaces.
(3)  Except at tread wear indicators, a tyre fitted to a light vehicle must have a tread pattern at least 1.5 millimetres deep, in all principal grooves on the tyre, in a band that runs continuously –
(a) across the tyre width that normally comes into contact with the road; and
(b) around the whole circumference of the tyre.
(4)  A light vehicle must not be fitted with a tyre that has been treated by recutting or regrooving the tread rubber, unless the tyre was –
(a) constructed with an extra thickness of rubber designed for recutting or regrooving; and
(b) labelled to indicate the construction.
(5)  Subregulations (3) and (4) do not apply to a vehicle designed mainly for use in a specialised activity such as agriculture or road construction.

Examples for subregulation (5):

Multi-tyred rollers (self-propelled or towed), bitumen-laying machines, mowing equipment (self-propelled or towed)

Division 2 - Additional requirements for motor bikes

51.   Steering gear and handlebars

(1)  The handlebars on a motor bike, other than a motor bike in vehicle category LC or LD, must extend at least 250 millimetres, but not more than 450 millimetres, on each side of the centre-line of the motor bike.
(2)  The handlebars on a motor bike in vehicle category LC or LD must extend at least 250 millimetres, but not more than 550 millimetres, on each side of the centre-line of the vehicle.


The LC and LD vehicle categories are defined in ADR (Definitions and Vehicle Categories).

(3)  In taking a measurement for the purposes of subregulation (1) , mirrors and lights mounted on the handlebars of the motor bike are disregarded.
(4)  The lowest part of the hand grip on the handlebars must not be higher than –
(a) for a motor bike built before 1 July 1988, 380 millimetres above the attachment point of the handlebars to the motor bike; or
(b) for a motor bike built on or after 1 July 1988, 380 millimetres above the lowest part of the upper surface of the driver’s seat.
(5)  Hand grips on the handle bars must be fitted symmetrically.
(6)  If a motor bike has the head stem as the steering pivot point, the horizontal distance from the midpoint between the head stem bearings to the centre of the front wheel must not be more than 550 millimetres.

graphic image

52.   Foot rests

A motor bike must be fitted with foot rests for the driver, and for any passenger for whom a seating position is provided.

53.   Chain guards

(1)  If the engine power of a motor bike is transmitted to the rear wheel by a chain, the driver and any passenger must be protected from the front sprocket and at least the upper part of the chain by –
(a) the frame or equipment of the motor bike; or
(b) a chain guard.
(2)  A chain guard must cover the chain to a point –
(a) at least 300 millimetres to the rear of the rearmost foot rest; or
(b) above the centre of the rear drive sprocket.
PART 6 - Light Vehicle Marking

This part contains requirements for a vehicle that help to identify it and for markings that help to warn other motorists.

54.   Light vehicle and engine identification numbers

(1)  In this regulation –
number includes letter.
(2)  A light motor vehicle must have an individual engine identification number clearly stamped, embossed or otherwise permanently marked on it.
(3)  A light motor vehicle built after 1930 must have the engine identification number on its engine block or the main component of its engine.
(4)  A light vehicle must have an individual vehicle identification number clearly stamped, embossed or otherwise permanently marked on a substantial part of its frame or chassis.
(5)  A vehicle identification number or engine identification number, of a light vehicle, must be located where a person can read it easily without having to use tools to remove a part of the vehicle that would otherwise obstruct the person's view.

55.   White or silver band on certain light vehicles

(1)  This regulation applies to a light vehicle that –
(a) is at least 2.2 metres wide; and
(b) has a body with a vertical measurement less than 300 millimetres at the rear, measured from the lowest point of the body above ground level to the highest point; and
(c) is not fitted with rear marking plates, or conspicuity markings, in accordance with regulation 103 .
(2)  The light vehicle must have a white or silver band at least 75 millimetres high across the full width of the rearmost part of the body of the vehicle.
PART 7 - Light Vehicle Configuration

Note 1
:This Part sets out various requirements covering the axle configuration on vehicles and combinations of vehicles, so that they can be operated safely with other traffic and without damaging the road and structures on the road.

Note 2
:Specific requirements relating to vehicle dimensions and mass may be found in the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Operations) Regulations 2024 .

56.   Axle configuration

(1)  A light motor vehicle must have only –
(a) one axle group, or single axle, towards the front of the vehicle; and
(b) one axle group, or single axle, towards the rear of the vehicle.
(2)  A light trailer must have only –
(a) one axle group or single axle; or
(b) 2 axle groups, 2 single axles, or one axle group and single axle, in the following configuration:
(i) one axle group, or single axle, towards the front of the vehicle, with all the wheels on the axle group or single axle connected to the steering mechanism for that part of the trailer;
(ii) one axle group, or single axle, towards the rear of the vehicle.
(3)  A light semi-trailer that is extendible, or is fitted with sliding axles, must –
(a) have a securing device that –
(i) can securely fix the extendible part or sliding axles to the rest of the vehicle in any position of adjustment provided; and
(ii) is located in a position that can prevent accidental or inadvertent release, if the device is mounted on the chassis of the vehicle; and
(iii) is fitted with a visible or audible warning system to indicate to a person standing beside the vehicle that the device is not engaged; and
(iv) is fitted with a way of preventing loss of air from the air brake supply, if the device uses air from the brake system and fails in a way which allows air to escape; and
(v) is held in the applied position by direct mechanical action without the intervention of an electric, hydraulic or pneumatic device; and
(b) be built so that the adjustable parts of the vehicle remain connected if the securing device fails.
PART 8 - Lights and Reflectors

Note 1
: This Part deals with how the lights on a vehicle must be fitted and work so that the driver can see the road, pedestrians and other vehicles at night, and can signal to others.

Note 2
: Other laws provide for when certain lights must be switched on.

Note 3
: In this Part, the description "yellow" is used as a more modern term, instead of the description "amber" which is used in earlier legislation and some ADRs.
Division 1 - Light vehicles to which this Part does not apply

57.   Certain vehicles used in daylight

This Part does not apply to –
(a) a light vehicle built before 1931 that is used only in daylight; or
(b) a light vehicle that is –
(i) designed mainly for use in a specialised activity such as agriculture or road construction; and
(ii) built on a chassis of a type not normally used for building trucks; and
(iii) used only in daylight.

Example for paragraph (b):

Fork-lifts, tractors, graders and harvesters, towed equipment such as balers, brooms, mowers, ploughs, rakes and road-rollers.


The provisions of the Road Rules 2019 relating to driver obligations such as lighting and signalling continue to apply to a vehicle even if this Part does not apply to it. If, for example, a tractor driver is unable to give a hand signal of an intention to turn because the tractor is towing a grain trailer that obscures the view of following motorists, the grain trailer must be fitted with direction indicator lights in accordance with this Part.

58.   Certain light vehicles used for exhibition purposes

This Part does not apply to a light vehicle built before 1946 that is used mainly for exhibition purposes.
Division 2 - General requirements for lights

59.   Certain requirements apply only at night

The requirements of this Part for a light, except a brake or direction indicator light, to be visible over a stated distance apply only at night.

60.   Prevention of glare

A light, except a high-beam headlight, fitted to a light vehicle must be built and adjusted to provide the necessary amount of light, without dazzling the driver of another vehicle approaching, or being approached by, the vehicle.

61.   Pairs of lights

(1)  If lights are required under the Vehicle Standards to be fitted to a light vehicle in pairs –
(a) a light must be fitted on each side of the longitudinal axis of the vehicle; and
(b) the centre of each light in a pair must be the same distance from the longitudinal axis of the vehicle; and
(c) the centre of each light in a pair must be at the same height above ground level; and
(d) each light in a pair must project approximately the same amount of light of the same colour.
(2)  Subregulation (1) applies to a motor bike with an attached sidecar as if the sidecar were not attached.
Division 3 - Headlights

62.   Headlights to be fitted to light vehicles

(1)  A light motor vehicle must be fitted with –
(a) one low-beam headlight if it is a moped, motor bike or motor trike with one front wheel; or
(b) a pair of low-beam headlights if it has 4 or more wheels or is a motor trike, except a moped, with 2 front wheels.
(2)  If a light motor vehicle built after 1934 can travel at more than 60 kilometres per hour –
(a) each low-beam headlight specified in subregulation (1) must be able to work in the high-beam position; or
(b) the vehicle must be fitted with –
(i) one headlight that can work in the high-beam position if the vehicle is required to have one low-beam headlight; or
(ii) a pair of headlights that can work in the high-beam position.
(3)  A motor bike may be equipped with a headlight modulation system that –
(a) varies the brightness of its high-beam headlight or low-beam headlight, but not both, at a rate of at least 200 and at most 280 flashes per minute; and
(b) is designed to operate only in daylight.
(4)  Up to 4 additional headlights may be fitted to –
(a) a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels; or
(b) a motor bike or motor trike.
(5)  An additional headlight fitted to a vehicle under subregulation (4) must be fitted so that it faces forward and is symmetrical in relation to the centre-line of the vehicle.

63.   How headlights are to be fitted

(1)  The centres of low-beam headlights fitted as a pair on a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels must be at least 600 millimetres apart.
(2)  Subregulation (1) does not apply to a light motor vehicle built before 1970 if the centres of its low-beam headlights –
(a) were less than 600 millimetres apart when the vehicle was built; and
(b) are not nearer than they were when the vehicle was built.
(3)  Each low-beam headlight of a pair on a motor trike, except a moped, with 2 front wheels must not be more than 400 millimetres from the nearer side of the vehicle.
(4)  The centre of a low-beam headlight fitted to a light motor vehicle built after June 1953 must be –
(a) at least 500 millimetres above ground level; and
(b) not more than 1.4 metres above ground level.

64.   How single headlights are to be fitted

(1)  A motor bike or motor trike with a single headlight fitted must have the light fitted in the centre.
(2)  Subregulation (1) applies to a motor bike with an attached sidecar as if the sidecar were not attached.

65.   Performance of headlights

(1)  When on, a headlight, or additional headlight, fitted to a light motor vehicle must –
(a) show only white light; and
(b) project its main beam of light ahead of the vehicle.
(2)  Headlights must be fitted to a light motor vehicle so that their light does not reflect off the vehicle into the driver's eyes.

66.   Effective range of headlights

(1)  This regulation applies to a headlight that is on at night.
(2)  A low-beam headlight must illuminate the road ahead of a light motor vehicle for at least 25 metres.
(3)  A high-beam headlight must illuminate the road ahead of a light motor vehicle for at least 50 metres.
(4)  Despite subregulation (2) , a low-beam headlight fitted to a light motor vehicle built before 1931, or to a moped, need only illuminate the road ahead of the vehicle for 12 metres.

