General Fire Amendment Regulations 2024

Tasmanian Crest
General Fire Amendment Regulations 2024

I, the Governor in and over the State of Tasmania and its Dependencies in the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Executive Council, make the following regulations under section 133 of the Fire Service Act 1979 .

20 June 2024



By Her Excellency's Command,


Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management

1.   Short title

These regulations may be cited as the General Fire Amendment Regulations 2024 .

2.   Commencement

These regulations take effect on the day on which their making is notified in the Gazette.

3.   Principal Regulations

In these regulations, the General Fire Regulations 2021 are referred to as the Principal Regulations.


The amendments effected by this regulation have been incorporated into the authorised version of the General Fire Regulations 2021 .


The amendment effected by this regulation has been incorporated into the authorised version of the General Fire Regulations 2021 .


The amendment effected by this regulation has been incorporated into the authorised version of the General Fire Regulations 2021 .

Displayed and numbered in accordance with the Rules Publication Act 1953.

Notified in the Gazette on 26 June 2024

These regulations are administered in the Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management.