67.   Changing headlights from high-beam to low-beam position

(1)  A light motor vehicle built after 1934 that can travel at more than 60 kilometres per hour must be fitted with –
(a) a dipping device enabling the driver in the normal driving position –
(i) to change the headlights from the high-beam position to the low-beam position; or
(ii) simultaneously to switch off a high-beam headlight and switch on a low-beam headlight; and
(b) for a vehicle built after June 1953, a device to indicate to the driver that the headlights are in the high-beam position.
(2)  A headlight fitted to a light motor vehicle not fitted with a dipping device specified in subregulation (1)(a) must only operate in the low-beam position.
(3)  When a headlight fitted to a light motor vehicle is switched to the low-beam position, any other headlight on the vehicle must operate only in the low-beam position or be off.
Division 4 - Parking lights

68.   Parking lights

(1)  A light motor vehicle built after June 1953 must be fitted with –
(a) a pair of parking lights if it is a motor trike with 2 front wheels, except a moped, or a motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels; or
(b) at least one parking light if it is a motor bike with an attached sidecar, or a motor trike with one front wheel, except a moped.
(2)  A pair of parking lights fitted to a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels must be fitted with the centre of each light –
(a) at least 600 millimetres from the centre of the other light; and
(b) not more than 510 millimetres from the nearer side of the vehicle.
(3)  Despite subregulation (2) , a pair of parking lights fitted to a light motor vehicle less than 1.3 metres wide may be fitted with the centre of each light not less than 400 millimetres from the centre of the other light.
(4)  A parking light fitted to a motor trike with 2 front wheels must not be more than 400 millimetres from the nearer side of the vehicle.
(5)  A parking light fitted to a motor bike with a sidecar must be fitted not more than 150 millimetres from the side of the sidecar furthest from the motor bike.

graphic image

(6)  When on, a parking light must –
(a) show a white or yellow light visible 200 metres from the front of the light vehicle; and
(b) not use more than 7 watts power.
(7)  A parking light fitted to a light motor vehicle built after 1969 must be wired so the parking light is on when a headlight on the vehicle is on.
(8)  A parking light fitted to a sidecar attached to a motor bike must be wired to operate when a headlight, tail light or parking light on the motor bike is on.
Division 5 - Daytime running lights

69.   Daytime running lights

(1)  A pair of daytime running lights may be fitted to a light motor vehicle.
(2)  A pair of daytime running lights fitted to a light vehicle with 4 or more wheels must be fitted with the centre of each light –
(a) at least 600 millimetres from the centre of the other light; and
(b) not more than 510 millimetres from the nearer side of the vehicle.
(3)  Despite subregulation (2) , a pair of daytime running lights fitted to a light motor vehicle less than 1.3 metres wide may be fitted with the centre of each light not less than 400 millimetres from the centre of the other light.

graphic image

(4)  When on, a daytime running light must –
(a) show a white or yellow light visible from the front of the light vehicle; and
(b) not use more than 25 watts power.


Third edition ADRs only allow white daytime running lights.

(5)  Daytime running lights must be wired so that they are off when a headlight, except a headlight being used as a flashing signal, is on.
Division 6 - Tail lights

70.   Tail lights generally

(1)  A light vehicle must have at least one tail light fitted on or towards the rear of the vehicle.
(2)  A motor trike with 2 rear wheels, or a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels, built after 1959 must have at least one tail light fitted on or towards each side of the rear of the vehicle.
(3)  A light trailer built after June 1973 must have at least one tail light fitted on or towards each side of the rear of the vehicle.
(4)  The centre of a tail light specified in subregulation (1) , (2) or (3) must not be more than –
(a) 1.5 metres above ground level; or
(b) if it is not practicable to fit the light lower, 2.1 metres above ground level.
(5)  A light vehicle may have one or more additional tail lights at any height above ground level.

71.   Pattern of fitting tail lights

(1)  If only one tail light is fitted to a light vehicle, it must be fitted in the centre or to the right of the centre of the rear of the vehicle.
(2)  Subregulation (1) applies to a motor bike with an attached sidecar as if the sidecar were not attached.
(3)  If 2 or more tail lights are fitted to a light vehicle, at least 2 must be fitted as a pair.
(4)  Tail lights fitted in accordance with this Division may also serve as rear clearance lights if they are fitted to a light vehicle in accordance with regulation 77(3) .

72.   Performance of tail lights

(1)  When on, a tail light of a light vehicle must –
(a) show a red light visible 200 metres from the rear of the vehicle; and
(b) not use more than 7 watts power.
(2)  A tail light fitted to a street rod vehicle may incorporate a blue lens not more than 20 millimetres in diameter.

73.   Wiring of tail lights

A tail light of a light motor vehicle must be wired to come on, and stay on, when a parking light or headlight on the vehicle is on, unless an external switch is fitted to operate the tail light.
Division 7 - Number plate lights

74.   Number plate lights

(1)  At least one number plate light must be fitted to the rear of a light vehicle.
(2)  When on, the number plate light or lights must illuminate a number plate on the rear of the light vehicle with white light, so the characters on the number plate can be read at night 20 metres from the rear of the vehicle.
(3)  A number plate light –
(a) may be combined with another light; and
(b) must not project white light to the rear of the light vehicle except by reflection; and
(c) must not obscure the characters on the number plate; and
(d) must be wired to come on, and stay on, when a parking light, headlight or tail light on the light vehicle is on.
Division 8 - Clearance lights

75.   Front clearance lights

(1)  Front clearance lights may only be fitted to a light vehicle that is at least 1.8 metres wide.
(2)  A pair of front clearance lights must be fitted to a light motor vehicle that is at least 2.2 metres wide, or a light prime mover.
(3)  The centre of a front clearance light must be –
(a) not more than 400 millimetres from the nearer side of the light vehicle; and
(b) if the light vehicle was built after June 1953 –
(i) at least 750 millimetres higher than the centre of any low-beam headlight fitted to the vehicle; or
(ii) not lower than the top of the windscreen.
(4)  A front clearance light may be mounted on an external rear vision mirror or a mirror support if, when the mirror is correctly adjusted, no part of the lens of the clearance light is visible to a person in the normal driving position.
(5)  When on, a front clearance light must –
(a) show a yellow or white light visible 200 metres from the front of the light vehicle; and
(b) not use more than 7 watts power.

76.   External cabin lights

(1)  A light motor vehicle fitted with front clearance lights may also have additional forward-facing lights on or above the roof of its cabin.
(2)  The additional forward-facing lights must be spaced evenly between the front clearance lights, with their centres at least 120 millimetres apart.
(3)  When on, an additional forward-facing light must –
(a) show a yellow or white light; and
(b) not use more than 7 watts power.

77.   Rear clearance lights

(1)  Rear clearance lights may only be fitted to a light vehicle that is at least 1.8 metres wide.
(2)  A pair of rear clearance lights must be fitted to the rear of a light vehicle that is at least 2.2 metres wide.
(3)  The centre of a rear clearance light must be –
(a) not more than 400 millimetres from the nearer side of the light vehicle; and
(b) if practicable, at least 600 millimetres above ground level.
(4)  When on, a rear clearance light must –
(a) show a red light visible 200 metres from the rear of the light vehicle; and
(b) not use more than 7 watts power.
Division 9 - Side-marker lights

78.   Light vehicles needing side-marker lights

(1)  A pair of side-marker lights must be fitted towards the rear of the sides of a light motor vehicle that is more than 7.5 metres long and at least 2.2 metres wide.
(2)  A pole-type trailer, and a light motor vehicle built to tow a pole-type trailer, with at least one cross-bar or bolster must have a side-marker light fitted to each side of the cross-bar or bolster.
(3)  A pole-type trailer with 2 or more cross-bars or bolsters may also have a side-marker light fitted to each side of the front cross-bar or bolster.
(4)  At least 2 side-marker lights must be fitted to each side of –
(a) a light trailer, except a pole-type trailer, that is at least 2.2 metres wide and not more than 7.5 metres long; and
(b) a light semi-trailer that is not more than 7.5 metres long.
(5)  At least 3 side-marker lights must be fitted to each side of –
(a) a light trailer, except a pole-type trailer, that is at least 2.2 metres wide and more than 7.5 metres long; and
(b) a light semi-trailer that is more than 7.5 metres long.

79.   Location of side-marker lights

(1)  The centre of a side-marker light must not be more than 150 millimetres from the nearer side of the light vehicle.
(2)  A front side-marker light fitted to a light motor vehicle must be towards the front of the side of the vehicle with no part of the lens visible to the driver.
(3)  The centre of a front side-marker light fitted to a light trailer must be –
(a) within 300 millimetres of the front of the side of the trailer; or
(b) if the construction of the trailer makes it impracticable to comply with paragraph (a) , as near as practicable to the front of the side of the trailer.
(4)  The centre of a rear side-marker light fitted to a light vehicle must be –
(a) within 300 millimetres of the rear of the side of the vehicle; or
(b) if the construction of the vehicle makes it impracticable to comply with paragraph (a) , as near as practicable to the rear of the side of the vehicle.
(5)  Side-marker lights fitted to a light vehicle must, as far as practicable, be evenly spaced along the side of the vehicle.
(6)  Subregulations (2) , (3) , (4) and (5) do not apply to side-marker lights fitted to a cross-bar or bolster of a pole-type trailer.
(7)  Only the side-marker lights nearest to the rear need to be fitted, if complying with subregulations (3) and (4) would result in the front and rear side-marker lights being less than 2.5 metres apart.
(8)  A side-marker light fitted to a light vehicle must be fitted so that –
(a) its centre is not more than –
(i) 1.5 metres above ground level; or
(ii) if it is not practicable to fit it lower, 2.1 metres above ground level; and
(b) its centre is at least 600 millimetres above ground level; and
(c) it is, as far as practicable, in a row of side-marker lights along the side of the vehicle.
(9)  Subregulation (8)(a) does not apply to a side-marker light that is not required to be fitted to the light vehicle by regulation 78 .

80.   Performance of side-marker lights fitted to light vehicles

(1)  When on, a side-marker light fitted to a light vehicle must –
(a) show a light visible 200 metres from the vehicle; and
(b) not use more than 7 watts power.
(2)  When on, a side-marker light fitted to a light vehicle must show –
(a) to the front of the vehicle, a yellow light; and
(b) to the rear of the vehicle –
(i) if the light also operates as a rear light or reflector, a red light; and
(ii) in any other case, a red or yellow light.
(3)  Despite subregulation (2) , if a pole-type trailer with 2 or more cross-bars or bolsters has the side-marker lights permitted by regulation 79(3)
(a) the side-marker lights fitted to the front cross-bar or bolster may comply with subregulation (2)(a) only; and
(b) the side-marker lights fitted to the back cross-bar or bolster may comply with subregulation (2)(b) only.

81.   Side-marker lights and rear clearance lights

The side-marker light nearest to the rear of a light vehicle may also be a rear clearance light for the purposes of regulation 77 .
Division 10 - Brake lights

82.   Fitting brake lights

(1)  A brake light must be fitted to the rear of a light vehicle built after 1934.
(2)  A pair of brake lights must be fitted to the rear of –
(a) a light motor vehicle built after 1959 that has 4 or more wheels; and
(b) a motor trike built after 1959 that has 2 rear wheels; and
(c) a light trailer built after June 1973.
(3)  The centre of a brake light must be –
(a) at least 350 millimetres above ground level; and
(b) not more than –
(i) 1.5 metres above ground level; or
(ii) if it is not practicable to fit the light lower, 2.1 metres above ground level.
(4)  A light vehicle may be fitted with one or more additional brake lights.
(5)  The centre of an additional brake light must be at least 350 millimetres above ground level.
(6)  If only one brake light is fitted to a light vehicle, it must be fitted in the centre or to the right of the centre of the rear of the vehicle.
(7)  Subregulation (6) applies to a motor bike with an attached sidecar as if the sidecar were not attached.

graphic image

(8)  For this regulation, a light is taken to be a brake light if the light –
(a) is fitted to a vehicle that was built before 1 January 1973; and
(b) functions as a brake light and a direction indicator light.

83.   Performance and operation of brake lights

(1)  When on, a brake light must show a red light visible 30 metres from the rear of the light vehicle.
(2)  A brake light fitted to a street rod vehicle may incorporate a blue lens not more than 20 millimetres in diameter.
(3)  A brake light fitted to a light motor vehicle must come on, if it is not already on, when –
(a) for a vehicle with 4 or more wheels or built after 1974, a service brake is applied; or
(b) for another vehicle, the rear wheel brake is applied.
(4)  Subregulation (3) does not apply if the controls in the vehicle that start the engine are in a position that makes it impossible for the engine to operate.
(5)  A brake light on a light trailer must come on when –
(a) the brake light of the towing vehicle comes on; or
(b) a brake control on the towing vehicle, which independently activates the service brake on the trailer, is operated.
(6)  A brake light may be operated by an engine brake, retarder or similar device if the device does not interfere with the proper operation of the brake light.
Division 11 - Reversing lights

84.   Reversing lights

(1)  One or more reversing lights may be fitted to the rear of a light vehicle and on each side towards the rear of the light vehicle.
(2)  A reversing light must have its centre not more than 1.2 metres above ground level.
(3)  When on, a reversing light must show a white or yellow light to the rear or to the side and rear of the light vehicle.


Third edition ADRs only allow white reversing lights.

(4)  A reversing light fitted to a light motor vehicle must be wired so that it operates only when the vehicle is reversing or in reverse gear.
(5)  A reversing light fitted to a light trailer must be wired so that it operates only when a motor vehicle towing the trailer is reversing or in reverse gear.
(6)  A yellow reversing light may also operate as a direction indicator light.
Division 12 - Direction indicator lights

85.   Direction indicator lights on light motor vehicles

(1)  A light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels that was built after August 1966 must have –
(a) a pair of direction indicator lights fitted on, or towards, its front that face forwards; and
(b) a pair of direction indicator lights fitted on, or towards, its rear that face backwards.
(2)  A light motor vehicle with fewer than 4 wheels that was built after June 1975 must have –
(a) a pair of direction indicator lights fitted on, or towards, its front that face forwards; and
(b) a pair of direction indicator lights fitted on, or towards, its rear that face backwards.
(3)  A light motor vehicle that is not required to have direction indicator lights may have –
(a) one or more pairs of direction indicator lights that are visible from both the front and rear of the vehicle; or
(b) both –
(i) a pair of direction indicator lights fitted on, or towards, its front that face forwards; and
(ii) a pair of direction indicator lights fitted on, or towards, its rear that face backwards.

86.   Direction indicator lights on light trailers

(1)  A light trailer built after June 1973 must have a pair of direction indicator lights fitted on, or towards, its rear that face backwards.
(2)  A light trailer that is not required to have direction indicator lights may have one or more pairs of direction indicator lights fitted on, or towards, its rear that face backwards.

87.   Location of direction indicator lights

(1)  A pair of direction indicator lights fitted to a light vehicle must have the centre of each light at least –
(a) for a motor bike or the single-wheel end of a motor trike, 300 millimetres from the centre of the other light; and
(b) for lights fitted at the 2-wheel end of a motor trike, 600 millimetres from the centre of the other light, unless the centre of each direction indicator light is not more than 400 millimetres from the nearer side of the vehicle; and
(c) for another vehicle with a width of not more than 1.3 metres, 400 millimetres from the centre of the other light; and
(d) for another vehicle with a width of more than 1.3 metres, 600 millimetres from the centre of the other light.
(2)  The centre of each direction indicator light must be at least 350 millimetres above ground level.
(3)  The centre of each light in a pair of direction indicator lights required to be fitted to a light vehicle must not be more than –
(a) 1.5 metres above ground level; or
(b) if it is not practicable for the light to be fitted lower, 2.1 metres above ground level.

88.   Operation and visibility of direction indicator lights

(1)  A direction indicator light fitted to a light motor vehicle must –
(a) when operating, display regular flashes of light at a rate of not more than 120 flashes per minute, and –
(i) for a motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels, at least 60 flashes per minute; and
(ii) for another motor vehicle, at least 45 flashes per minute; and
(b) be able to be operated by a person in the normal driving position; and
(c) be wired to an audible or visible device in the vehicle that tells the driver that the direction indicator light is operating; and
(d) flash at the same time and rate as any other direction indicator lights fitted on the same side of the vehicle.
(2)  A direction indicator light fitted to a side of a light trailer must, when operating, flash at the same time and rate as the direction indicator light or lights fitted to the same side of the motor vehicle towing the trailer.
(3)  The flashes of light displayed by a direction indicator light must be –
(a) if the light faces forwards, white or yellow; and
(b) if the light faces backwards –
(i) yellow; or
(ii) for a light vehicle built before July 1973, yellow or red; and
(c) if the light faces out from the side of the light vehicle –
(i) white or yellow towards the front and side; and
(ii) for a vehicle built before July 1973, yellow or red towards the rear and side; and
(iii) for a vehicle built after June 1973, yellow towards the rear and side.


ADRs only allow yellow direction indicator lights.

(4)  If a light motor vehicle's direction indicator lights display only yellow light, the vehicle may be equipped to allow the lights to operate simultaneously on both sides of the vehicle, if a visible or audible signal tells the driver when the lights are operating simultaneously.
(5)  When on, a direction indicator light must be visible 30 metres from –
(a) if the light faces forwards, the front of the light vehicle; or
(b) if the light faces backwards, the rear of the light vehicle; or
(c) if the light faces out from the side of the light vehicle, that side of the vehicle.
(6)  When on, each direction indicator light in at least one pair of lights fitted on or towards the front of a light prime mover, or a light motor vehicle more than 7.5 metres long, must be visible at a point –
(a) 1.5 metres at right angles from the side of the vehicle where the light is fitted; and
(b) in line with the rear of the vehicle.
Division 13 - Fog lights

89.   Front fog lights

(1)  A pair of front fog lights may be fitted to a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels.
(2)  A pair of front fog lights, or a single front fog light, may be fitted to a motor bike or motor trike.
(3)  A pair of front fog lights fitted to a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels must have the centre of each light not more than 400 millimetres from the nearer side of the vehicle unless the centres of the lights are at least 600 millimetres apart.
(4)  If the top of the front fog light is higher than the top of any low-beam headlight on the light vehicle, the centre of the fog light must not be higher than the centre of the low-beam headlight.
(5)  A front fog light must –
(a) when on –
(i) project white or yellow light in front of the light vehicle; and
(ii) be a low-beam light; and
(b) be able to be operated independently of any headlight; and
(c) be fitted so the light from it does not reflect off the light vehicle into the driver's eyes.

90.   Rear fog lights

(1)  A light vehicle may have fitted to its rear –
(a) a pair of rear fog lights; or
(b) one rear fog light fitted on, or to the right, of the centre of the vehicle.
(2)  Subregulation (1)(b) applies to a motor bike with an attached sidecar as if the sidecar were not attached.
(3)  A rear fog light must –
(a) have its centre –
(i) not more than 1.5 metres above ground level; and
(ii) at least 100 millimetres from the centre of a brake light; and
(b) when on, project red light behind the light vehicle; and
(c) not use more than 27 watts power; and
(d) be wired to a visible device in the light vehicle that tells the driver that the rear fog light is operating.
Division 14 - Interior lights

91.   Interior lights

(1)  A light vehicle may be fitted with interior lights that illuminate any interior part of the vehicle.
(2)  A light bus must be fitted with interior lights for the convenience of the passengers.
Division 15 - Reflectors generally

92.   General requirements for reflectors

(1)  A reflector fitted to a light vehicle must show a red, yellow or white reflection of light when light is projected directly onto the reflector at night by a low-beam headlight that –
(a) is 45 metres from the reflector; and
(b) complies with the Vehicle Standards.
(2)  The reflection must be clearly visible from the position of the headlight.
Division 16 - Rear reflectors

93.   Rear reflectors

(1)  A light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels, and a light trailer, must have a rear-facing red reflector towards each side of its rear.
(2)  A motor bike, a sidecar attached to a motor bike, and a motor trike, must have a rear-facing red reflector.
(3)  The centre of each reflector must be –
(a) at the same height above ground level; and
(b) not more than 1.5 metres above ground level.
(4)  Subregulation (3) does not apply to a reflector fitted to a sidecar attached to a motor bike.
(5)  A reflector fitted to a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels, or a light trailer, must not be more than 400 millimetres from the nearer side of the vehicle.
(6)  A light vehicle fitted with rear-facing red reflectors in accordance with subregulation (1) or (2) may be fitted with additional red reflectors at any height above ground level or at any distance from the side of the vehicle.
Division 17 - Side reflectors

94.   Compulsory side reflectors on pole-type trailers

(1)  Yellow or red side-facing reflectors must be fitted to the pole of a pole-type trailer so that –
(a) one reflector is fitted to the middle third of the left and right faces of the pole; and
(b) the front reflector is not more than 3 metres from the front of the trailer; and
(c) the other reflectors are not more than 3 metres apart.
(2)  Additional side-facing reflectors may be fitted to a pole-type trailer in accordance with regulation 95 .

95.   Optional side reflectors

(1)  A light vehicle may be fitted with side-facing reflectors.
(2)  A side-facing reflector –
(a) towards the front of the light vehicle must be yellow or white; and
(b) towards the rear of the light vehicle must be yellow or red; and
(c) on the central part of the light vehicle must be yellow.
Division 18 - Front reflectors

96.   Compulsory front reflectors on particular trailers

(1)  A front-facing white or yellow reflector must be fitted towards each side of the front of –
(a) a semi-trailer, except a pole-type trailer; and
(b) the front cross-bar or bolster of a pole-type trailer; and
(c) a trailer that is at least 2.2 metres wide.
(2)  Each reflector must have its centre –
(a) at the same height above ground level; and
(b) not more than 1.5 metres above ground level; and
(c) not more than 400 millimetres from the nearer side of the light vehicle.
(3)  Additional front-facing reflectors may be fitted to a trailer specified in subregulation (1) in accordance with regulation 97 .

97.   Optional front reflectors

(1)  A light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels, or a light trailer, may have one or more front-facing white or yellow reflectors fitted towards each side of its front.
(2)  A light motor vehicle with fewer than 4 wheels may have one or more front-facing white or yellow reflectors.
(3)  The centre of at least one reflector on each side of the front of the light vehicle must be –
(a) at the same height above ground level as the centre of the other reflector; and
(b) the same distance from the longitudinal axis of the vehicle as the centre of the other reflector; and
(c) at least –
(i) for a vehicle with a width less than 1.3 metres, 400 millimetres from the centre of the other reflector; and
(ii) for another vehicle, 600 millimetres from the centre of the other reflector.
Division 19 - Warning lights and warning signs on buses carrying schoolchildren

98.   Requirement for warning lights and warning signs

Two warning lights and a warning sign must be fitted to the front and rear of a bus used for carrying schoolchildren unless the bus used for carrying schoolchildren is –
(a) operating wholly within an urban area specified in Schedule 1 ; or
(b) carrying schoolchildren on a school charter or school excursion; or
(c) operating a regular passenger service, within the meaning of the Passenger Transport Services Act 2011 , that is not provided primarily for the purpose of transporting children to or from school.

99.   Fitting of warning lights and warning signs

(1)  This regulation applies if a bus has been fitted with warning lights and a warning sign as required under regulation 98 .
(2)  The warning lights must be fitted –
(a) so that –
(i) a light is fitted on each side of the warning sign and each such light is the same distance from the centre of the warning sign; or
(ii) both lights are fitted above, or below, the warning sign and the centre point of an imaginary horizontal line drawn between the 2 lights is within 50 millimetres of the vertical axis of the warning sign; and
(b) with the edge of the warning sign –
(i) not more than 100 millimetres from the nearest point on the lens of the warning lights; or
(ii) if that is not practicable due to the design of the bus, not more than 300 millimetres from the nearest point on the lens of the warning lights; and
(c) with the distance between the warning lights at least 300 millimetres at the nearest point; and
(d) so that no part of the bus obstructs the light displayed –
(i) 30° to the left and right of the centre of each light; and
(ii) 10° above and below the centre of each light.
(3)  The warning lights may be on the warning sign if the words or image on the sign are not obscured.
(4)  Warning lights fitted on same end of the bus must be fitted at the same height and as high as practicable.
(5)  If the centres of the warning lights are less than 1.8 metres above ground level, no part of the warning lights or warning sign may be on the left side of the bus.
(6)  This regulation applies to a bus despite any requirement of a third edition ADR.
(7)  Subregulation (2)(b) does not apply if the warning lights fitted to the front of the bus are mounted higher than 1.8 metres above the ground level.

100.   Operation and performance of warning lights

(1)  This regulation applies if a bus has been fitted with warning lights as required under regulation 98 .
(2)  When operating, a warning light must display regular flashes of yellow light.
(3)  The warning lights at the same end of the bus must flash alternately at a rate of at least 90, and not more than 180, flashes per minute.
(4)  Unless the driver has turned the warning lights off, they must operate automatically when a door on the bus opens and for at least 10, and not more than 20, seconds after all the doors on the bus have closed.
(5)  The bus must have a visible or audible signal that tells the driver when the warning lights are operating.
(6)  The bus must be fitted with a switch that allows the driver to turn the warning lights off.
(7)  A warning light must have –
(a) an effective lit lens area of at least 60 square centimetres; and
(b) a luminous intensity, in candela, of at least the values specified in the following table when measured at the angles specified in the table:

Vertical angle from centre of light (degrees)

Horizontal angle from centre of light (degrees)

































1 000

1 250

1 500

1 250

1 000




















(8)  For subregulation (7)(b) , the luminous intensity of a light is to be measured in accordance with the test method specified in third edition ADR 6.

101.   Specifications for warning signs

(1)  This regulation applies if a bus has been fitted with a warning sign for the purposes of regulation 98 .
(2)  A warning sign on the front of a bus must display –
(a) an image of the 40km/h speed-limit sign as specified in Australian Standard AS 1743 Road Signs — Specifications (image R4-1(40)); or
(b) the word or words "SCHOOL" or "SCHOOL BUS" in capital letters at least 100 millimetres high; or
(c) if the warning sign is an electronic sign fitted on the front of the bus that is also used to display the location to which the bus is travelling, the word or words "SCHOOL" or "SCHOOL BUS" in capital letters at least 100 millimetres high while the warning lights fitted to the bus are flashing as required under regulation 100 .
(3)  A warning sign on the rear of a bus must display –
(a) an image of the 40km/h speed-limit sign as specified in Australian Standard AS 1743 Road Signs — Specifications (image R4-1(40)); and
(b) the words "WHEN LIGHTS FLASH".
(4)  The part of the warning sign referred to in subregulation (2)(a) and the part of the warning sign referred to in subregulation (3)(a) must –
(a) be square or rectangular; and
(b) be of the dimensional proportions specified in Australian Standard AS 1743 Road Signs — Specifications (image R4-1(40)) with the red circle having a diameter of at least –
(i) 200 millimetres, if the sign is on the front of the bus; or
(ii) 440 millimetres, if the sign is on the rear of the bus; and
(c) be coated with retroreflective material of class 1 or 2 that meets Australian Standard AS 1906:2007, Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes.
(5)  The part of the warning sign referred to in subregulation (3)(b) must –
(a) be written in 60 millimetre-high black lettering, using series D characters as specified in Australian Standard AS 1744-1975 Standard Alphabets for Road Signs, on a white background; and
(b) for the words "WHEN LIGHTS", use the maximum even space possible between the letters of each word over a distance of 450 millimetres with a minimum separation between the words of 60 millimetres; and
(c) for the word "FLASH", use the maximum even space possible between the letters over a distance of 450 millimetres; and
(d) comprise either –
(i) two separate signs with the words "WHEN LIGHTS" displayed on one sign 450 millimetres long and 70 millimetres high and the word "FLASH" displayed on another sign of the same size; or
(ii) one sign 900 millimetres long and 70 millimetres high.
(6)  Subregulation (5)(b) , (c) and (d) do not apply in respect of a warning sign fitted to a bus if –
(a) the bus is fitted with a warning sign that –
(i) displays the words "WHEN LIGHTS FLASH", using the maximum even spacing possible between the letters over a distance of 300 millimetres; and
(ii) is a single sign that is a minimum of 300 millimetres wide; and
(iii) is no less than 210 millimetres, and no more than 440 millimetres, high; and
(iv) displays each word on a separate line where each word is centred horizontally on the line; or
(b) the bus has a GVM that does not exceed 6 000 kilograms and is fitted with a warning sign that is made up of 3 separate signs –
(i) with each sign being at least 300 millimetres wide and 70 millimetres high; and
(ii) that display, when viewed together, the words "WHEN LIGHTS FLASH", using the maximum even spacing possible between the letters over a distance of 300 millimetres; and
(iii) that are aligned horizontally; and
(iv) that are vertically stacked without a space between each sign so as to read "WHEN LIGHTS FLASH".
(7)  The part of the warning sign referred to in subregulation (3)(b) must be placed –
(a) if any of the warning lights on the rear of the bus is mounted below the horizontal centre-line of the bus, immediately above the 40km/h speed-limit sign; or
(b) if the part of the warning sign comprises 2 signs in accordance with subregulation (5)(d)(i) , one on either side of the 40km/h speed-limit sign, aligned horizontally as close as possible with the top or bottom perimeter of the 40km/h speed-limit sign; or
(c) if the bus has a GVM not exceeding 6 000 kilograms and the part of the warning sign comprises 2 signs in accordance with subregulation (5)(d)(i) , so that both signs are fitted immediately above, below or to one side of the 40km/h speed-limit sign; or
(d) if the part of the warning sign complies with subregulation (5)(d)(ii) , immediately above or below the 40km/h speed-limit sign; or
(e) if the part of the warning sign complies with subregulation (6) , immediately to one side of the 40km/h speed-limit sign.
(8)  If, due to the design of the bus, the part of the warning sign referred to in subregulation (3)(b) is unable to be fitted within the immediate proximity of the 40km/h speed-limit sign as required in subregulation (7)(a) , (c) , (d) or (e) , that part of the warning sign is to be fitted within 150 millimetres of the 40km/h speed-limit sign in the location required in the relevant paragraph.
(9)  Any separate signs that make up the warning sign referred to in subregulation (3)(b) must be placed so as to read "WHEN LIGHTS FLASH".
Division 20 - Other lights, reflectors, rear marking plates or signals

102.   Additional lights and reflectors

(1)  In this regulation –
special-use vehicle means –
(a) a light vehicle built, fitted or used in hazardous situations on a public street; or
(b) a light vehicle or light combination that, because of its dimensions, is permitted to be driven or used on a public street only in accordance with a permit issued under the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Operations) Regulations 2024 ; or
(c) a light vehicle built or fitted to accompany a vehicle or combination specified in paragraph (b) ; or
(d) a light vehicle built, fitted or used as an escort for, or in support of the competitors in, a cycling or foot race or other sporting event making use of public streets.

Examples for paragraph (a):

Tow trucks and vehicle breakdown service vehicles, kerbside garbage and recycling collection vehicles, vehicles used to accompany livestock on a public street, vehicles used in road construction

(2)  In addition to the requirements of a third edition ADR –
(a) an exempt vehicle may be fitted with one or more additional flashing lights or reflectors of any colour; and
(b) an emergency vehicle may be fitted with one or more additional flashing red or white lights or reflectors; and
(c) a special-use vehicle may be fitted with one or more additional flashing yellow lights.
(3)  A light or reflector permitted under subregulation (2)(a) or (b) may show in any direction.
(4)  A light vehicle may not be fitted with any light or reflector not permitted under the Vehicle Standards unless that light or reflector is required or permitted by another law of this jurisdiction.
(5)  A vehicle, other than an exempt vehicle, an emergency vehicle, a special-use vehicle or a light vehicle subject to a relevant exemption issued under the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Operations) Regulations 2024 , must not be fitted with a light that flashes other than as required or permitted by a law of this jurisdiction.
(6)  A vehicle, other than an exempt vehicle, an emergency vehicle, a special-use vehicle or a light vehicle subject to a relevant exemption issued under the Vehicle and Traffic (Vehicle Operations) Regulations 2024 , must not be fitted with a light or reflector that –
(a) shows a light other than a red, yellow or white light; or
(b) shows a red light to the front; or
(c) shows a white light to the rear; or
(d) is shaped or located in a way that reduces the effectiveness of a light or reflector that is required to be fitted to the vehicle under the Vehicle Standards –
unless the fitting and operation of the light or reflector is required or permitted by the Vehicle Standards.

103.   Rear marking plates and conspicuity markings

Rear marking plates or conspicuity markings may be fitted to –
(a) a light motor vehicle; or
(b) a light trailer.


See also VSB 12 – National Code of Practice – Rear Marking Plates for requirements regarding 'Do not overtake turning vehicle' signs that may apply to a vehicle fitted with conspicuity markings.

104.   Signalling devices

(1)  This regulation applies to a light motor vehicle if –
(a) it is not fitted with –
(i) a brake light as specified in Division 10 ; or
(ii) a direction indicator light as specified in Division 12 ; or
(iii) either a brake light or a direction indicator light as so specified; and
(b) the construction of the vehicle prevents the driver from hand signalling an intention –
(i) to turn or move the vehicle to the right; or
(ii) to stop, or suddenly reduce the speed of, the vehicle.
(2)  A light motor vehicle specified in subregulation (1) must be fitted with a mechanical signalling device in accordance with regulation 105 or, if the vehicle is only lacking direction indicator lights, a pair of turn signals in accordance with regulation 106 .

105.   Mechanical signalling devices

(1)  A mechanical signalling device must –
(a) be fitted to the right side of the light vehicle; and
(b) be able to be operated by the driver from a normal driving position; and
(c) consist of a white or yellow representation of an open human hand at least 150 millimetres long; and
(d) be constructed so that the driver of the light vehicle can keep the device –
(i) in a neutral position so that it is unlikely that the driver of another vehicle or anyone else would regard it as a signal; and
(ii) in a horizontal position with the palm of the hand facing forwards and the fingers pointing out at a right angle to the vehicle to signal an intention to turn or move right; and
(iii) with the palm of the hand facing forwards and the fingers pointing upwards to signal an intention to stop or reduce speed suddenly.
(2)  When the mechanical signalling device is in a position specified in subregulation (1)(d)(ii) or (iii) , the complete hand must be clearly visible from both the front and the rear of the light vehicle, at a distance of 30 metres.

106.   Turn signals

A turn signal must –
(a) consist of a steady or flashing illuminated yellow sign at least 150 millimetres long and 25 millimetres wide that –
(i) when in operation, is kept horizontal; and
(ii) when not in operation, is kept in a position so that it is unlikely that the driver of another vehicle or anyone else would regard it as a signal; and
(b) be fitted to the side of the light motor vehicle at least 500 millimetres and not more than 2.1 metres above ground level, in a position so that the driver of the vehicle, from the normal driving position, can see whether the signal is in operation; and
(c) be able to be operated by the driver from the normal driving position; and
(d) when in operation, be visible from both the front and rear of the light motor vehicle at a distance of 30 metres.
PART 9 - Braking Systems

This Part sets out the braking system requirements for vehicles and combinations to ensure that they can be reliably slowed or stopped even if a part of a braking system fails, and to ensure that a vehicle or combination can be prevented from rolling away when parked.
Division 1 - Brake requirements for all light vehicles

107.   Parts of a braking system

A brake tube or hose fitted to a light vehicle must –
(a) be manufactured from a material appropriate to its intended use in the vehicle; and
(b) be long enough to allow for the full range of steering and suspension movements of the vehicle; and
(c) be fitted to prevent it being damaged during the operation of the vehicle by –
(i) a source of heat; or
(ii) any movement of the parts to which it is attached or near.

108.   Provision for wear

The braking system of a light vehicle must allow for adjustment to take account of normal wear.

109.   Supply of air or vacuum to brakes

(1)  In this regulation –
air brake compressor, of a vehicle, means a compressor for supplying air to the vehicle’s air brakes;
compressed air reserve, of a vehicle, means compressed air stored on the vehicle for supplying the vehicle’s braking system;
condensate drain valve means a device used to remove water from the compressed air reserve for a vehicle fitted with air brakes;
governor cut-out pressure, of a vehicle, means the air pressure at which the vehicle’s air brake compressor stops supplying air to the vehicle’s air brake reservoir;
spring brake means a brake using one or more springs to store the energy needed to operate the brake;
vacuum reserve, in relation to a vehicle, means air at a low pressure stored on the vehicle for supplying the vehicle’s braking system.
(2)  If air brakes are fitted to a vehicle –
(a) the vehicle’s air brake compressor must be able to build up air pressure to at least 80% of the vehicle’s governor cut-out pressure, in not more than 5 minutes after the compressed air reserve is fully used up; and
(b) there must be an automatic or manual condensate drain valve at the lowest point of each air brake reservoir in the vehicle’s braking system; and
(c) any spring brake fitted to the vehicle must not operate before the warning specified in regulation 116(3)(a) has been given.
(3)  If vacuum brakes are fitted to a vehicle, the vacuum supply must be able to build up vacuum –
(a) to the level when the warning signal specified in regulation 116(3)(a) no longer operates within 30 seconds after the vacuum reserve is fully used up; and
(b) to the normal working level within 60 seconds after the vacuum reserve is fully used up.

110.   Performance of braking systems

(1)  One sustained application of the brake of a light motor vehicle built after 1930, or a light combination that includes a light motor vehicle built after 1930, must be able to produce the performance specified in subregulations (2) , (3) , (4) , (5) , (6) and (7)
(a) when the vehicle or combination is on a dry, smooth, level road surface, free from loose material; and
(b) whether or not the vehicle or combination is loaded; and
(c) without part of the vehicle or combination moving outside a straight path –
(i) centred on the longitudinal axis of the vehicle or combination before the brake was applied; and
(ii) 3.7 metres wide.
(2)  The braking system of a light motor vehicle or light combination with a gross mass less than 2.5 tonnes must bring the vehicle or combination from a speed of 35 kilometres per hour to a stop within –
(a) 12.5 metres when the service brake is applied; and
(b) 30 metres when the emergency brake is applied.
(3)  The braking system of a light motor vehicle or light combination with a gross mass of at least 2.5 tonnes must bring the vehicle or combination from a speed of 35 kilometres per hour to a stop within –
(a) 16.5 metres when the service brake is applied; and
(b) 40.5 metres when the emergency brake is applied.
(4)  The braking system of a light motor vehicle or light combination with a gross mass less than 2.5 tonnes must decelerate the vehicle or combination, from any speed at which the vehicle or combination can travel, by an average of at least –
(a) 3.8 metres a second per second when the service brake is applied; and
(b) 1.6 metres a second per second when the emergency brake is applied.
(5)  The braking system of a light motor vehicle or light combination with a gross mass of at least 2.5 tonnes must decelerate the vehicle or combination, from any speed at which the vehicle or combination can travel, by an average of at least –
(a) 2.8 metres a second per second when the service brake is applied; and
(b) 1.1 metres a second per second when the emergency brake is applied.
(6)  The braking system of a light motor vehicle or light combination with a gross mass less than 2.5 tonnes must achieve a peak deceleration of the vehicle or combination, from any speed at which the vehicle or combination can travel, of at least –
(a) 5.8 metres a second per second when the service brake is applied; and
(b) 1.9 metres a second per second when the emergency brake is applied.
(7)  The braking system of a light motor vehicle or light combination with a gross mass of at least 2.5 tonnes must achieve a peak deceleration of the vehicle or combination, from any speed at which the vehicle or combination can travel, of at least –
(a) 4.4 metres a second per second when the service brake is applied; and
(b) 1.5 metres a second per second when the emergency brake is applied.
(8)  The parking brake of a light vehicle or light combination must be able to hold the vehicle or combination stationary on a 12% gradient –
(a) when the vehicle or combination is on a dry, smooth road surface, free from loose material; and
(b) whether or not the vehicle or combination is loaded.
Division 2 - Motor vehicle braking systems

111.   What braking system a light motor vehicle must have

(1)  In this regulation –
independent brake, for a vehicle, means a brake that is operated entirely separately from any other brake on the vehicle, except for any drum, disc or part, on which a shoe, band or friction pad makes contact, that is common to 2 or more brakes.
(2)  A light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels built, or used, mainly for transporting goods or people by road must be fitted with –
(a) a braking system that –
(i) consists of brakes fitted to all wheels of the vehicle; and
(ii) has at least 2 separate methods of activation, arranged so that effective braking remains on at least 2 wheels if one of those methods fails; or
(b) 2 independent brakes, each of which, when in operation, acts directly on at least half the number of wheels of the vehicle.
(3)  The braking system of a motor vehicle specified in subregulation (2) that was built after 1945 must have a service brake operating on all wheels that, when applied –
(a) acts directly on the wheels and not through the vehicle's transmission; or
(b) acts on a shaft between a differential of the vehicle and a wheel.
(4)  The braking system of a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels must have a parking brake that –
(a) is held in the applied position by direct mechanical action without the intervention of an electrical, hydraulic or pneumatic device; and
(b) is fitted with a locking device that can hold the brake in the applied position; and
(c) has its own separate control.
(5)  The parking brake may also be the emergency brake.
(6)  If 2 or more independent brakes are fitted to a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels, the brakes must be arranged so that brakes are applied to all the wheels on at least one axle of the vehicle when any brake is operated.
(7)  A motor bike or motor trike must be fitted with –
(a) 2 independent brakes; or
(b) a single brake that acts directly on all wheels of the vehicle and is arranged so that effective braking remains on at least one wheel if a part of the system fails.
(8)  Subregulation (7) applies to a motor bike with a sidecar attached as if the sidecar were not attached.
(9)  A motor trike must have a parking brake that is held in the applied position by mechanical means.

112.   Operation of brakes on light motor vehicles

The braking system on a light motor vehicle must be arranged to allow the driver of the motor vehicle to apply the brakes from a normal driving position.

113.   Air or vacuum brakes on light motor vehicles

(1)  If a light motor vehicle has air brakes, the braking system of the vehicle must include at least one air storage tank.
(2)  If a light motor vehicle has vacuum brakes, the braking system of the vehicle must include at least one vacuum storage tank.
(3)  An air storage tank or vacuum storage tank must be built so that the service brake can be applied to meet the performance standards of regulation 110 at least twice if the engine of the light vehicle stops or the source of air or vacuum fails.
(4)  An air storage system or vacuum storage system must –
(a) be built to give a visible or audible warning to the driver, while in a normal driving position, of a lack of air or vacuum that would prevent the service brake from being applied to meet the performance standards of regulation 110 at least twice; and
(b) be safeguarded by a check valve or other device against loss of air or vacuum if the supply fails or leaks.
(5)  Subregulation (4)(a) does not apply to a light vehicle that is fitted with an air- or vacuum-assisted braking system.
(6)  If air brakes or vacuum brakes are fitted to a light motor vehicle equipped to tow a trailer, the brakes of the vehicle must be able to stop the vehicle, at the performance standards for emergency brakes under regulation 110 , if the trailer breaks away.
Division 3 - Trailer braking system

114.   What brakes light trailers must have

(1)  A light trailer with a GTM of more than 750 kilograms must have brakes that operate on at least one wheel at each end of one or more axles of the trailer.
(2)  A light semi-trailer or converter dolly with a GTM of more than 2 tonnes must have brakes that operate on all its wheels.
(3)  Subregulations (1) and (2) do not apply to –
(a) a trailer with a GTM of 2 tonnes or less that was built before 1 July 1988; or
(b) a trailer designed mainly for use in a specialised activity such as agriculture or road construction and which is not designed or built to carry a load.

Examples for subregulation (3)(b):

Balers, brooms, mowers, ploughs, rakes and road-rollers

115.   Operation of brakes on light trailers

(1)  The braking system of a light trailer with a GTM of more than 2 tonnes must allow the driver of a light motor vehicle towing the trailer to operate the brakes from a normal driving position.
(2)  Subregulation (1) does not apply to a light trailer with a GTM of more than 2 tonnes built before 1 July 1991.
(3)  The brakes on a light trailer with a GTM of more than 2 tonnes must –
(a) operate automatically and quickly if the trailer breaks away from the towing vehicle; and
(b) remain in operation for at least 15 minutes after a break-away; and
(c) be able to hold the trailer on a 12% gradient while in operation after a break-away.

116.   Air or vacuum brakes on light trailers

(1)  If a light trailer has air brakes, its braking system must include at least one air storage tank.
(2)  If a light trailer has vacuum brakes, its braking system must include at least one vacuum storage tank.
(3)  An air storage system or vacuum storage system must –
(a) be built to give a visible or audible warning to the driver of the towing vehicle, while in a normal driving position, of a lack of air or vacuum that would prevent the brakes from meeting the performance standards of regulation 110 ; and
(b) be safeguarded by a check valve or other device against loss of air or vacuum if the supply fails or leaks.
(4)  This regulation does not apply to a light trailer with a GTM of 2 tonnes or less.
PART 10 - Control of Emissions

This Part sets out requirements to ensure that motor vehicles do not emit too much smoke or noise and that exhaust gases cannot enter the passenger compartment of a vehicle.
Division 1 - Crank case gases and exhaust emissions

117.   Crank case gases

(1)  This regulation applies to a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels that –
(a) is powered by a petrol engine; and
(b) was built after 1971.
(2)  The light motor vehicle must be built to prevent, or be fitted with equipment that prevents, crank case gases from escaping to the atmosphere.

118.   Visible emissions – light vehicles with internal combustion engines

(1)  This regulation applies to a light motor vehicle that –
(a) is propelled by an internal combustion engine; and
(b) was built after 1930.
(2)  A light motor vehicle must not emit visible emissions for a continuous period of at least 10 seconds.
(3)  This regulation does not apply to emissions that are visible only because of heat or the condensation of water vapour.

119.   Exhaust emissions – diesel-powered light vehicles

(1)  In this regulation –
oxides emission rate means the rate measured in grams of oxides of nitrogen emitted per kilometre travelled by a light vehicle per tonne of the test mass of that light vehicle;
particle emissions rate means the rate measured in grams of particles emitted per kilometre travelled by a light vehicle per tonne of the test mass of that light vehicle;
tare mass, of a vehicle, means the unladen mass of the vehicle, however described;
test mass of a vehicle, means –
(a) if the vehicle is a light prime mover, half the sum of its tare mass and its GCM; or
(b) for any other light motor vehicle, half the sum of its tare mass and its GVM.


The purpose of a test mass in relation to a vehicle is to apply a load to the dynamometer, while the vehicle is under test, to simulate half payload operation.

(2)  This regulation applies to a light motor vehicle that –
(a) is powered by a diesel engine; and
(b) meets the criteria for a passenger vehicle, including omnibuses and goods vehicles, as defined under the ADRs.
(3)  When a vehicle is tested in accordance with regulation 121 , the vehicle must comply with the following requirements:
(a) the vehicle must not emit oxides of nitrogen at an oxides emission rate greater than that stated for the vehicle according to its GVM rating and age in the following table:


GVM rating of vehicle

Oxides emission rate (g/km/t)


Vehicle manufactured in December 1995 or earlier

Vehicle manufactured in January 1996 or later


3.5 or less




More than 3.5



(b) the vehicle must not emit particles at a particle emissions rate greater than that stated for the vehicle according to its GVM rating and age in the following table:


GVM rating of vehicle

Particle emissions rate (g/km/t)


Vehicle manufactured in December 1995 or earlier

Vehicle manufactured in January 1996 or later


3.5 or less




More than 3.5



(c) the opacity of the exhaust gas emitted by the vehicle must not be greater than 25%, averaged over a test cycle of the vehicle performed in accordance with regulations 120 and 121 .
(4)  For subregulation (3) , a vehicle is taken to have been manufactured –
(a) if the vehicle is entered on the RAV, in the month stated on the RAV as its month of manufacture; or
(b) if the vehicle is not entered on the RAV, in the month shown on its identification plate as its month of manufacture.

120.   Requirements of DT 80 test cycle

(1)  The requirements stated in this regulation are the minimum standards for the dynamometer, emissions measure and data management systems necessary to enable the proper conduct of a test cycle (the DT 80 test cycle) of a vehicle.
(2)  The DT 80 test cycle must be conducted on a chassis dynamometer system that –
(a) can carry out a wide-open-throttle transient DT 80 test cycle, as described in regulation 121 , for the vehicle being tested; and
(b) provides for vehicle speed measurement and display, to an accuracy of ± 1% of actual speed; and
(c) provides internal steady state accuracy of ± 1% of calculated required tractive load over ambient temperatures of 2º-40ºC; and
(d) provides a T95 response time of 3 seconds or less; and
(e) provides inertial loading as required by the DT 80 test cycle procedure at speeds of >15 km/h; and
(f) compensates for aerodynamic drag, rolling resistance and other parasitic losses; and
(g) corrects for ambient temperature, humidity and air density; and
(h) provides torque measurement accuracy of better than 1% full scale; and
(i) keeps roller speed within ± 10 km/h through gear changes; and
(j) restricts overshoot upon initial acceleration of rollers from rest; and
(k) incorporates a driver control panel for remote operation of critical functions from the driver's seat, including controls for the start test and stop test; and
(l) incorporates an emergency system override function; and
(m) is able to communicate speed, load and status signals to enable the driver to undertake the test in accordance with the DT 80 test cycle procedure; and
(n) is integrated with the gas and particulate analysis system to initiate the start and finish of sampling and measurement, and generates emission results without the need for post-test processing.
(3)  The DT 80 test cycle must be conducted on an emissions measurement system that –
(a) is integrated with the dynamometer system specified in subregulation (2) ; and
(b) has a data averaging interval of one second for all equipment; and
(c) provides emissions data sampling output > or =5Hz; and
(d) measures oxides of nitrogen (from both a diluted and conditioned sample) with an accuracy of ± 30ppm over the range of 0-1 000ppm and ± 5% over the range 1 001-5 000ppm; and
(e) measures particulate matter (from a diluted sample) as TSP or PM 10 with an accuracy of ± 10% on a real-time continuous basis over a range of 0-1 000 mg/m3 actual exhaust concentration at a sample temperature of <51.7ºC; and
(f) measures opacity (from a raw exhaust sample) with an accuracy of ± 1% over a range of 0-100% opacity; and
(g) measures flow rate with an accuracy of ± 5%; and
(h) measures ambient temperature with an accuracy of ± 1ºC over a range of 0º-50ºC; and
(i) measures ambient humidity with an accuracy of ± 5% over a range of 0-100%; and
(j) compensates or corrects for ambient temperature and humidity; and
(k) compensates for exhaust gas transport times and delays; and
(l) provides for on-line calibration of the emissions measurement system; and
(m) provides an exhaust sample collection and conditioning system –
(i) that is optimised to accommodate the exhaust temperature and flow rate, and emission concentration, for the vehicle being tested; and
(ii) that provides adequate conditioning of the exhaust gas to eliminate water in the sample stream and reduce temperatures to enable PM to be sampled at <51.7ºC; and
(n) uses materials and equipment that are compatible with the exhaust from diesel-fuelled vehicles.
(4)  The DT 80 test cycle must be conducted on a data management system that –
(a) is integrated with the dynamometer system specified in subregulation (2) and the emissions measurement system specified in subregulation (3) ; and
(b) records the following items for each test:
(i) the date, time, location and operator;
(ii) the emissions analyser calibration data;
(iii) vehicle input data, including test mass tractive load corrections and identifying information;
(iv) dynamometer data (load, speed, distance) on a second-by-second basis;
(v) test data on a second-by-second basis from which a mass emission test result in g/km/t can be generated; and
(c) displays, stores and reports all data in the International System of Units; and
(d) provides a system for electronic backup of test data to local and remote media; and
(e) incorporates a quality control system that –
(i) ensures that calibrations are carried out in accordance with manufacturers' specifications; and
(ii) provides records consistent with normal audit requirements; and
(f) prints a test report containing at least the following items:
(i) the registered business name, ABN and address of the test facility;
(ii) the registration number, make, model, GVM rating and date of manufacture of the tested vehicle;
(iii) the date and location of the test;
(iv) the final calculated oxides of nitrogen and PM results in g/km/t;
(v) the final calculated opacity results in percentage;
(vi) a statement of pass or fail for each emission compared with the emissions limits stated in regulation 119 ;
(vii) the signature of the test facility operator confirming that the test was conducted in accordance with the test procedure specified in this regulation and regulation 121 .

121.   DT 80 test procedure

For the purposes of regulation 120 , the procedure for a DT 80 test cycle is as follows:



Secure the vehicle on the dynamometer


Set the dynamometer to simulate the correct load and inertia for the vehicle


Start sampling


Idle for 60 seconds


Accelerate rapidly to 80 km/h under simulated inertia, using wide open throttle, making gear changes as needed for smooth acceleration


Decelerate by removing all pressure from the accelerator pedal, disengaging the gears and gently applying brakes to bring the vehicle to a standstill


Idle for 10 seconds


Accelerate rapidly to 80 km/h under simulated inertia, using wide open throttle, making gear changes as needed for smooth acceleration


Decelerate by removing all pressure from the accelerator pedal, disengaging the gears and gently applying brakes to bring the vehicle to a standstill


Idle for 10 seconds


Accelerate rapidly to 80 km/h under simulated inertia, using wide open throttle, making gear changes as needed for smooth acceleration


Keep speed at 80 km/h for 60 seconds, then stop sampling and bring the vehicle to rest


Explanation of test procedure


This test has been designed to evaluate vehicle emissions during typical 'real-world' operating modes and conditions. There are 3 simple modes –


3 idle periods;


acceleration to 80 km/h 3 times;


keep speed at 80 km/h.


The graph below shows the modes of operation. The actual test will result in a graph that has more variation than the graph below, because of the need to change gears when accelerating. Modes B-D and E-G and H-I have no specific time interval. All the specified time periods have an error margin of ± one second.


The vehicle is accelerated rapidly to 80 km/h 3 times by applying wide open throttle.


The driver selects the most appropriate gear change points for the vehicle being tested to achieve the correct speed.


The vehicle's rolling resistance (based on tyre and bearing losses, frontal area and drag coefficient) must also be calculated and continuously factored into the dynamometer tractive effort calculations to ensure correct loading.


Empirical algorithms, based on the vehicle test mass, GVM or other known parameters, may be used to automatically calculate realistic coefficients for the variable.

graphic image

Division 2 - Exhaust systems

122.   Exhaust systems

(1)  In this regulation –
bus exhaust outlet means an outlet of an exhaust system fitted to a bus;
motor trike exhaust outlet means an outlet of an exhaust system fitted to a motor trike;
vertical exhaust system means an exhaust system that emits exhaust gases in an upwards direction above or near the top of a vehicle to which the exhaust system is fitted.
(2)  A motor trike exhaust outlet with a permanently enclosed body must –
(a) extend at least 40 millimetres beyond the outermost joint of the floorpan that is not continuously welded or permanently sealed; and
(b) not extend beyond the perimeter of the vehicle.
(3)  A motor trike exhaust outlet must discharge the main exhaust flow to the air –
(a) if the outlet is fitted to the side of the motor trike, to the right hand side of the motor trike and below the horizontal axis of the motor trike at an angle between 15 degrees and 45 degrees; or
(b) if the outlet is fitted to the rear of the motor trike, at an angle between 10 degrees above the horizontal axis of the motor trike and 45 degrees below that axis.
(4)  A bus exhaust outlet must be as near as practicable to the rear of the bus.
(5)  If the bus is not fitted with a vertical exhaust system, the bus exhaust outlet must not extend beyond the perimeter of the bus.
(6)  If the bus is fitted with a vertical exhaust system, the bus exhaust outlet must be located behind the rearmost part of the passenger compartment.
(7)  A bus exhaust outlet must discharge the main exhaust flow to the air –
(a) if the outlet is not part of a vertical exhaust system –
(i) towards the rear, or to the right, of the bus; and
(ii) horizontally or downwards at an angle of not more than 45 degrees below the horizontal axis; or
(b) if the outlet is part of a vertical exhaust system, vertically upwards or towards the rear of the bus at any angle above the horizontal axis.
Division 3 - Noise emissions
Subdivision 1 - General

123.   Measurement of stationary noise levels

(1)  In this regulation –
National Transport Commission means the National Transport Commission established by the National Transport Commission Act 2003 of the Commonwealth.
(2)  For this Division, the stationary noise level of a light motor vehicle is to be measured in accordance with the procedure set out for that type of motor vehicle in the report entitled the National Stationary Exhaust Noise Test Procedures for In-service Motor Vehicles, published by the National Transport Commission in September 2006, as in force from time to time.


National Stationary Exhaust Noise Test Procedures for In-service Motor Vehicles (ISBN: 1 921168 50 1) is available on the National Transport Commission's website at

124.   Meaning of certified to ADR 83/00

For this Division, a light motor vehicle is certified to ADR 83/00 if –
(a) approval was given, under section 10A of the MVSA, to place identification plates showing compliance with ADR 83/00 on that motor vehicle; or
(b) approval is given under item 4(2) or 6(2) of Schedule 3 to the Road Vehicle Standards (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Act 2018 of the Commonwealth; or
(c) the vehicle satisfied the requirements of an entry pathway under section 15(2) of the RVSA, including compliance with ADR 83/00, and the vehicle is entered on the RAV.

125.   Silencing device for exhaust systems

(1)  A light motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine must be fitted with a silencing device through which all the exhaust from the engine passes.
(2)  A silencing device, fitted to a vehicle as required under subregulation (1) , that is designed to be manipulated by the vehicle's operator, such as by means of in-vehicle controls, must be designed so that it can be tested with the device fully opened.
Subdivision 2 - Noise levels applying to light motor vehicles certified before application of ADR 83/00

126.   Application of Subdivision

This Subdivision applies to a light motor vehicle other than a light motor vehicle certified to ADR 83/00.

127.   Stationary noise levels: car-type vehicles and motor bikes and motor trikes

(1)  In this regulation –
car-type vehicle means –
(a) a car; or
(b) a utility truck, panel van or other light motor vehicle derived from a car design; or
(c) a light motor vehicle with 4 or more wheels that is built mainly to carry not more than 9 people including the driver.
(2)  The stationary noise level of a car-type vehicle, or motor bike or motor trike, must not exceed –
(a) for a car-type vehicle built after 1982, 90dB(A); or
(b) for another car-type vehicle, 96dB(A); or
(c) for a motor bike or motor trike built after February 1985, 94dB(A); or
(d) for another motor bike or motor trike, 100dB(A).

128.   Stationary noise levels: other light vehicles with spark ignition engines

(1)  This regulation applies to a light motor vehicle, other than a light motor vehicle to which regulation 127 applies, with a spark ignition engine.
(2)  The stationary noise level of the light motor vehicle must not exceed the noise level applying to the vehicle under the following table:



Exhaust height (mm)

When vehicle built

Noise level (dB(A))


< or = 3.5

< 1500

before July 1983



after June 1983



> 3.5

< 1500

before July 1983



after June 1983



< or = 3.5

> or = 1500

before July 1983



after June 1983



> 3.5

> or = 1500

before July 1983



after June 1983


129.   Stationary noise levels: other light motor vehicles with diesel engines

(1)  This regulation applies to a light motor vehicle, other than a motor vehicle to which regulation 127 applies, with a diesel engine.
(2)  The stationary noise level of the light motor vehicle must not exceed the noise level applying to the vehicle under the following table:



Exhaust height (mm)

When vehicle built

Noise level (dB(A))


< or = 3.5

< 1500

before July 1980



after June 1980 but before July 1983



after June 1983



> 3.5

< 1500

before July 1980



after June 1980 but before July 1983



after June 1983



< or = 3.5

> or = 1500

before July 1980



after June 1980 but before July 1983



after June 1983



> 3.5

> or = 1500

before July 1980



after June 1980 but before July 1983



after June 1983


Subdivision 3 - Noise levels applying to motor vehicles certified to ADR 83/00

130.   Stationary noise levels

The stationary noise level of a light motor vehicle that is certified to ADR 83/00 must not exceed, by more than 5dB(A), the noise level that is established for the vehicle when it is certified.
PART 11 - Alternative Fuel Systems

This Part sets out requirements to ensure that LPG (Liquified Petroleum Gas) and CNP (Compressed Natural Gas) fuel systems are safely installed in light motor vehicles. This Part also sets out requirements to ensure that an LPG-powered, hydrogen-powered or electric-powered vehicle can be identified by labels on the number plates of the vehicle.

131.   LPG-powered light vehicles

(1)  An LPG system installed in a motor vehicle, and the vehicle, must comply with all relevant requirements set out in the version of Australian Standard AS 1425 that was current at the time at which the system was installed in the vehicle.
(2)  A motor vehicle that has an LPG system installed must have fixed conspicuously to its front and rear number plates the labels required by the version of Australian Standard AS 1425 that was current at the time at which the system was installed in the vehicle.
(3)  If a motor vehicle had an LPG system installed before Australian Standard AS 1425 was first published, the vehicle must have fixed conspicuously to its front and rear number plates a label –
(a) that is made of durable material; and
(b) that is at least 25 millimetres wide and 25 millimetres high; and
(c) that is of a reflective red that conforms with either Australian Standard AS 1743 Road Signs or Australian Standard AS 1906.1:2007, Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes; and
(d) that states ‘LPGAS’ or ‘LPG’, or similar words or acronyms that have the same meaning, in capital letters at least 6 millimetres high.

132.   Vehicles powered by natural gas

A natural gas system installed in a motor vehicle, and the vehicle, must comply with all relevant requirements set out in the version of Australian Standard AS 2739 that was current at the time at which the system was installed in the vehicle.


Forms of natural gas include CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) and LNG (Liquified Natural Gas).

133.   Hydrogen-powered light vehicles

(1)  In this regulation –
hydrogen-powered vehicle means a vehicle that –
(a) is powered by a hydrogen fuel system; and
(b) has one or more hydrogen fuel containers fitted to the vehicle for the system.
(2)  A hydrogen-powered vehicle built after 1 January 2019, or a vehicle modified to be a hydrogen-powered vehicle after 1 January 2019, must have fixed conspicuously to its front and rear number plates –
(a) for a vehicle fitted with one hydrogen fuel container, a label that complies with subregulation (3) ; or
(b) for a vehicle fitted with 2 or more hydrogen fuel containers, 2 labels that comply with subregulation (3) .
(3)  For the purposes of subregulation (2) , a label complies with this subregulation if –
(a) it is affixed to a plate made of metal that is at least one millimetre thick; and
(b) the label, and the plate to which it is affixed, is a regular pentagonal shape:
(i) each side of which is 20 millimetres long; and
(ii) each interior angle of which is 108 degrees; and
(c) it has a yellow surface that complies with class 2 of Australian Standard AS 1906:2007, Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes; and
(d) it is marked ‘H’ in a black capital letter that is at least 10 millimetres high and has the orientation shown in the example; and
(e) it is fixed to the number plates so that the letter on the label is in an upright position; and
(f) it does not wholly or partly obscure any characters on the number plates.

Example of label for hydrogen-powered vehicle:

graphic image


The example of the label is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the label’s actual size, dimensions or colour.

134.   Electric-powered light vehicles

(1)  In this regulation –
electric-powered vehicle means a vehicle that is powered by one or more electric motors or traction motors that –
(a) are the only propulsion system for the vehicle; or
(b) are used in conjunction with another propulsion system for the vehicle.
(2)  An electric-powered vehicle that is built after 1 January 2019, or a vehicle modified to be an electric-powered vehicle after 1 January 2019, must have fixed conspicuously to its front and rear number plates a label that complies with subregulation (3) .
(3)  For the purposes of subregulation (2) , a label complies with this subregulation if –
(a) it is affixed to a plate made of metal that is at least one millimetre thick; and
(b) the label, and the plate to which it is affixed, is an equilateral triangular shape –
(i) each side of which is 30 millimetres in length; and
(ii) each interior angle of which is 60 degrees; and
(c) it has a blue surface that complies with class 2 of Australian Standard AS 1906:2007, Retroreflective materials and devices for road traffic control purposes; and
(d) it is marked ‘EV’ in white capital letters that are at least 8 millimetres high and have the orientation shown in the example; and
(e) it is fixed to the number plates so that the letters on the label are in an upright position; and
(f) it does not wholly or partly obscure any characters on the number plates.

Example of label for electric-powered vehicle:

graphic image


The example of the label is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent the label’s actual size, dimensions or colour.

(4)  However, this rule does not apply to a vehicle to which regulation 133 applies even if the vehicle is fitted with an electric motor or traction motor that is used in conjunction with a hydrogen fuel system for the propulsion of the vehicle.
PART 12 - Mechanical Connections Between Light Vehicles

This Part sets out various requirements to ensure that the couplings used when operating motor vehicles and trailers in combinations are strong enough to hold them together.

135.   General coupling requirements

(1)  A fifth-wheel coupling, the mating parts of a coupling, a kingpin or towbar must not be used in a light combination for a load more than the manufacturer's load rating.
(2)  A kingpin in a light combination must be used only with a fifth-wheel coupling that has a corresponding jaw size.


An adaptor must not be used to fit a kingpin to a fifth-wheel coupling.

(3)  The mating parts of a coupling used to connect a light semi-trailer to a towing vehicle must not allow the semi-trailer to roll to an extent that makes the towing vehicle unstable.

136.   Drawbar couplings

(1)  A coupling for attaching a light trailer to a towing vehicle must be built and fitted so that –
(a) the coupling is equipped with a positive locking mechanism; and
(b) the positive locking mechanism can be released regardless of the angle of the trailer to the towing vehicle.
(2)  If the light trailer in a combination –
(a) is a pig trailer; or
(b) is not fitted with breakaway brakes in accordance with regulation 115  –
it must be connected to the towing vehicle by at least one chain, cable or other flexible device, as well as the coupling required by subregulation (1) .
(3)  The connection referred to in subregulation (2) must be built and fitted so that –
(a) the light trailer is kept in tow if the coupling breaks or accidentally detaches; and
(b) normal angular movement of the coupling is permitted without unnecessary slack.
(4)  If practicable, the connection referred to in subregulation (2) must be built and fitted so that the drawbar of the light trailer is prevented from hitting the ground if the coupling accidentally detaches.
(5)  For the purposes of subregulations (3) and (4) , a connection between a light trailer and a towing vehicle includes anything which connects the light trailer and the towing vehicle.

Examples of things that may be included in a connection:

Chains, cables, a thing fixed to a trailer of a towing vehicle to which a chain is attached, shackles

PART 13 - Bus Construction and Fittings

Note 1
:This Part sets out various requirements relating to bus construction and fittings, so that they can be operated safely and without discomfort to drivers and passengers.

Note 2
:Some other requirements relating specifically to buses are contained in other provisions of these standards such as regulation 32(3) (rear vision mirrors), regulation 38(5) and (6) (electrical wiring, components, connections and installations) and regulation 41(3) , (4) and (5) (windscreens and windows).
Division 1 - General construction

137.   Floor, framework, panelling, &c.

(1)  The floor of a bus must be of sound construction and have a non-slip surface.
(2)  The framework of the roof and body of a bus must be constructed of –
(a) steel; or
(b) wood suitably strengthened with steel at all joints; or
(c) other material approved by the Registrar.
(3)  The panelling of the body of a bus must be –
(a) metal; or
(b) fibreglass; or
(c) other material approved by the Registrar.
(4)  The panelling of the roof of a bus must be waterproofed, and constructed of –
(a) metal; or
(b) fibreglass; or
(c) other material approved by the Registrar.
(5)  The interior of the body of a bus must be suitably lined.
(6)  All parts of a bus that are connected by nuts, bolts or studs and subject to vibration must be fastened by –
(a) locknuts; or
(b) castellated nuts effectively pinned with a split pin; or
(c) nuts with spring or locknut washers approved by the Registrar.

138.   Isolation of engine and fuel system, &c.

(1)  The fuel tank or fuel tank filler pipe of a bus must not be fitted within –
(a) the engine compartment of the bus; or
(b) any separate compartment provided for the driver; or
(c) the interior of the bus.
(2)  The fuel tank filler pipe of a bus –
(a) must be so arranged that no overflow or leakage of fuel can accumulate in or on the bus; and
(b) must not, except in the case of a small bus with a seating capacity of not more than 15 adults, including the driver, be fitted within 900 millimetres of an entrance or exit.
(3)  A bus must be fitted with adequate sealing or shielding so as to prevent heat from its motor, generator or exhaust pipe connections from –
(a) injuriously affecting the bus or any part of the bus; or
(b) causing discomfort to passengers.
(4)  The floor of a bus must be sealed so as to prevent fumes from the engine entering the interior of the bus.

139.   Miscellaneous safety requirements

(1)  In this regulation –
articulated bus means a bus with at least 2 rigid sections that allow passengers access between the sections and are connected to allow rotary movement between the sections.
(2)  A bus with a transmission incorporating any longitudinal drive shafts, couplings or intermediate shafts must be designed, built and maintained so that the front end of such a shaft or coupling is prevented from contacting the road in the event of it becoming detached from its normal position.
(3)  If a bus having a single rear axle is equipped to seat more than 15 persons, including the driver, but is not an articulated bus or all-wheel drive bus, it must be fitted with dual tyres.
(4)  A bus must be fitted with a fire extinguisher selected and located in accordance with Australian Standard AS 2444-1985 Portable Fire Extinguishers – Selection and Location.
Division 2 - Entry and exit

140.   Ordinary entrances and exits

In relation to ordinary entrances and exits, a bus must meet the following requirements:
(a) unless otherwise approved by the Registrar, there must be only one ordinary entrance on the left side of the bus;
(b) there must not be an entrance or exit on the right side, other than –
(i) an emergency exit required under regulation 141 ; or
(ii) the driver's door;
(c) the height of an entrance must not be less than the interior height of the vehicle;
(d) an entrance must not be less than 550 millimetres wide.

141.   Emergency exits

(1)  Subject to subregulations (2) and (3) , a bus must meet the following requirements in relation to emergency exits:
(a) an emergency exit accessible to passengers must be fitted –
(i) at the extreme rear of the bus; or
(ii) if the Registrar considers that requirement to be unreasonable for the particular bus, in the rear half of the roof of the passenger compartment;
(b) an emergency exit referred to in paragraph (a) must have an area of not less than –
(i) 5 200 square centimetres, in the case of a small bus; or
(ii) 7 000 square centimetres, in the case of a large bus;
(c) no dimension of an emergency exit referred to in paragraph (a) is to be less than 500 millimetres;
(d) if an emergency exit referred to in paragraph (a)(ii) is provided, an additional exit having an area of not less than 3 200 square centimetres and no dimension less than 500 millimetres must be provided on the right side of the vehicle in the rear half of the passenger compartment;
(e) a suitable means of immediately opening an emergency exit must be available to that exit at all times;
(f) except in the case of an emergency exit known as a "pushout" type, there must be a suitable opening and closing device on both the inside and outside of an emergency exit;
(g) an emergency exit must be kept clear of obstruction and be clearly indicated by the words "EMERGENCY EXIT" displayed both inside and outside the bus.
(2)  A bus is not required to be fitted with an emergency exit in accordance with subregulation (1) if it –
(a) is designed and constructed to seat not more than 12 adults including the driver; and
(b) is fitted with one or more doors on each side; and
(c) has an overall width of not more than 2 metres.
(3)  For this regulation, a hinged and latched door fitted to a small bus with a seating capacity of not more than 15 adults, including the driver, may be regarded as an emergency exit if it is capable of being opened outwards from inside the bus.

142.   Doors

A bus must not be fitted with –
(a) an interior door that separates the space normally used by passengers from the access doors or emergency exits; or
(b) an inward-opening door other than a door commonly known as a "jack-knife" or "glide-away" door which is so constructed that no part of it extends beyond the back of the lowest step of the entrance or exit where it is located.

143.   Steps

Each entrance to a bus must be securely fitted with steps that meet the following requirements:
(a) the height of the tread of the lowest step from the ground must not be more than 410 millimetres or less than 250 millimetres;
(b) the height of any step in relation to an adjacent step must not be more than 300 millimetres;
(c) the transverse depth of the tread of each step in a small bus must not be less than 180 millimetres;
(d) the transverse depth of the tread of each step in a large bus must not be less than 225 millimetres;
(e) the width of the tread of the lowest step must not be less than the width of the entrance;
(f) the width of each step, other than the lowest step, must not be less than 450 millimetres;
(g) each step must be fitted with skid-resistant tread;
(h) step treads and risers must be directly illuminated, except in the case of an external access step to a single row of seats for a small bus having a seating capacity of not more than 15 adults, including the driver.
Division 3 - Interior dimensions

144.   Interior height

The distance from the floor of a bus to the centre-line of its roof must not be less than –
(a) 1.2 metres in the case of a small bus with an aisle length not more than 2 metres; or
(b) 1.35 metres in the case of any other small bus; or
(c) 1.65 metres in the case of –
(i) each deck of a double-deck bus; or
(ii) a large bus that is not involved in frequent stops for the purpose of picking up or setting down passengers; or
(d) 1.8 metres in the case of a large bus that is involved in frequent stops for the purpose of picking up or setting down passengers.

145.   Aisle width

Unless otherwise approved by the Registrar –
(a) an aisle on a small bus must not be less than 300 millimetres wide; and
(b) an aisle on a large bus must not be less than 300 millimetres wide if the bus is used only to carry seated passengers, and not less than 380 millimetres wide in the case of any other large bus.
Division 4 - Passenger accommodation

146.   Passenger seating

In relation to passenger seating, a bus must meet the following requirements:
(a) each seat must be securely fastened to, or form part of, the body of the bus and be so constructed that reasonable comfort and adequate support is provided for passengers;
(b) a floor space of not less than 200 millimetres must be provided at the front of each seat measured from the vertical plane at the front extremity of the cushion;
(c) in the case of front-facing seats, the horizontal distance between the inside back of each seat and the back of the seat immediately in front must not be less than –
(i) 600 millimetres, in the case of a school bus; or
(ii) 660 millimetres, in the case of any other bus;
(d) the distance between the front of the seat backs of facing seats must not be less than 1.2 metres;
(e) the distance from the floor to the top of each cushion must not be more than 500 millimetres or less than –
(i) 380 millimetres in the case of a school bus; or
(ii) in the case of any other bus –
(A) 300 millimetres if the floor level is interrupted by a wheel housing, engine housing or similar protuberance; or
(B) 400 millimetres in the case of a large bus, and 380 millimetres in the case of a small bus, if the floor level is not interrupted by any protuberance;
(f) the distance from the top of the cushion to the top of the back of each seat must not be less than 380 millimetres;
(g) the distance from the top of the cushion to the bottom of the back of the seat must not be more than 75 millimetres;
(h) the space for each passenger, measured along the front of the seat, must not be less than –
(i) 275 millimetres, in the case of a school bus; and
(ii) 400 millimetres, in the case of any other bus;
(i) the distance from the front to the back of each seat cushion must not be less than 350 millimetres.

147.   Driver seating

The driver's seat on a bus must be –
(a) securely attached to the bus; and
(b) designed and fitted in such a way that the driver can be comfortable and have control of the bus.

148.   Safety and guard rails

(1)  A bus must be fitted with a suitable rail or partition in front of any seat located on the left side of the bus immediately behind a step so as to prevent persons from falling into a step well.
(2)  A large bus must, if the driving position is not otherwise separated from the passenger compartment, be fitted with a suitable guard rail or other structure so as to prevent passengers from –
(a) coming into contact with the driver or the controls; or
(b) obstructing the driver's view.
PART 14 - Other Matters

149.   Vehicle equipment

(1)  In this regulation –
eligible towing vehicle, for a trailer, means a towing vehicle that has equipment that is capable of being connected to the equipment fitted to the trailer.
(2)  A vehicle is taken to have equipment specified in the Vehicle Standards only if the equipment is –
(a) in working order; and
(b) if the equipment is fitted to a trailer that is being towed by an eligible towing vehicle and the equipment must be connected to the eligible towing vehicle to perform its intended function – connected to the eligible towing vehicle.

150.   Restored vehicles

(1)  In this regulation –
restored vehicle means a vehicle that is being, or has been, restored to its manufacturer's specifications, so far as it is practicable to meet the specifications.
(2)  For the Vehicle Standards, a restored vehicle is taken to have been built when it was originally built and not when it was restored.

151.   Retractable axles

(1)  In this regulation –
retractable axle means an axle with a means of adjustment enabling it to be raised or lowered relative to the other axles in the axle group.
(2)  For the Vehicle Standards, a retractable axle is taken to be an axle only when it is in the lowered position.

152.   Measurement of distance between parallel lines

For the Vehicle Standards, a distance between two parallel lines is measured at right angles between the lines.

153.   Interpretation of certain second edition ADRs

The words "left" and "right" in the following second edition ADRs have the opposite meaning in the application of the ADRs, in accordance with the Vehicle Standards, to a motor vehicle with a left-hand drive:
(a) ADR 8 Safety Glass;
(b) ADR 12 Glare Reduction in Field of View;
(c) ADR 14 Rear Vision Mirrors;
(d) ADR 16 Windscreen Wipers and Washers;
(e) ADRs 18 and 18A Location and Visibility of Instruments;
(f) ADRs 35 and 35A Commercial Vehicle Braking Systems.


The following table contains a list of some terms used in the third edition ADRs and the corresponding term used in the Vehicle Standards:


Third edition ADRs

Vehicle Standards


dipped-beam headlamp

low-beam (for a headlight)


front fog lamp

front fog light


rear fog lamp

rear fog light





main-beam headlamp

high-beam (for a headlight)


reversing lamp

reversing light


direction indicator lamp

direction indicator light


stop lamp

brake light


rear registration plate lamp

number plate light


front position (side) lamp

parking light


rear position (side) lamp

tail light


end-outline marker lamp

front or rear clearance light


external cabin lamp

external cabin light


internal lamp

interior light


side marker lamp

side-marker light


daytime running lamp

daytime running light


rear reflex reflector, non-triangular

rear reflector


front reflex reflector, non-triangular

front reflector


side reflex reflector, non-triangular

side reflector

SCHEDULE 1 - Urban Areas

Regulation 98

1.   Burnie urban area
The Burnie urban area is that area contained within the imaginary boundary defined by an imaginary line joining the geographical locations on the public streets listed below.

Public Street

Geographical location


Bass Highway

Intersection with Besser Crescent


West Mooreville Road

Intersection with East Cam Road


Mooreville Road

Intersection with Three Mile Line Road


Mount Road

Intersection with Old Surrey Road


Stowport Road

Intersection with Bass Highway


Bass Highway

Intersection with Clarke Street

2.   Devonport urban area
The Devonport urban area is that area contained within the imaginary boundary defined by an imaginary line joining the geographical locations on the public streets listed below.

Public Street

Geographical location


Bass Highway

Intersection with Waverley Road


Forth Road

Intersection with Bass Highway


Tugrah Road

Intersection with Powells Creek


Sheffield Road

Intersection with Clayton Drive


Mersey Main Road

Intersection with Cornicks Road


River Road

Intersection with Oakwood Drive


Bass Highway

Intersection with Port Sorell Main Road


Brooke Street

Intersection with Pardoe Road

3.   Hobart urban area
The Hobart urban area is that area contained within the imaginary boundary defined by an imaginary line joining the geographical locations on the public streets listed below.

Public Street

Geographical location


Midland Highway

Intersection with Ford Road


Broadmarsh Road

Intersection with Midland Highway


Boyer Road

Intersection with Midland Highway


Lyell Highway

Intersection with Midland Highway


Berriedale Road

Intersection with Allunga Road


Huon Road

Intersection with Summerleas Road


Southern Outlet

Intersection with Summerleas Road


Channel Highway

Intersection with Howden Road


South Arm Road

Intersection with Acton Road


Tasman Highway

Intersection with Belbins Road


Grass Tree Hill Road

Intersection with Sugarloaf Road


Baskerville Road

Intersection with East Derwent Highway


Old Beach Road

Intersection with Plymouth Road


Cove Hill Road

Intersection with Cove Bridge (Jordan River)


Tea Tree Road

Intersection with Briggs Road

4.   Launceston urban area
The Launceston urban area is that area contained within the imaginary boundary defined by an imaginary line joining the geographical locations on the public streets listed below.

Public Street

Geographical location


East Tamar Highway

Intersection with George Town Road


West Tamar Highway

Intersection with Cormiston Road


Cormiston Road

Intersection with West Tamar Highway


Ecclestone Road

Intersection with Rowsphorn Road


New Ecclestone Road

Intersection with Ecclestone Road


Reatta Road

Intersection with Lake Trevallyn Road


Bass Highway

Intersection with Westbury Road


Midland Highway

Intersection with Evandale Road


Relbia Road

Intersection with Glenwood Road


St Leonards Road

Intersection with Kings Lane


Tasman Highway

Intersection with Abels Hill Road


Lilydale Road

Intersection with Russells Plains Road

Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953.

Notified in the Gazette on 21 June 2024

These regulations are administered in the Department of State Growth.